“Service Habits Stick”: The 18 Unshakeable Routines Former Military Folk Can’t (and Won’t) Quit

When you’ve served in the military, it shapes your world in ways only fellow service members can truly understand. Some habits are quirky, some practical, and some, well, just plain random. But they all point to a time spent in service to our country. Here are 18 unmistakable habits that scream, “Yep, I’ve worn the uniform!”

When Acronyms Become Second Nature

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Ever listen to a vet and feel they’re speaking another language? Military acronyms are peppered throughout their conversations. It’s a quick, efficient way of communicating, honed from years of needing to pass information swiftly and clearly. It might be confusing for civilians, but it’s just another day of “talking shop” for those who’ve served.


Cargo Shorts – The Unsung Hero of Wardrobes

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Venture into any veteran’s wardrobe and behold the mighty cargo shorts. The military often requires carrying numerous items, and where better to keep them than in the multiple pockets of cargo shorts? They’re practical, versatile, and kind of a stylish throwback. They’re a tribute to their service days of needing everything at hand.


Sleeping Through Chaos

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Being able to catch some shut-eye amid loud noises is a prized skill. Military folks have mastered the art of sleeping in trenches, bunkers, and other chaotic places. It’s all about grabbing rest when and where you can. That’s why a vet can sleep through a thunderstorm but wake up instantly if their alarm goes off a minute late.


Decoding The Muffled World

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For many vets, combat zones and training grounds were incredibly noisy. With continuous exposure to loud sounds, it’s no wonder that some of them develop hearing issues that may require medical intervention. But they wear these as badges, a testament to the sounds of service they’ve endured.


The Art of Being Early

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The military does not appreciate tardiness. So, 15 minutes early for a vet might still feel “just in time.” They’ve been trained to always be ahead of schedule. It’s not merely about punctuality; it’s a mark of discipline and respect, ingrained into them from their first days in boot camp.


Eat Fast or Miss Out

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Ever notice a vet wolfing down their meal? Military canteens were bustling places where dawdling meant you might miss out. Vets have learned to eat efficiently and quickly, a habit formed from years of timed meal breaks and the unpredictability of their schedules. If you see them wolfing down food, it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re hungry!


Left-Handed Wonders

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In the military, your right hand is always ready—for salutes, for duty. So, the left hand becomes the de facto “carrying hand.” It’s not about preference but about following a strict protocol. That’s why a veteran might juggle their coffee, keys, and bag all in one hand, leaving the other free.


That Pesky Seafoam Green

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For many vets, Seafoam green brings back memories of sterile military hospital walls. It’s a shade they’d rather not have in their homes. It’s less about the color and more about the associations. So, if you’re thinking of gifting a vet a seafoam green throw pillow, maybe rethink that choice.


Young Love and Early Goodbyes

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Military life is demanding, and often, young couples face challenges that lead to early separations. It’s a mix of long deployments, stress, and the pressures of service life. Many vets have had to grapple with these personal challenges alongside their professional duties when they get older.


A Shame-Proof Armor

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The military exposes you to many experiences—some funny, some embarrassing. Over time, vets develop a thick skin. They’ve been through rigorous drills, made mistakes in front of peers, and learned to take it all in stride. A minor slip-up in civilian life? That’s a walk in the park!


Once a Soldier, Forever a Soldier

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While service might be a phase in life, being a soldier is a lifelong identity. It’s a deep sense of pride and belonging. Vets rarely see themselves as ‘ex-military’ because their experiences and lessons stay with them, shaping their worldview and decisions. Many of them will refer to themselves as “former military” instead.


Mustangs, Memories, and the Road Ahead

Tank on sunset
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The allure of Mustangs for vets goes beyond the horsepower or the sleek design. The freedom of the open road, after perhaps years of disciplined life, can be intoxicating. The roar of the engine might be reminiscent of the adrenaline-charged moments in the field. Those daunting interest rates? Maybe they’re a reflection of the risk that the military personnel are so used to embracing. 


The Foundation of Grounded Sensibilities

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Military folks develop a deep sense of perspective after serving in high-pressure situations. Their choices, often life-altering, have taught them the value of being grounded. Every decision has consequences, and they’ve honed the skill of thinking multiple steps ahead. They understand the ripple effect of their actions.


Echoes of the Past in Restless Nights

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For many vets, the war isn’t over when they come home. The echo of gunshots, the faces of comrades, and the weight of split-second decisions replay in the stillness of the night. While some find solace in deep slumber, these memories transform into restless nights for others. The contrast is stark, showing just how military experiences can imprint on people’s minds.


USAA: A Badge of Shared Brotherhood

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Holding a USAA card isn’t merely about accessing financial services. It’s a badge, a silent testament to the rigorous training, camaraderie, and shared challenges of military life. This membership creates a sense of belonging, transcending the usual customer-banker relationship. It’s about trust, mutual respect, and shared experiences.


More Than Just a Percentage Off

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Using a veteran discount is a humble moment of recognition. More than the monetary value, it serves as society’s way of extending gratitude. Each time a cashier or a store extends this gesture, it’s like saying, “Your service matters. Your sacrifices aren’t forgotten.” It’s a small yet profound way of honoring their commitment.


Silent Battles of the Heart and Mind

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Transitioning back to civilian life brings its own set of challenges. The camaraderie of the barracks might be replaced by solitude, leading some vets down a path of internal struggles. Alcohol might offer temporary relief, but it often compounds the pain. It’s crucial to remember that the battles veterans face aren’t always visible, and compassion is our best response.


Stories Behind Every Ache and Pain

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Ask a veteran about those achy knees or the persistent back pain, and you’ll likely get a story worth a movie script. Maybe it was that arduous march with a 60-pound rucksack or that time they had to take cover in unforgiving terrains. Every ache is a bookmarked page in their story of courage, resilience, and undying commitment to duty.

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Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?

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Are there hobbies that send men running for the hills? Is it the avid knitting or the extreme couponing that leaves them perplexed? Or could it be the unusual fascination with insect taxidermy that sends shivers down their spines? While we all have our unique interests and pastimes, there seems to be a list of hobbies that some men find a little… bewildering.

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