“They Came With Love in Their Hearts and It Was a Beautiful Day”: Trump on January 6th Rioters Who He Promises To Pardon When Elected

Vanity Fair recently issued a report discussing how falsehoods that would typically ruin a politician’s chance of success seem to have the opposite effect on Trump and boost his voter base and popularity.

Strike me Down, and I will only become more Powerful 

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Like Obi wan Kenobi, it seems that striking Trump down only makes him more powerful.

Court Cases Have Opposite Effect of what would be Expected

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The same could perhaps be said for court cases. Trump has repeatedly set the narrative that there is a global conspiracy against him involving all of the world’s mainstream news media and parties such as the Democrats are often claimed to be secretly behind all these court proceedings, somehow pulling the strings from the shadows.

While this may not necessarily be accurate, it certainly makes for an interesting story. The problem with the modern era of reporting through social media is that while true, the facts themselves tend to be slightly more boring than the salacious gossip, and the dull, uninteresting but otherwise true stories get pushed to the bottom of the pile while all the juicy conspiracy tales get all the hits.

Who is that Organized, though?

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The problem with most of the conspiracy theories of shady groups pulling the strings is that it overestimates how organized and secretive large groups from different nations can really be. Experience would tell us that most government bodies can’t even get the trains to run on time, so imagining they could conduct a seamless conspiracy with all other countries in the world, working together and not telling anybody is probably over-exaggerating their capability.

At some stage, they would either mess it up or brag about their involvement with somebody who spilled the beans. 

What can Ron DeSantis do?

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“In order to draw these supporters back to Earth One, DeSantis would have to challenge the fundamental tenet of Trumpism, which is that Trump’s untruths trump all actual truths. One might be able to puncture a lie, but Trump supporters aren’t going to love you for it. If anything, they’ll be enraged.” – Molly Jong-Fast Vanity Fair

Jang-Fast says, “Trump’s untruths act as a barrier, a protective wall around him. So perhaps when Trump says that he’s built the wall, this is what he means.”

Hiding in a Conspiracy Bunker 

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Certainly, an interesting idea put forward by the writer at Vanity Fair who is suggesting that with this network of potentially fabricated stories put together by Trump, he has, in a way, bunkered himself in – sealed in a protective igloo of false narratives.

Truth is Less Juicy

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By breaking all that down and coming up with some bland version of events of how there was no conspiracy and Hilary Clinton didn’t actually do anything wrong, it is not really going to play that well for DeSantis or any upcoming opponent from the Republican side trying to win the nomination.

It’s a similar situation with the court cases that seem to embolden Trump’s support base rather than put people off. Whether it’s harassment, vote rigging, or falsifying documents, according to the campaign propaganda, these are just instruments in the fake witch hunt as he would describe it.

Those guys are so corrupt they will probably find me guilty of fraud

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It seems that part of the Trump strategy is similar to saying – these cops are so corrupt I bet they charge me for armed robbery any second, then going and robbing a bank and saying look, I told you so, when getting arrested.

Trump will lay the groundwork. For example, if expecting to lose an election might state that the Democrats are going to cheat and steal votes, so he’ll probably lose. Then when the election is lost or the court case happens, it reinforces his version of reality.

Entrenched and Polarized

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Part of the issue, and perhaps the reason why political propaganda with questionable evidence is so prevalent and readily accepted, is the polarized nature of the debate. People who support either party do not want to admit that they were wrong all this time, so it is preferable to double down and stick with your own camp. 

The unfortunate effect of this is that neither side really takes on board what the others are saying, whether rightly or wrongly, and political debate becomes more of an us vs them point-scoring situation rather than a useful collaboration of ideas.

Presidential Responsibility

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While it is all well and good for an internet personality or entertainer to come up with some fantastic stories for our amusement and exercise their right to free speech when you are president of a country, that comes with a certain level of responsibility to keep your citizens safe from harm caused by stories you perhaps made up yourself.

One area where Trump perhaps fell short during his presidency was the ability to become non-partisan as a president, view all Americans as his citizens, and feel a duty of protection for them.

Trump will Pardon January 6th Rioters.

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In the recent CNN Town Hall speech from Trump, an audience member asked if he would pardon those who committed crimes associated with the January 6th riots if he got into power. 

Trump said he would probably pardon most of them, although he would have to examine each case. He added that they were there with “love in their hearts” and that it was “a beautiful day.”

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“Jesus Was a Socialist”: Christianity in Crisis as Conservatives Finally Realize Jesus Was Woke

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“So He’s Bisexual?”: Barack Obama’s Admission of Gay Fantasies Takes Internet by Storm

Editorial credit: Grindstone Media Group / Shutterstock.

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“Definitive Proof Reverse Racism Exists”: Starbucks Fired a Manager for Being White and Now They Have to Pay Her $28.3 Million

Editorial credit: Papin Lab / Shutterstock.com.

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“Definitive Proof Reverse Racism Exists”: Starbucks Fired a Manager for Being White and Now They Have to Pay Her $28.3 Million

21 Things Forbidden by the Bible (But You Might Already Be Doing Them!)


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As we navigate the present day, it’s fascinating to discover age-old Biblical rules that might feel out of place today. From clean-shaven debates to the great pork dilemma, let’s dive into these intriguing prohibitions. Hold onto your hats because some of these are real eyebrow-raisers!

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