“I’m Paying For Mine”: TikToker Faces Pressure to Cover $4,600 Bill Just Because He’s a MAN! – Internet Erupts in Debate

A TikToker has sparked online debate by refusing to split a $4,600 bill evenly at a friend’s birthday dinner.

It Wasn’t About Gender Roles

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The TikToker, known as Viccgotti, thought it only fair that everyone in the group pay for their own food. His friend adamantly disagreed; it was her birthday and, as such, she thought the bill should’ve been split evenly. The argument had nothing to do with gender roles, feminism, or equal rights.

The Argument Was Heated, and Emotions Were High

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In the video, which has over 15 million views, a large group of friends can be seen shouting at each other in an upmarket restaurant. The woman whose birthday is being celebrated emotionally exclaims that she shouldn’t have to pay for anything at all and a man can be heard disagreeing with her. “You got lamb chop, you got steak. Look at all they got and they talk about splitting the bill. Y’all ordering way too much and then want to split the bill,” he says.

A Long-Term Friendship Was Broken

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Viccgotti went on to reveal that he’s no longer on good terms with the friend who was celebrating her birthday, someone he’d known since the third grade. He also gave viewers some information about what happened after the TikTok was filmed. According to him, he called the waiter over, said that he wouldn’t be splitting the bill, and that was that. He paid $24.58.

Viewers Were Divided

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As is always the way, the TikToker’s audience was divided. “I’m paying for mine. As a matter of fact, I’m gonna make sure the bill is separate from the beginning,” one person commented. Several others agreed with this individual’s opinion, leaving a plethora of comments about how paying for your own is the only fair way.

Others Were Astounded by the Lack of Foresight

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Many commenters were absolutely astounded by the lack of foresight showcased by the entire group. “Y’all should’ve straightened that out before,” one viewer said. Many others agreed, with a large number of comments sharing the sentiment. One individual even claimed they wouldn’t have left their house before the issue was settled.

Some Were Shocked by the Group’s Behavior

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A fair few commenters declined to give their opinion on the debate at hand and, instead, criticized the group for behaving in a vulgar manner at an upmarket restaurant. “The yelling in a fancy restaurant is killing me,” one viewer commented, with another saying they’d have been embarrassed to be part of the group.

Should the Bill Have Been Paid by the Woman?

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A minority of people argued that the bill should always be paid by whoever invites everyone out for dinner. Presumably, in this instance, that would’ve been the woman celebrating her birthday. “Whoever invites, in my family, they usually pay,” one person said, with a few others commenting similar ideas.

Redditors Said the Bill Shouldn’t Have Been Split

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Redditors discussed the video. “Nah, I’m with him. Pay for what you ordered. What do I look like paying for someone who bought lamb chops, steak, meanwhile I got something less expensive? That isn’t fair and, to me, that’s getting over on people,” one user said, gaining over 2,000 upvotes. The majority seemed to agree with them.

Was the Video Fake?

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“Y’all do realize these are skits,” one person said in a comment almost lost in the sea of viewers taking the video at face value. When posted to Reddit, the clip was removed with moderators explaining that staged videos weren’t allowed on the platform. Moreover, a context label was added to the clip on Twitter – a context label suggesting the TikTok was staged. 

The TikToker Shut Allegations Down

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In the video, the person filming seems to always know who will speak next and the camera consistently moves onto the next person just before they start talking. Understandably, people have taken this as evidence that the video was staged. Viccgotti went on to say that, while the video wasn’t entirely fake, the group “probably did maybe” exaggerate things for the camera. 

So Who Should Pay the Bill?

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Regardless of whether or not the video is real, this debate is nothing new. It’s an argument that usually occurs in discussions about feminism, gender roles, and equal rights. Individuals with a more “old-fashioned” mindset often say that when on a date, the man should always pay the bill. Others argue the bill should be split – and others, like Viccgotti at the birthday dinner, say that the fairest way to do things is for everyone to pay for what they eat and drink individually. 

Most People Say the Man Should Pay

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While they don’t necessarily apply to a birthday dinner setting, there are some interesting statistics when it comes to splitting the bill. In a 2017 survey, a whopping 78% of people said they expect the man to pay the bill on a first date. Somewhat interestingly, men were more likely to hold the aforementioned opinion with 82% of them reporting so. Meanwhile, only 72% of women held the same belief.

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