18 Male Habits That Always Fail to Impress, According to Women

In a world filled with unsolicited advice and generalizations about what women find attractive in men, it can be difficult to discern fact from fiction. That’s why we decided to go straight to the source and ask real women to spill the beans about the male behaviors they find unattractive. Their candid and diverse responses offer a rare and honest glimpse into the nuances of attraction, providing a roadmap for men who genuinely want to understand and respect the women in their lives.


Absent Fathers

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“This is a little more specific, but anytime I find out that a (single) man is a bad or absent father, I am immediately turned off.”

When a man becomes a father, he takes on a role that requires responsibility, compassion, and selflessness. It’s about more than just providing materially; it’s about nurturing and being there for their child. When a man neglects this role, it raises big red flags about his character, showing a lack of responsibility and commitment that can be very unattractive.

Dirty Jokes

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“Telling dirty jokes to women they aren’t even close with.”

A sense of humor can be a great thing. Laughter brings people together and helps us bond. However, telling dirty jokes to women, especially when the relationship is not that close, can be uncomfortable and inappropriate. It can seem disrespectful, making the person on the receiving end feel objectified or awkward.

Claiming Good Guy Status

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“Tell me they are a “good guy” and proceed to explain why. If you are a good guy, I don’t need to be sold on it.”

Kindness, respect, honesty, and understanding are traits that should be displayed through actions, not just words. If a man is truly a “good guy,” it should be clear from how he treats others should be clear. Trying to convince someone of your goodness rather than showing it can seem insincere.


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“Being rude in general. It’s just not cool or attractive.”

Rudeness, whether it’s in the form of disrespectful comments, disregarding others’ feelings, or inconsiderate actions, is a major turn-off. It shows a lack of empathy and respect. Being polite, understanding, and considerate is attractive and a basic expectation in human interactions.

Alpha Male Attitude

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“Being an ‘alpha male.’ You’re really just being an idiot.”

Confidence and assertiveness can be positive traits, but there’s a fine line between being assertive and authoritative. So-called “alpha male” behavior is arrogant and selfish.

Lack of Life Skills

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“Not being able to cook or clean. Those are life skills. I don’t think you need to be a master chef or have an immaculate house. You just need to know your way around the kitchen (like being able to fry an egg or cook like three good dishes) and don’t live in filth.”

Knowing how to take care of yourself is a basic life skill and an indication of maturity. If a man lacks these skills, it can suggest dependency and a lack of self-sufficiency, which can be very unattractive.

Poor Hygiene

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“Poor hygiene”

Personal cleanliness isn’t just about looking good; it’s about respect for oneself and others. Regular bathing, clean clothes, and good oral hygiene; these are basics that show respect for oneself and for others.

Unwanted Pet Names

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“All those “sweetie,” “darling,” and “baby” pet names without being that close. Level of hostility goes from 0 to 100 instantly.”

Using pet names prematurely or without consent can come off as disrespectful. It’s always better to use someone’s name unless they’ve said that pet names are welcome.

Never Admitting Wrong

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“When they can’t admit they’re wrong, ever.”

Everyone makes mistakes, and being able to admit when you’re wrong shows maturity. Insisting that you’re always right, even when you’re not, can come off as arrogant and stubborn. 

Selective Respect

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“Only treating women with respect if they find them attractive.”

Respect should be universal and not depend on physical attractiveness. It’s a basic human right. Treating only attractive women with respect shows a lack of genuine respect for women as individuals.

Self-Centered Conversation

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“When they spend the majority of a conversation talking about themselves. And then when you think it’s finally your turn to speak, they still manage to turn the conversation back to themselves.”

Communication is a two-way street. It’s about listening as much as it’s about speaking. Everyone wants to be heard and acknowledged in a conversation.

Disrespectful Comments About Other Women

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“Complaining about other women or putting them down and outright dehumanizing them in order to ‘impress’ another woman, that stuff is so insanely unattractive to me. It’s like a gendered version of, ‘But you’re one of the good ones, so we don’t mean you.'”

It’s never acceptable to put down or belittle others to try to impress someone. It’s not only disrespectful to the women being talked about but disrespectful toward the person they’re trying to impress. True respect and admiration can’t be built on the disrespect of others.

Inappropriate Conversations

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“Making any conversation sexual. “I had a massage today.” Him: ‘I’ll come over and give you a massage.’”

Intimacy should be mutual and consensual. Trying to turn every conversation into a sexual one can be uncomfortable and disrespectful. It’s important to respect boundaries and understand that not every interaction needs a sexual undertone.


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“Negging, which is different from teasing, because the guy is well aware that they’re intentionally trying to put you down/insult you/belittle and humiliate you.”

Negging is a manipulative tactic. It’s a harmful behavior that shows a lack of respect and empathy for the person being negged.

Being Preachy

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“Being preachy.. like thinking that your way of coping is a life lesson to be imparted to those around you. It makes me both not want to open up to the person and feel inherently judged by the fact that I have a different worldview/coping mechanisms.”

Everyone has different experiences, beliefs, and ways of dealing with life. Being preachy or insisting that your way is the best or only way seems judgmental. It’s important to respect diversity and understand that everyone has their own path.

Arrogance and Insults

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“Putting others down and being arrogant. Legit, if you ain’t got something good to say, don’t say it at all.”

Arrogance and insults are never attractive. It’s always better to lift people up rather than put them down. A kind word can make someone’s day, while a thoughtless insult can ruin it.

Incompetence in Daily Life

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“Incompetence when it comes to daily life stuff like cooking, cleaning up after yourself, laundry, etc. I don’t want to be someone’s mom.”

Taking care of basic daily tasks is a sign of independence and adulthood. A partner should be an equal, not a parent.


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Confidence is attractive, but arrogance is not. Arrogance suggests an inflated sense of self-importance and a lack of regard for others. It can make interactions unpleasant and even hurtful. It’s much more attractive to be humble and respectful.

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Image Credit: MM_photos / Shutterstock.com

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