15 Traits in Women That Could Drive Even the Most Infatuated Men Away

What one man may find attractive in a woman can make another man run a mile, and, as the saying goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, when it comes to character traits in women, there are some things that even the most enamored men are turned off by. Therefore, we look at 15 distasteful character traits that men are repelled by.


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Women who are more interested in their social status and what brand of shoes they wear than those they are in a relationship with are a big turn-off for many men. Alarm bells can often ring when men hear women say things such as “I only want to date a man with a 6 figure salary” or “ I wouldn’t be seen dead in an off-the-rack cocktail dress.”

Make Their Partner Jealous

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Men want women who are comfortable in their skin and happy in their relationship and do not want women who think they need to play mind games to keep them onside. So the question men may ask in this case is, “How would you feel If I tried to make you jealous?”


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Whether it is being rude to wait-staff at the restaurant you are on a date at, or gossiping about the people at the following table, being unkind to others is one thing that will limit a woman’s chance of a second date.

Always Talking About Their Exes

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Ladies, you are on a date with your current beau; reign it in about the guy that is your ex for a reason!

Over Emotional

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While it is great to be in touch with one’s emotions, it is not ok to break down in tears when a nail breaks or when it takes someone more than 30 seconds to text you back.

Obsession with Selfies

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We think you look great. We have told you that you look great; now, can you spend time looking at me rather than at your phone?

Addicted to Social Media

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In addition to selfies, a general reliance on being active and well-liked on social media sites is a big problem when it comes to men trying to hold a relationship down with women. As one Reddit fan posted, “If we can’t sit down and have a nice meal at a restaurant without the selfies and the pictures of food needing to be posted, we have no future.”

Baby Voices

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There is not much that a person can do about their natural voice, and all women must be accepted no matter how they sound, but when some women put on an overly girly voice, it can make some men exit a date very quickly.

Pressure to Change You

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Many men will be first to admit that certain aspects of their personality need to change, and a good woman’s help can do that. However, some boundaries should be in place, and a woman should not make a man change if he does not want to.

Being a Fake

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Men want women to be honest and genuine to themselves, as there is only so much pretending you can do before the cracks start to show the real you.


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Whether you are a man or a woman, being selfish in a relationship means you will not get far. Try to think of others, please!

Too Clingy

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Spending time with your loved one is always great, but as one Reddit reader commented, “ I like love and affection, but clingy is just annoying. Sometimes I need some space.” A good balance of spending time with loved ones and friends makes for a happy man.

Assuming Men Possess the Ability to Foresee the Future

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Please give us a break! How do we know how to help if you don’t tell us? Being super cute boyfriends is something we can aim for, but reading minds is a whole new skill level!

Body Odor

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Even the prettiest of women cannot get away with taking a shower and brushing their teeth; honestly, we can’t blame people for being turned off by poor self-care.

Sense of Entitlement

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Men love to shower their loved ones with gifts occasionally and should always do what they can for their women. However, that does not mean to say that women should feel entitled to anything and everything they want, and, in general, people need to understand that everything will not always go their way. Many of these distasteful traits could be said for any gender, but if women are looking for ways to keep their man, they may want to take some advice on these issues.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?

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Are there hobbies that send men running for the hills? Is it the avid knitting or the extreme couponing that leaves them perplexed? Or could it be the unusual fascination with insect taxidermy that sends shivers down their spines? While we all have our unique interests and pastimes, there seems to be a list of hobbies that some men find a little… bewildering.

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