“I Have This Gorgeous Head of Hair”: Donald Trump Goes on Bizzare Rant About Showerheads

Doland Trump has said many odd things over the years. Recently, though, he went on a near-incoherent rant about his water pressure and “gorgeous head of hair” during a GOP 56th annual Silver Elephant Dinner. It’s not particularly clear – but most assume the ex-President was trying to criticize water conservation efforts.

Trump Has Slammed Water Conservation Efforts in the Past

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This isn’t the first time Trump has criticized water conservation efforts. In 2019, he said: “You go into a new building or a new house or a new home and they have standards – only you don’t get water. You can’t wash your hands practically; there’s so little water [coming] out of the faucet. The end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands.”

His 2019 Rant Continued

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The then-President continued his 2019 rant. He said: “You turn on the faucet and you don’t get any water. They take a shower and water comes dripping out. Just dripping out, very quietly dripping out. People are flushing toilets 10 times – 15 times – as opposed to once.”

Back to the Present – What He Said at the 2023 Dinner

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Trump was the keynote speaker at the dinner in South Carolina. Presumably attempting to criticize restrictions on showerheads, he told attendees: “You know I have this gorgeous head of hair – when I shower, I want water to pour down on me. When you go into these new homes with showers, the water drips down slowly, slowly.”

The Former President Discussed Shower Length

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Trump claimed that because he spends more time showering when the pressure is lower, it works out the same – in terms of water usage – as simply having higher pressure. He said: “It takes you 10 minutes to wash your hair. You know what you do? You just stay in the shower about 10 times longer than you would have. It’s the same, you probably use more water. I broke all that up.”

Social Media Users Mocked the Businessman-Turned-Politician

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Users on X, formally known as Twitter, were quick to laugh at the ex-President. “He may be under indictment but he is still obsessed with water pressure,” one person wrote. “Dude needs to be thrown in general [population]. Then we’ll see how he likes showers,” another said.

Others Attempted to Translate the Bizarre Rant

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Trump’s rant was so bizarrely convoluted that it was near-impossible to understand his intent. As such, X users attempted to translate his words. “Is this another attempt [at saying] regulations need to be removed?” one person asked. “Who knows,” another replied.

People Were Bewildered

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Most X users were very confused. One individual wrote: “I legit don’t understand this obsession he has with water pressure in showers of new homes. He legit has been talking about this for at least a decade now – even before major, global real estate developers. No one knows what he’s talking about.”

Redditors Discussed the Speech

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Trump’s speech quickly made its way to Reddit – and users were just as bewildered as those on X, albeit more thorough in their responses. One person wrote: “Trump is obviously deranged. The criminal charges in the DC case are going to turn on the issue of whether Trump reasonably believed he had actually won the election and whether he was relying in good faith on advice of counsel. This makes Trump’s mental capacity relevant. Judge Chutkan should order a psychiatric evaluation of Trump so that jurors will understand the distorted nature of [his] reasoning. The guy is a loon.”

Others Criticized the Media

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Some Reddit users criticized the media for giving the far-right politician attention. One user wrote: “It is indicative of how absolutely [messed up] the media and society are that a raving idiot is given so much attention. Why anyone believes a single word he said is beyond me, except for, possibly, a bit of psychosis and pure stupidity.”

Some Tried to Explain Trump’s Thought Process

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Some Redditors tried to explain Trump’s thought process and how this speech, despite its ridiculousness, could work in his favor. One person wrote: “He’s talking about low-flow shower heads. And yes, this resonates with his voters. As someone whose apartment installed one without asking, they suck. A lot. If I was dumber, this would make me want to vote for him because he’s talking about an issue that directly affected my daily life in a noticeable and negative way. Trump notices how much this stuff irks voters and he uses it to connect with us. He knows how to push people’s buttons like nobody’s business. I absolutely hate this man – and that his political instincts are this good.”

Trump Also Went After Biden

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As well as criticizing water pressure, Trump – of course – criticized Biden. He said: “They do this to try and win an election. Nobody ever thought it was possible. Every time more Biden corruption is exposed, his henchmen indict me because they want to knock out the bad publicity. Whenever they have something big happening, they put another indictment or a special indictment. It’s called a cover-up.”

The Event Was a Hilarious Ending to a Not-So-Great Week

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Trump’s speech was a somewhat hilarious ending to a not-so-great week for the former President. The dinner, held on Saturday, was just days after Trump’s arraignment in Washington DC where, regarding the alleged election interference, he pleaded ‘not guilty’ on four counts.

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