10 Baffling US Customs That Confound the Rest of the World

We often grow accustomed to our everyday actions and habits, but when viewed from an outside perspective, they can be seen as peculiar. Below, we’ve gathered a compilation of 21 American customs that may appear unusual to non-Americans.

Restaurants Taking Your Credit Card

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Someone taking your credit card away when making a purchase would be scary, but not in America. It is common practice to have the waiter take your card away when paying and trust that all will be well.

Red Solo Cups

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One Reddit user wrote “My European cousins asked me if parties in the US really had those red cups”

Large Car Parks

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Nowhere can beat the size of a Walmart carpark. All space is necessary!

Tipping for Wages

“It is not always known that waiters’ and waitresses’ wages are subsided through tipping. Most other countries have tips to reward good service, not be the basis of someone’s living.”

Not Wanting Healthcare

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The UK has a free healthcare system, but in America, healthcare is obtained through paying for insurance. One Reddit user wrote that people “…angrily DO NOT WANT healthcare.” 

Election Days

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Election days on a weekend are convenient for a high proportion of workers who have weekends off. On the flip side, one user wrote that it “…seemed crazy…” that election days in other countries would not be on a weekend.  

Election Days Continued

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A years’ worth of election campaigns is standard practice, but in comparison to other countries where they last a month or two, they are considered absurdly long.

Portion Sizes

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We all love a good dinner, and America does not hold back. One Reddit user said they “…fill up with half of the appetizer.”

Combined Vacation and Sick Leave

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It is “…messed up” wrote one user, that vacation and sick leave is combined rather than separate. Another Reddit user wrote that vacation days are forgone in order to bank vacation days in case of illness.

Girl Scout Cookies

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Not as popular as in other countries (if present at all), America does not hold back in its demand or enjoyment.


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Exxon is more known than you might believe. Reddit users were shocked to learn that the US fuel brand ‘Esso’ is ‘Exxon’.

Biscuits and Gravy

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“Only the yummiest food ever invented.”  Many will have heard of this dish but not know what it is or appreciate how delicious it is considered to others.

Pledge of Allegiance

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Many people shared that they could not understand why America pledges allegiance and that they would be looked at funnily if they suddenly made a recitation to their country’s flag.

Sink Garbage Disposal

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Minds were blown at the concept of garbage disposals in the sink rather than solely using the bin.  Many users helpfully informed that they are there to “prevent large food particles from entering the sewer.”


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It was considered unusual that people could not cross roads as freely as others can in Europe. However, many Reddit users clarified that jaywalking does occur.

School Shooting Drills

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Although they should not be considered weird, many readers were surprised that schools had these practice sessions as it does not happen within their own country.


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Is it football or soccer? One curious writer suggested that if everyone in the world was counted, more people would call it football than soccer. They further proclaimed that “We’re not wrong – you are.”

Marching Bands

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A fine accompaniment to live events, marching bands are an enjoyed spectacle for all. One user shared that their friend from the US was shocked that they did not have one!

State Identification

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Although slipping into sentences what state we are from is common, it is not in other locations. For example, it is not common practice for UK citizens to announce what county they are from.

Ranch Dressing

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One Reddit member’s post was “Ranch.” Need they have said anymore? For those of you who do not know, ranch is a dressing. And finally

Tax Declaration

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It was misunderstood by many why price tags on products do not declare their tax. It was always a surprise at the till when finding out the final price.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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