“Our Public Educational System Is Obsolete”: Jordan Peterson Claims the Education System Is Robbing Kids of Motivation

In a thought-provoking examination, Jordan Peterson has given his thoughts on the current education system’s impact on youth motivation.

A Broken Education System

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Jordan Peterson, an author and former psychology professor, has shed some light on the factors contributing to a perceived lack of motivation among today’s youth. Peterson suggested that the education system itself might be inadvertently demoralizing young individuals and deterring them from pursuing their ambitions.


The Importance of Fostering Ambition

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Speaking on a podcast with Brian Kilmeade, Peterson said: “If you set up an education system that’s designed to do nothing more than demoralize young people and to convince them that their ambition is dangerous and you don’t do anything to foster that ambition and to channel it into a manner that might be productive, then you’re going to get exactly that.”


A Sense of Visionary Discipline

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Peterson said that, in order to effectively motivate young people to strive for their goals, the education system should provide students with a sense of “visionary discipline” and a clear direction for their future. He drew from his research on a program named “Future Authoring” to support his claims, a program that aims to help young individuals develop a sense of direction in their lives. Peterson’s studies reveal that when students are encouraged to cultivate this “visionary discipline,” dropout rates can be reduced by 50% and grade point averages can increase by 35%. 


Igniting a Spark

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Peterson advocated for an educational environment that fosters ambition, provides direction, and empowers young minds to find where they want to go in life. By embracing a more motivational approach, the author believes educators can ignite a spark of ambition in today’s youth.


The Internet Responded

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Peterson’s words were shared across social media and commenters were divided. One person wrote: “Our public educational system is obsolete. The sheer complexity of our world demands specialization if life success is the motivation. Generalized education almost guarantees lack of qualification for anything beyond the menial. Get your kids out!”


A Broken Future

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Some commenters discussed other factors pertaining to motivation.“Peterson definitely has a point but motivation isn’t just about schools. Family, friends, and other aspects of life matter too,” one person said. “I don’t know. Maybe young people are demotivated because older generations have destroyed their future,” another wrote.


Others Shared Similar Opinions

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Several individuals shared similar opinions to the aforementioned commenter. “I don’t think this has that much to do with the education system. Sure, a great teacher will inspire students. But have you spoken to young people? Ask them where they expect to be in twenty years and they say, ‘Dead from war or climate change.’ These kids aren’t motivated because they don’t think they have a future to build.”


Others Blamed Parents

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A fair few commenters blamed parents for not providing their kids with guidance. One wrote: “I believe the majority of the problem sits with parents who are not involved and do not provide any guidance for their children. Many of these parents see school as a babysitting device.”


The Job Market

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Others presented different ideas. “I think that the current job market may have something to do with that more than anything,” one person wrote. Another said: “Maybe the reason they don’t have motivation is the state of the job market. Would you be motivated knowing that, no matter how well you do in school, there’s a genuine possibility you’ll still end up in a minimum wage job?” 


Others Blamed TikTok

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Some commenters blamed social media for the lack of youth motivation. “I think TikTok is to blame. Kids don’t have the attention span to look to the future and, if they are looking to the future, all they want to do is be influencers,” one person wrote. “I think social media might play a part in this. It’s been shown to be damaging to mental health and mental health affects motivation,” another said.


Some Blamed Religion

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Some commenters blamed religion for the lack of motivation in young people. One individual wrote: “The religious right has been trying to destroy public education for the last 40 years. When they couldn’t get religion in schools, [or] public money for religious schools, they turned their attention to destroying public education.”


Kids Don’t Lack Motivation

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Others disagreed with the idea that young people lack motivation entirely. One person wrote: “I honestly think people are mistaken. Young people don’t lack motivation. We just don’t aspire to waste our lives working for corrupt companies that allow us no free time. We have different priorities. Older generations don’t understand that and perceive it as a lack of motivation.”

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