18 Qualities Women Say Distinguish Exceptional Men from the Masses

Hey fellas, are you ready for an inside scoop? According to some real, live women we’ve spoken to, we’ve got 19 things that can make you pop in the crowd. Remember, this doesn’t mean every woman will fall head over heels for these, but they’re a good start. So, if you want to become the center of attention, these are some traits and actions you might want to pay attention to.

The Pull of The Patience

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Patience is a virtue, right? Women seem to think so. A man who can remain calm in the face of frustration, who can take the time to listen, to understand, and to respond thoughtfully – that’s a man who stands out from the crowd. Not just that, but patience communicates respect, which women value more than you might think. So, next time you’re feeling impatient, remember: deep breaths, relax, and let your patient nature shine through.

A Smirk to Remember

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A good smirk has a compelling mystery, making you an enigma women want to decode. Now, this isn’t an invitation to start smirking like a villain in a superhero movie. It’s more about having a playful, teasing edge to your smile. So, practice in the mirror until you’ve nailed that irresistible, boyish smirk that women can’t ignore.

The Charm of Big, Unapologetic Hats

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This one might surprise you, but a big, unapologetic hat can catch a woman’s eye. Whether a cowboy hat or a swanky fedora, a bold headpiece conveys that you’re confident and comfortable with who you are. Plus, it adds a layer of mystery that makes you irresistibly intriguing. Just make sure it matches your outfit, okay?

The Art of Respectful Flirting

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Flirting is a delicate dance, and knowing the right moves is crucial. Good flirting is about making the other person feel good about themselves, showing genuine interest, and injecting a bit of playful teasing. It’s not about cheesy pickup lines or unwelcome advances. Remember, it’s about respect, not just charm. So, practice your moves and win her heart with your suave, respectful flirting.

Unleashing The Confidence, Not Arrogance

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Confidence is sexy; arrogance is not. Women appreciate a self-assured man who knows what he wants and goes after it. But there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance. Crossing it can turn you from charming to obnoxious real quick. So, keep that chin up, but remember to stay humble. After all, no one likes a show-off.

Being a Nerd Can Be Cool

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For all the nerdy guys out there, good news! Being passionate about what you love, even if it’s “nerdy,” is attractive to many women. Whether it’s comic books, Star Wars, or quantum physics, your enthusiasm makes you interesting and attractive. So, don’t be afraid to let your nerd flag fly. You might just find a woman who loves the same things.

Winning Hearts With Kindness

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Kindness, whether to a waiter or a puppy, never goes unnoticed. Showing genuine kindness and interest in others’ opinions, thoughts, and interests shows you’re compassionate and empathetic – traits that women find extremely attractive. So, lend a helping hand, lend an ear, and let your kindness do the talking.

The Captivating Eyes

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They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and many women find deep brown eyes particularly captivating. These women see a depth, warmth, and sense of mystery in brown eyes that they can’t resist. So, if you’ve got brown eyes, you’re in luck! If not, don’t worry – it’s all about how you look at her.

The Art of Graceful Conversation

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Women appreciate a man who can discuss different topics without turning it into an argument. If you can handle a heated discussion with grace and respect, it shows emotional maturity and respect – traits that are highly appealing to women. So, keep cool, respect her viewpoint, and let your conversational skills shine.

A Whiff of After-Shaving Magic

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The right after-shave can do more than just make you smell good. It can make you memorable. A scent that complements your natural aroma can make women take notice and, more importantly, remember you. So, invest in a good after-shave that suits you and watch as heads turn your way.

Showing Love and Kindness Towards Animals

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A man who’s kind and loving towards animals shows that he’s caring, compassionate, and capable of unconditional love – all of which are major points in the attractiveness department. So, if you have a pet, don’t shy away from showing your softer side. If not, being kind to animals you meet can make a difference.

The Beauty of Strong Forearms

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Ladies appreciate a man who can roll up his sleeves and get to work; strong forearms are often a symbol of that. It’s not about being the strongest man in the room but about showing you’re not afraid of a little hard work. Plus, they’re just nice to look at.

The Gentle Art of Manners

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Remember when your mom told you to mind your manners? She was onto something. Politeness is attractive, showing respect and consideration for others. Whether you’re saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ or holding the door for someone, your manners could make you more attractive.

Showing Comfort With Kids

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Being good with kids shows a nurturing, caring side that many women find endearing. It shows you’re capable of taking responsibility and have a soft spot – both traits that can melt women’s hearts. So, don’t shy away from babysitting duty; it could be your secret weapon.

The Charisma of Emotional Sensitivity

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A man who’s not afraid to show his feelings, who’s kind and emotionally sensitive, is a man many women find irresistible. It shows you’re secure in yourself and understand and respect feelings – yours and others. So, let down those walls and let your sensitive side show.

The Magic of Hands

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Believe it or not, women notice hands. A pair of well-kept, nice hands suggests you take care of yourself and value cleanliness. Plus, they’re often seen as a sign of strength and capability. So, take care of your hands, guys. They’re more important than you might think.

The Power of Unpretentious Intelligence

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The ability to explain something without sounding like a know-it-all is a trait women appreciate. It shows you’re smart but humble and value knowledge, but you don’t use it to belittle others. So, next time you share your wisdom, remember: it’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it.

The Pull of a Confident Explainer

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It’s not just about being smart; it’s about sharing your knowledge without sounding like you’re better than everyone else. The ability to explain complex ideas in a simple, understandable way is a skill women value. It shows respect for their intelligence and a desire to share rather than show off. So, next time you’re explaining something, make it simple, clear, and interesting.

10 Unexpected Desires of Men That Will Surely Raise Women’s Eyebrows

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Certain things can make eyebrows rise and curiosity pique. When it comes to men’s desires, there are often hidden gems that may surprise and intrigue women. These desires can range from the unconventional to the unexpected, shedding light on the diverse range of interests that captivate the male psyche.

10 Unexpected Desires of Men That Will Surely Raise Women’s Eyebrows

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