“Let’s Never Do That Again”: Pastor Regrets Using ChatGPT For Church Service

In a surprising turn of events, a local pastor decided to experiment with the use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) during a church service. However, the pastor quickly declared it to be a ‘one-time deal’, with an adamant assertion, “Let’s never do that again”. This unexpected endeavor and its immediate dismissal captivated the internet, sparking discussions across various platforms. 

A Unique Experiment

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Pastor Jay Cooper gave the AI software ChatGPT an unusual task – to compose an entire service at his Methodist church. This experiment, though unique, won’t be repeated according to Cooper. “It was a one-time deal and frankly, let’s never do that again,” he stated, underscoring his sentiment that the technology, while fascinating, did not meet his needs for a human-to-human connection fundamental in his sermon.


Human Element Absent

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Delivering the sacred scriptures through an AI left Pastor Cooper feeling uncomfortable. It lacked the “spirit empowered” and “human element” that usually allows God to connect and communicate with his congregation.


Less Than Ideal AI Experience

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Cooper revealed that the AI-generated service he held on September 17 was odd at times, “It would make these odd jokes, these kinds of metaphors or things they would try to tie in just did not make any sense,”, he shared. Regarding this, Copper further explained, “At some point, the AI misinterpreted biblical teachings, delivering perplexing sermons and fragments of phrases that were downright confusing.”


Intention Behind the Experiment 

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His goal wasn’t to find a more convenient way to conduct worship services, but rather as a one-time experiment to explore AI’s relevance in a church setting. Cooper also wanted to educate his congregation on this new technology that has the potential to revolutionize society.


Curiosity Over Fear

Pastor with a Bible
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It was a twofold mission for Cooper who believes, “it’s happening in the world, our people need to be very aware of it and not just have a loose understanding, but to have seen it in action, be able to speak intelligently about it… So does this have any role in the church at all?” 


The Learning Experience

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Cooper insists that the experiment was not an impulse decision, but a serious exploration to determine if AI could contribute something unique to the spiritual dimension of a worship service, which he believes it can’t. However, in spite of his initial optimism, the result of this AI-led service led him to a definitive conclusion: it was a one-time deal, and should not be repeated. The experiment, according to Cooper, lacked the essential human component that remains integral to any spiritual practice.


The AI and the Sacred

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The pastor raises an intriguing question, “Is there any sacred at all in artificial intelligence? And that’s yet to be seen. Or is it possible that in some way, as believers, we can use this as a tool for the betterment of the world?” Through this question, the pastor reflects on his experiment with AI in church service, pondering on its moral implications in the realm of faith. While it opens the gate to innovative possibilities, it also raises questions about maintaining the sanctity of religious traditions.


The AI Church Service

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In this experimental service, ChatGPT was allowed to compose all elements, including the main sermon and the children’s message. Cooper shared a video of this one-of-a-kind service on his church website. While fascinating, the result was a mix of profound insights and patent incoherencies, demonstrating the stark contrast between human-led and AI-led religious services.


The Prompt and The Response

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Providing the AI with a prompt of how Christians discern truth in a world where AI blurs truth, Cooper noted it produced intriguing results, “It did identify for Christians, truth is not an opinion. It is a person. So, Jesus is the truth.” 


The Downside

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Despite these compelling results, Cooper pointed out some of the software’s weak points including its inability to cite sources and its tendency to “hallucinate”, potentially blurring truths. He also noticed a key element missing – the human element, making him deeply uncomfortable as he delivered the AI-generated sermon. 


A One-time Deal

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After the experience, Cooper acknowledged that it was a one-time event, “We will not be doing this again. The general take home from our people was, ‘I’m glad we did it and let’s never do that again.’” It appears the AI may get another chance however, just not in the pulpit. “We learned a lot. And we’ll try to discern how can this be used in ministry,” Cooper added.

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Image Credit: Alessia Pierdomenico / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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