The Dark Side of Dinner: 18 Boomer Foods That Millennials Find Utterly Repugnant

We’re zipping back in time to a place where the kitchen smelled peculiar, and the menu was a curious mix of what Baby Boomers – folks born between 1946 and 1964 – considered heavenly. These are folks who will tell you the stories of eighteen so-called “delights” they still can’t get enough of, leaving us to simply gasp, “Yuck!” Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Bracing for Bran Cereal

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If there’s one thing Boomers can’t get enough of, it’s their hearty, healthy bran cereal. Every morning, it’s scoop after scoop of those tiny little nuggets. But let’s face it, to us; it tastes like soggy cardboard. It’s all about keeping that heart healthy, they say. All we can think about is adding sugar or, better yet, chocolate!

The Unforgettable American Cheese Slices

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American cheese – the not-so-true-cheese that somehow found a home in Baby Boomer fridges. Nothing says a quick lunch more than slapping a floppy, yellow slice of this processed mystery between two pieces of bread. To us, it’s plastic masquerading as food, but to Boomers, it’s sandwich royalty!

Diving Deep into the World of Sardines

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Sardines – the tiny, oily fish that come packed in tin cans. It’s an easy lunch option for Boomers, but the smell alone is enough to clear a room for the rest of us. Not to mention, the idea of eating bones and all gives us chills. But hey, at least it’s a good source of Omega-3!

Fruitcake: The Undying Holiday Tradition

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Fruitcake is that brick-like dessert that seems to last forever. While Boomers wax nostalgic about Christmases past, the rest of us dread its annual return. Between the neon candied fruit and the weight of the cake, it’s like a dessert dumbbell. But, for Boomers, it just isn’t Christmas without one!

Turning Up Noses at Tuna Casserole

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A dish that screams “Boomer” like no other, the tuna casserole is a concoction that can’t help but make us shudder. Imagine tuna, noodles, and canned soup baked together until they’re virtually unrecognizable. It might be comfort food for Boomers, but to us, it’s a comfort to avoid!

Grits: The Porridge Doppelganger

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Grits is a classic Boomer breakfast made from coarsely ground corn. While it’s a Southern staple, the rest of us struggle to understand the appeal of its bland taste and gritty texture. Boomers claim it’s the butter and cheese that makes it divine, but we’re not so sure.

Prunes: The Wrinkled Fruit of Mystery

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Prunes, the dried plum snack that Boomers can’t seem to get enough of. While they love them for their natural sweetness and digestion benefits, many of us can’t get past the shriveled look and gooey texture. Let’s face it; prunes definitely aren’t winning any beauty contests.

A Trip Down Miracle Whip Lane

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Miracle Whip – the tangy dressing that Boomers just can’t live without. Whether it’s in a sandwich or a salad, this stuff is a must-have for them. But for the rest of us, the overly sweet and tangy flavor is something we’d rather leave in the past.

Getting Stuck on Artificial Sweeteners

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Boomers are all about the sweet life but without the sugar. Hence, the love for artificial sweeteners. While they’re busy swapping sugar for these lab-created sweeteners, we’re left puzzled and slightly alarmed by the aftertaste. All in the name of fewer calories, they claim!

The Peculiar Love for Ambrosia Salad

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Ambrosia salad, a colorful blend of canned fruit, mini marshmallows, and cool whip. This dish is a potluck favorite for Boomers, but for the rest of us, it’s like eating a rainbow gone wrong. The overly sweet, creamy mixture is definitely not our idea of a salad.

Diving into Canned Soups

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Canned soups – the epitome of quick and easy Boomer meals. While they’re excited about the ease of heating and eating, we’re less than thrilled about the often mushy textures and sodium levels through the roof. Soup should be comforting, not a canned curiosity!

Spam: The Unstoppable Meat in a Can

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Spam, the canned meat that became a Boomer pantry staple. While the convenience of it is unbeatable for them, the salty and gelatinous brick is a hard pass for us. Just the sight of it sliding out of the can is enough to make us lose our appetite!

Fried Foods: The Unhealthy Boomer Treat

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Fried foods – from chicken to potatoes, Boomers can’t seem to get enough. While they revel in the crispy, golden coating, we can’t help but think about the greasy aftermath. Too much of a good thing can definitely be a bad thing, right?

The Predicament of Boiled Brussels Sprouts

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Boiled Brussels sprouts – the green nemesis of our childhood. While Boomers find them nutritious and hearty, we’re put off by the sulfurous smell and mushy texture. Can we just roast them instead, please?

The Questionable Kraft Mac & Cheese

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Kraft Mac & Cheese, the bright orange Boomer delicacy. Made in minutes, this gooey pasta dish is a nostalgic favorite for them. But to us, the artificial coloring and flavor are a step too far from real food.

Desserts Made With Canned Fruit, Really?

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Desserts made with canned fruit are a big hit with Boomers. They love the simplicity and convenience of it. But for us, it’s the syrupy sweetness and lack of fresh taste that make us cringe. We’d rather stick to the real, fresh fruit; thank you!

Reaching for the Vienna Sausage

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Vienna sausages – those tiny tinned meat morsels that Boomers can’t resist. Perfect for quick bites, they say. But to us, the smooth, jelly-like texture is enough to make our stomachs churn.

Taking the Frozen Dinners Route

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For the final entry, we’ve got frozen dinners. They’re a quick-fix meal for Boomers, but we can’t help but be put off by the often soggy veggies and rubbery meat. It might save time, but at what cost to taste?


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Twisted Icons: 17 Historical Figures Idolized by Society but Truly Horrible People.


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Boomers’ Unyielding Attachment to the 60s: 10 Things They Absolutely Refuse to Let Go

Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

Memories of the “good old days” keep us trapped in the past. Baby boomers love to retell tales of how it was “in my day.” At the same time, millennials will tell them to get with the times. Being stuck in a time warp from which they don’t want to snap out of, here are things that baby boomers still think are fantastic.

Boomers’ Unyielding Attachment to the 60s: 10 Things They Absolutely Refuse to Let Go

Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?

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Are there hobbies that send men running for the hills? Is it the avid knitting or the extreme couponing that leaves them perplexed? Or could it be the unusual fascination with insect taxidermy that sends shivers down their spines? While we all have our unique interests and pastimes, there seems to be a list of hobbies that some men find a little… bewildering.

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