15 Female Characteristics That Even Devoted Men Find Hard to Stomach

While beauty is undoubtedly in the eye of the beholder, certain traits tend to repel, regardless of personal preferences, universally. Here, we look into 15 characteristics in women that, unfortunately, could potentially deter even the most devoted men. This list isn’t about judgment or criticism, but rather a reflection on those traits that might hinder the fostering of meaningful connections


Hogging Public Space

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“A few weeks ago, I sat on a train, and this gorgeous woman sat opposite me. 2 stops later, a lot of people got on the train, and people had to stand at this point. And she actively makes sure her purse is taking up the entire seat next to her. Instantly the ugliest woman on the entire train for me; have some respect.”

In public spaces, it’s important to be mindful of others. Taking up more space than needed, especially when others need it, can come across as selfish and disrespectful. It shows a lack of consideration for the needs of others, which can be unattractive.

Double Standards

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“I want you to change…but accept me for who I am” mentality.”

Double standards in a relationship can be a major turn-off. It’s important for both parties in a relationship to accept each other for who they are and to be willing to grow together. Expecting someone to change while refusing to do the same is unfair and can lead to resentment.

Manipulative Behaviour

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“Manipulative/testing behavior or playing games.”

Manipulation and game-playing in a relationship are serious red flags. These behaviors can be harmful and destructive to trust and open communication. It’s important, to be honest and straightforward with each other rather than trying to manipulate or test each other.

Blaming Others

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“When she blames everyone for her own mistakes.”

Taking responsibility for one’s own mistakes is a sign of maturity and integrity. Blaming others for personal mistakes can show a lack of self-awareness and accountability, which can be unattractive traits.

Expressing Shallow Values

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“Expressing how shallow you are. Someone I was attracted to said something like, “My future husband will have a lakehouse and a boat.”

Values are a key component of compatibility in a relationship. If someone expresses shallow values, such as focusing on material possessions over personal qualities, it can be a turn-off. It can suggest a lack of depth and a focus on superficial things.

Screaming During Disagreements

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“When she disagrees with you, she screams at you. No thanks.”

Communication is key in any relationship, and disagreements are inevitable. However, how we handle those disagreements matters. Screaming during disagreements can show a lack of emotional control and respect, which can be unattractive.

Flirting with Everyone

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“Flirting with every guy. If you’re trying to make me jealous/think that you could have any guy at any time, congrats, it works; I’m out.”

Trust and loyalty are key in a relationship. If someone is flirting with everyone, it can make their partner feel insecure and undervalued. It can also suggest a lack of commitment and respect for the relationship.

Being Self-Centered in Conversations

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“This obviously goes for both girls and guys, but when they focus primarily on themselves during a conversation. I was talking to a girl a few months ago, and it eventually just kinda hit me just how much she talked about herself or would steer conversations towards herself and her problems.”

Conversations should be a two-way street, with both parties showing interest in each other. If someone constantly turns the conversation back to themselves, it can show a lack of interest in others and come off as self-centered, which can be unattractive.

Being Rude or Disrespectful

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“Being rude or disrespectful without reason”

Respect is a fundamental aspect of any relationship. Being rude or disrespectful without reason can show a lack of empathy and consideration for others, which can be unattractive.

Having an Unwarranted Attitude

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“Having an attitude out of nowhere and not apologizing for it. I get frustrated and everything; I do it too. But I always go back and apologize and talk it out.”

Everyone can have off days, but it’s important to own up to it and apologize if it affects others. Having an attitude without a clear reason and not apologizing for it can seem aggressive and unkind.

Treating Animals and Service Staff Badly

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“If she treats animals and waiters/service or retail staff badly.”

How someone treats those who can’t defend themselves, like animals and people in service roles, can say a lot about their character. Treating these individuals badly can show a lack of empathy and respect, which can be a major turn-off.

Bad Smell

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“Bad smell”

Personal hygiene is important for both health and social reasons. Bad smells can be a turn-off, as they may indicate poor hygiene practices.

Having a “You Have to Work for Me” Attitude

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“The “you have to work for me” attitude. Like this a relationship, we both need to be putting in an effort.”

A relationship should be a partnership, with both parties contributing to its success. If one party expects the other to do all the work, it can come off as entitled and unfair.

Constantly Talking About an Ex

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“Constantly talking about an ex, even in a derogatory manner. Let it go.”

Being stuck in the past can prevent one from fully engaging in the present. Constantly talking about an ex can make it seem like one hasn’t moved on, which can be unattractive.


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Entitlement, or the belief that one inherently deserves privileges or special treatment, can be unattractive. It can come off as self-centered and lacking in empathy and respect for others.


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Image Credit: MM_photos / Shutterstock.com

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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