18 Relationship Destroyers that Guarantee the Dreaded “Ick” Effect

There’s a phenomenon known as the “Ick,” an unexplainable feeling of sudden repulsion that can strike even the most seemingly blissful unions. In this eye-opening article, we look at 18 things that have the potential to swiftly kill a relationship, leaving partners grappling with disappointment and uncertainty.


The Interrupting Critic

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“Talking about our interests, and after I listened to him blab about his ”lawn-scaping business,” I went to talk about my interests, and he interrupted me to say ”wow, you really have nothing interesting to say, do you.””

Imagine you’re on a date, listening patiently to someone talk about their love for landscaping. You wait for your turn to share, and when you do, they interrupt you with a rude comment. That’s just what happened here! It’s a quick lesson about respect and its importance in a relationship.

The Dangerous Driver

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“He was driving me home, and I’d gotten a really scary vibe from him. He kept talking about killing himself or crashing the car…”

It shouldn’t be scary. This person was alarmed by their date’s talk about harming themselves while driving. Switching the topic to pets seemed a safe choice, but even that didn’t work. 

The Revenge Plotter

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“The amount of time he spent plotting revenge, usually against his parents or ex-wife, should’ve been spent introspectively and on getting his life back on track…”

Here’s a tale of someone focused on all the wrong things. Instead of improving his life, he was plotting revenge against people in his past. When he took it a step further and started using drugs, it was clear this relationship couldn’t continue.

The Overbearing Date

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“Grabbed me by the face on the first date, “stroked” under my eyes and said, “You need to take better care of yourself”…”

First dates are about getting to know each other, not giving unsolicited advice. This date crossed a line by physically touching this person’s face and making insensitive comments. It’s an example of why it’s so important to respect personal boundaries.

The Constant Blamer

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“Literally every single problem she had was someone else’s fault…”

This story features someone who just couldn’t take responsibility for their own actions. Even when evidence pointed at her being at fault in a car accident, she still tried to blame others. This kind of behavior can make a relationship difficult.

The Stinky Car Guy

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“Had a guy once whose car smelled so bad I had to try not to throw up…”

An easy car ride turned into a stomach-churning experience. A forgotten double cheeseburger was left in the car for over two weeks. The car’s owner didn’t notice the smell!

The Bully

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“He bullied someone in front of me. Instant disgust.”

It’s always disappointing to see someone being mean to others. This person felt an immediate “ick” when they saw their date bullying someone. It’s a clear sign that this person wasn’t kind or considerate.

The Overly-Dependent Neighbor

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“Found out the reason he rented the house next door to his parents was so his mom would make his meals, wash his clothes, etc…”

Independence is a key part of adulthood. But this person discovered their love interest was a bit too dependent on his parents, even going so far as to live next door for convenience. This was a big turn-off and a sign of potential issues.

The Arrogant One

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“She constantly thought everyone, even strangers, wanted to be with her all the time.”

Confidence is attractive, but arrogance? This person was turned off by a date who believed everyone was interested in her. It’s a reminder that humility is an important trait.

The Fake Friend

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“She was “best friends” with another girl who she constantly spoke ill of when said friend wasn’t around.”

Friendship is built on trust, and this story reveals a person who didn’t respect that. Speaking poorly about a supposed “best friend” showed a lack of loyalty and kindness, leading to an instant loss of attraction.

The Imaginary Friend Maker

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“In college, I was seeing a girl who lived in student residence with me…She said she only talked to him because he’s harmless and that they’re friends… There was no guy named Tom on her floor…”

Trust is crucial in any relationship, and this person’s trust was shattered when they discovered their date had created an imaginary friend to manipulate situations. This was a clear “ick” moment, leading to an immediate end to their relationship.

The Unsettling Homebody

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“First red flag, he wanted me to drive because he had an interlock. Second, he talked about biting the ear off his ex’s new boyfriend. Third was the jugs of urine scattered in his living room…”

This story is filled with red flags culminating in a rather unsettling image. It highlights the importance of noting early warning signs that could indicate potential issues.

The Obsessive Exchanger

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“My brief GF bought me some hair care products… That night I found her looking through my trash for the receipt for the groceries to ensure that the 30 dollars she spent on me were equal to the amount I spent on her dinner.”

This is a story about an unhealthy obsession with equal exchange. While keeping things fair in a relationship is great, obsessing over every dollar can create unnecessary tension and mistrust.

The Social Media Paranoiac

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“Dated a guy who seemed chill but kept talking about social media and how people/exes were scheming against him…”

When the online world negatively impacts the real world, it’s a problem. This person’s date was so obsessed with perceived slights on social media that he began to believe in conspiracies that didn’t exist.

The Extravagant Vacation Planner

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“My ex always wanted to make Airbnb getaways, but she would always suggest places that are literally mansions, and she expected me to pay for it myself…”

Everyone loves a good vacation, but this story highlights the importance of financial compatibility in a relationship. Unrealistic expectations can lead to disagreements and resentment.

The Assumer

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“Making assumptions about me on the first day, “I suppose someone like you…” or “A girl like you wouldn’t understand…” I am literally right here; ask me…”

Here’s a lesson about making assumptions. This person’s date made several about her, which showed a lack of respect and interest in truly getting to know her.

The Constant Comedian

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“At first, I was interested in her because she seemed cool and funny, but then it became apparent that literally, everything out of her mouth was “le cool and funny…”

Humor is great, but timing is everything. This person found that their date’s constant joking made it difficult to connect on a deeper level, turning what was once attractive into an “ick” factor.

The Unusual Requester

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“He asked me if I could avoid showers before we met. I can avoid you – that’s what I can do!”

Everyone has their quirks, but this one was too much! A shower is a daily routine for most, and asking someone to skip it for a date is just…odd. It’s a funny reminder of how diverse personal preferences can be.

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Image Credit: DepositPhotos.

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Image Credit: MM_photos / Shutterstock.com

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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