Trump’s Chosen Advocate: Tim Scott Accuses Biden’s ‘Feckless Leadership’ for America’s Mounting Crises

Former President Trump Finds a New Favorite in Senator Tim Scott. As Scott Throws His Hat in the Presidential Ring, Trump Sends His Warm Wishes. Amidst Republicans’ Doubts About DeSantis, Trump Finds No Fault in Scott’s Candidacy.

Scott’s Campaign Is Making Money

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Scott’s campaign is raising a lot of money. He’s got over $20 million, even though some people think he can’t win. To many, this situation reminds them of Jimmy Carter’s campaign in 1976. Like Carter, Scott is starting weak in the poll and hopes to follow Carter’s example by becoming the winner.

Scott Cares About America’s Future

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Scott says his campaign is about America’s future, not just about him. He wants to bring back hope, create more opportunities, and protect the American Dream. He believes the “Made in America” story isn’t just about him but is a way forward for all Americans.

Scott Is Ready to Challenge the Radical Left

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Senator Scott is Determined to Defy the Radical Left: Asserting He’s the Ideal Champion for the Cause. Rejecting the Victim Mentality, He Affirms America’s Greatness. With Unstinted Enthusiasm, Scott is Ready to Roll Up His Sleeves and Get to Work.

Scott Is Hopeful Despite Low Poll Numbers

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Scott knows about the low poll numbers but says he isn’t worried. He gave Barack Obama as an example, who didn’t look like he had a chance in 2008. He was far behind Hillary Clinton in the polls. But he won the nomination and became president for two terms.

The Race Could Get Crowded

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The race for president could get crowded as many Republicans might join in. This happened in 2016, and it worked well for Donald Trump. But Scott thinks his positive message will win people over.

Scott Invites People to Join His Team

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Scott is traveling around, sharing his message, and people are excited. He’s inviting people to join his team. He claims he wants to transform America and move forward, not back like he thinks President Biden is doing. He believes he’s the right person to lead the country.

Scott Believes in Playing Nice

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Some think Scott is too nice since he hasn’t criticized the president or other candidates. But Scott argued that dividing people is a path to socialism. He wants to focus on the real problem, which he believes is President Biden’s leadership.

Scott Stands for Opportunity

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Scott says he understands what it’s like to struggle. He believes in America, where broken pieces can become real opportunities. He said he doesn’t want to attack other Republicans but wants to represent a conservative party that offers great opportunities.

Scott’s Plan to Improve the Economy

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Scott believes Americans agree with him on the economy, military, and foreign policy. He wants to add to the movement, not divide it. He believes we need a candidate that can make positive changes.

Scott’s Stance on Age and Competency

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In terms of age, Scott says President Biden’s problem isn’t his age but his job performance. He thinks Biden has been doing a bad job, but he doesn’t want to use Biden’s age as an excuse.

Scott’s Promise for 2024

Scott believes that in 2024 a Republican will be president, and he hopes to be that candidate. He doesn’t want Biden to be president anymore and is ready to take on the job.

Scott Believes in Fiscal Responsibility

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Scott thinks it’s a bad idea to default on debt. He thinks the problem is Biden’s failure, not the debt. He wants to save money by making smart decisions and using it wisely.

Scott’s Final Word

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Scott ends his message with hope. He believes in America’s future and wants to be part of it. He wants everyone to remember that America is always a great country, even when things get tough.

Scott’s Message to Young Americans

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He also encourages young Americans to dream big, work hard, and always believe in themselves. He promises to support them as president and to create a country where everyone has an equal chance to succeed.

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