18 Uncomfortable Truths Men Are Terrified to Confess to Women Due to Fear of Clashes

Men are conditioned to tell a woman want they want to hear. However, most of the time, it’s just to massage the feminine ego or avoid an argument.

Honesty is the foundation of a great relationship, so there are things that women need to hear (as painful and confronting as it may be). That doesn’t mean that everything a girl is longing to hear has to be contentious. Yet, it can be hard for some men to utter words that touch the heart of a female.

To help increase healthy communication within your relationship, here are 18 things women need to hear during their life.

Keep It Simple

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“You’re loved”

If you have watched “Ghost”, Sam would always say “Ditto” whenever Molly told him “I love you”. It wasn’t until Sam had passed away that he uttered the words Molly longed to hear “I love you”. Please, don’t wait until it’s too late to let your woman know how much you care for her.

Uh-Oh, I Made a Boo-Boo

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“Sometimes we screw up, we’re only human. Also, sometimes we really struggle to figure out what’s wrong or how we screwed up.”

Tell the woman in your life what she did wrong. It’s not a time for you to gloat about your perfectionism, as you have also made mistakes. Use compassion and empathy as you guide the one you love.

How About This Ring?

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“Diamonds are a huge scam and a waste of money, and expecting your man to drop tens of thousands of dollars on an engagement and/or wedding ring EACH is vain and selfish.”

Girls can go all gaga when they see a huge diamond ring on another female’s finger. Yet, think how the guy feels who has to fork over the cash to pay for it. Sure, your man loves you but let’s stop being so materialistic.

Tell Me Straight

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“Just say what you mean, and mean what you say. Not everything needs to be a game. Stop overcomplicating and reading into everything.”

It’s frustrating when a guy has to carefully make his way through a verbal minefield. Keep your communication simple and straightforward.

It’s Not Going to Happen

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“The dude that cheated on you earlier this year isn’t going to “wake up” and change tomorrow”

Why do you feel the need to play the role of rescuer? Some people just aren’t willing or ready to change no matter how much you want it to happen. Move on and enjoy your life.

It’s Time to Go…

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“​​Why is it that we’ve been ready to go for an hour and a half now”

Perhaps females need to add on an extra two hours before the leaving time. Men can just chuck on some clothes as fast as Superman.

Don’t Be Mean

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“Being emotional isn’t an excuse to be mean towards me.”

Your emotions may be running unchecked but that doesn’t give you the right to take it out on those around you. Take time to learn Emotional Intelligence.

I Am Right

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“Just because you feel an emotion strongly does not mean you are right.”

Take time to stop and really think about how “right” you are. Most of the time, it’s simply a defense mechanism because you don’t want to look stupid and admit you’re wrong.

This Is My Time

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“My free time is not by default ‘my partner’s time.”

Sure, you want to spend time with your man. That’s understandable because you love him so much. But, if he wants to chill out by himself for a while, that isn’t a sign he has dropped interest in you. It’s a chance for him to relax and destress.

Are You Saying I’m Fat?

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“Yes, you put on weight. No, I really don’t care. You still look good to me. But, yes you put on weight.”

If your man says you have gained weight, it’s an honest observation.

Stop Comparing

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“I am not your ex; I am not your father.”

We are all unique individuals. Sure, there may be some common traits/characteristics, but that doesn’t make your man the person you are comparing them to. Also, stop and wonder if it’s you that is attracted to a certain type of guy.

I Can’t Be Bothered

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“Playing hard to get wastes both our time. Most of the time, the guy will just move on.”

Some guys may like to chase girls, yet usually, a guy will just give up. If you are told that the guy isn’t interested in chasing you, don’t get upset. Take it as a chance to do some self-reflection on why you feel the need to string guys along.

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself

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“Sometimes, if my girlfriend says something demeaning about herself, I tell her to shut up because I don’t like people saying bad things about my girlfriend, and she smiles. Helps break her out of negative mindsets with a lot of love and a dash of comedy.”

You can be our own harshest critic.

I’m Not Validating That

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“Sometimes you ask my opinion on a topic when you’re asking me to validate your opinion. Knowing the difference is important to avoid an argument.”

Don’t ask your guy to tell you what you WANT to hear.

A Dose of Reality

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“That, yes, your behind does look big in those pants.”

Ouch, the truth can hurt.

Time for a Plumber

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“It’s your hair clogging the drains.”

Yep, that’s why the water constantly bubbles up through the plugholes.

Show Me the Money

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“​​Bragging about how much men will give you or how much you can get out of them isn’t a good look.”

Get ready to be labeled “Gold digger.”

Ugh, Look at Him

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“Just because I’m ugly doesn’t mean I’m a creep. Too many women have insulted me by talking to their friends. Most of the time loud enough that I can hear it. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. We have feelings too.”

Some guys may not be gifted with the looks of Adonis, yet that doesn’t give you the right to belittle them in public. Physically less attractive people may have a gorgeous soul that makes them beautiful.

Truth Hurts

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How many of the above comments cut you to the core? It’s a good chance to stop and do some introspection about yourself and the relationships around you. Please don’t let self-condemnation spring up if some of the above reflect you. Take it as an amazing opportunity to grow and transform yourself.

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