18 Myths That Just Won’t Quit – From ‘No, You Can’t Outsmart an Undercover Cop’ to Other Exasperating Lies

Caught in the Web of Misinformation: In a world filled with persistent myths and annoying falsehoods, it’s time to separate fact from fiction. From the age-old belief that one can outsmart an undercover cop to other exasperating lies that refuse to fade away, we embark on a journey of debunking. Brace yourself as we dive into the realm of truth, unraveling the 18 stubborn myths that have managed to stick around despite their lack of validity. It’s time to shatter misconceptions and shed light on the inconvenient truths that lie beneath.

The Undercover Cop Myth

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“An undercover cop has to tell you they’re a cop if you ask them.”

Contrary to popular belief, an undercover cop does not have to reveal their true identity, even if you ask them directly. Their role is to blend in to investigate crimes without detection.

The Brain Power Fallacy

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“That we only use 10 percent of our brain.”

This one is a classic myth! In reality, we use 100% of our brain, not just 10%. Every part of our brain has a specific function, and it’s all important.

The Missing Person’s Report Myth

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“That you need to wait 24 hours to file a missing person’s report.”

This can be a dangerous myth. In reality, if you believe someone is missing, you should contact the police right away. Every minute can be crucial.

Pregnancy Myths

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“There are a ton of ridiculous myths around pregnancy. The worst one I was told was not to raise my arms over my head so the baby didn’t get tangled in the umbilical cord.”

There are countless myths about pregnancy. Rest assured; you can safely raise your arms without worrying about the umbilical cord. Always listen to your doctor for the best advice.

Hobby Myths

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“That having hobbies as an adult is only worth it if it brings in money. No, I love my meaningless and expensive hobbies, even if they don’t bring in any income.”

Hobbies aren’t just about making money! They’re for relaxation, fun, and self-improvement. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or collecting, hobbies are valuable in their own right.

The Alpha Wolf Misconception

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“The alpha theory for wolves, people still believe it even though the person who made the theory took it back. The ‘alpha’ of wolves is actually just the pack’s parents, and the pack is usually made up of their offspring.”

In reality, what people refer to as ‘alpha wolves’ are typically the parents of the pack. The ‘alpha’ notion is a myth that’s been debunked by the very scientist who proposed it.

The Carrot Myth

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“That carrots give you good eyesight.”

While carrots are a healthy vegetable packed with nutrients, they won’t give you superhuman eyesight. The myth probably came from stories in World War II to explain pilots’ excellent night vision.

The MSG Misunderstanding

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“That msg is bad for you.”

MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is often misunderstood. While some people may have sensitivities, for most people, moderate consumption of MSG is safe and can enhance the flavor of foods.

The White Marble Myth

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“Ancient Greek and Roman sculpture and architecture being pure white marble. They are now. That’s because art dealers long, long ago washed the paint off.”

Contrary to popular belief, many ancient sculptures and buildings were brightly painted. The white marble we see today is the result of the paint wearing off over thousands of years.

The Swimming Myth

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“That you can’t swim after eating and must wait at least an hour.”

Most experts agree that while you might want to avoid intense swimming right after a large meal, a leisurely swim is generally safe.

The Antibiotics Myth

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“That antibiotics are needed for colds.”

Antibiotics can’t cure colds because they’re caused by viruses, not bacteria. Overuse of antibiotics can lead to resistance, which is a serious public health concern.

The Just World Fallacy

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“The just world fallacy. It’s responsible for a lot of victim-blaming, which re-traumatizes people who have already been traumatized. It’s the worst. Sometimes bad things happen to people who don’t deserve it. It shouldn’t be that difficult to grasp.”

The idea that good things happen to good people and bad things to bad people oversimplifies life’s complexity. Bad things can happen to anyone, regardless of their actions.

Battery Charging Myths

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“Almost all the weird things people believe about charging batteries is completely wrong, they are based on Old NiCad cells, and most of that advice does not apply to lithium-ion / LiPO batteries.”

Battery technology has come a long way, and most of the old advice doesn’t apply to modern lithium-ion batteries.

The One True Love Myth

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“That when you meet “the one” you just know. And that there is a “one” for every one of us.”

Finding love is rarely as straightforward as spotting ‘the one’ at first glance. Healthy relationships often require time, effort, and understanding.

The Vegan Diet for Carnivorous Pets Myth

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“That carnivorous pets can live healthily on a vegan diet. Stop it. It’s animal abuse.”

Pets like cats and dogs need certain nutrients found primarily in meat. A vegan diet can lead to serious health issues for these animals.

The Zodiac Signs Myth

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“Zodiac signs and their effect on our everyday lives.”

Astrology can be fun to explore, but the idea that star signs control our lives isn’t based on scientific evidence. We make our own choices and create our own paths. You can’t blame your bad decision on your star sign or the planets – take responsibility for yourself!

The Vaccines Myth

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“Vaccines cause autism.”

Numerous studies have proven this myth wrong. Vaccines are safe and vital for preventing serious diseases. They are a medical and social necessity and not something to be afraid of. 

The Shaving Myth

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“That if you shave, it grows back thicker.”

Shaving doesn’t cause hair to grow back thicker. It may feel stubbly as it grows out, giving the illusion of thicker hair, but the actual growth rate and thickness remain the same.

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21 Things That Scream You’re “Lower Class” According To Men

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‘Class’ – a simple word, but oh, so complex! Is it about owning a grand mansion, driving an exquisite car, or having stacks of dollars? Nope! Class is a little less materialistic and a lot more about your demeanor, speech, and how you treat others. And guess what? Men have a thing or two to say about it. So, let’s get to it; here are 21 signs that may shout out, “I’m not exactly high-class,” according to our male jury. Let’s unpack this together!

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Listen up, treasure hunters and bargain seekers! Would you believe there are items of value lying around our homes, gathering dust in our garages, or hidden in our backyards? You’d be surprised to learn how many things we toss away without realizing they’re worth more than meets the eye. With that in mind, we’ve compiled a list of 18 surprising items with more value than you might think. So, get ready to step into the shoes of a seasoned thrifty explorer and unearth these treasures in the rough!

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Alert! 18 Taboo Phrases Men Must Never Utter to Women

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Alright, gentlemen (and aspiring young gents)! It’s time for a manners makeover. If you’ve been caught out saying the wrong thing at the most inappropriate moment, this guide is your secret weapon. We’re rounding up 18 phrases that should be kept at arm’s length when conversing with the ladies. Remember, the hallmark of a gentleman is respect, understanding, and a no-offense policy. Now, let’s roll up our sleeves and dive in!

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