“She Didn’t Talk About Her Ex”: 18 First Date Green Flags Every Man Shouldn’t Miss, or Regret

Ah, first dates. You’ve put on your best outfit, spent a solid hour preparing for every possible scenario, and ensured you have enough conversation starters in your back pocket. Yet, no matter how much you prepare, you can’t help but feel nervous. As a man, what should you be looking for on that first date? Here are 36 green flags that men love to see on a first date.

Honest and Open

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An open and honest partner is a treasure. Imagine if, on a first date, she admits she doesn’t like spicy food instead of pretending to enjoy it. This spares you the discomfort of watching her struggle and sets the stage for a relationship built on trust and transparency. By sharing her preferences, she’s letting you in on her true self, making it easier to plan enjoyable dates in the future.


An Active Listener

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Being an active listener means she values your perspective and wants to know you better. It shows she’s genuinely invested in the conversation. Suppose you mention your love for hiking, and she asks about your favorite trails or any memorable adventures. These questions show genuine interest in your life and can lead to deeper connections and shared experiences.


All About Laughter

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A shared sense of humor can form a strong foundation for a relationship. If you both find the same things funny and laugh together during the date, it indicates compatibility and mutual understanding. For example, you make a joke about the waiter’s shirt, and she laughs heartily, adding a witty remark of her own. Any future conversations and dates will be more enjoyable.


Polite to Service Staff

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How she treats service staff is a good indicator of her character. If she’s respectful and polite to the waiter, thanking them and making eye contact, she values others regardless of their status. Such behavior is a clear sign of a compassionate and respectful partner who will likely treat the people in her life with kindness and consideration.


Confidence is Key

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Confidence can be a major green flag. If she speaks confidently about her career and hobbies, this shows she knows what she wants in life. This kind of self-assuredness is attractive, as it suggests her goals and interests can contribute to a balanced and fulfilling relationship.


Genuine Compliments

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If she compliments you, it shows she’s paying attention and appreciates you. Suppose she praises your choice of restaurant, saying it’s a cozy place with delicious food. These genuine compliments indicate that she notices and values your efforts, creating a positive atmosphere for the date.


She’s Fully Present

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Putting away the phone during a date shows she values your time and presence. If she doesn’t check her phone during the entire date, even when there’s a lull in the conversation, it indicates she’s focused on the present moment and interested in building a connection with you.


Engaged Conversation

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It shows she’s invested in the conversation if she asks follow-up questions. Suppose you mention a recent trip, and she inquires about your experiences, the places you visited, and how you felt about the trip. These questions indicate an active interest in your life and a desire to understand you better.


Caring for Your Well-being

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When she asks you to text her when you get home, it shows she cares about your well-being. This small gesture, a sign of concern for your safety, indicates she’s genuinely interested in your welfare and is a strong foundation for a caring relationship. Anyone who does this is certainly a keeper!


The Art of Reciprocation

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Mutual interest suggests a balanced and good connection. Suppose you ask her about her favorite book, and after answering, she asks about yours. Such interactions show a mutual desire to know each other better, paving the way for a balanced and equal relationship between you two.


Time Just Flies

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If time flies while you’re together, it signifies a strong connection. Imagine spending hours at a café, so engrossed in conversation that you don’t notice the changing light outside. Missing her presence after just one date is a great sign of compatibility and could mean a good future together.


Making an Effort

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When she takes the initiative, it shows she’s committed to the relationship. Suppose she suggests a movie to watch together, brings up a new restaurant to try or proposes a fun activity for the weekend. These efforts indicate she’s actively invested in building a connection and making the relationship enjoyable for both of you.


Easy and Comfortable Conversation

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Comfortable conversation indicates good chemistry. If you find yourselves discussing a wide range of topics, from your favorite movies to personal experiences, without hesitation, it shows you’re on the same wavelength and can effortlessly connect. If you have to force the conversation, it’s unlikely to work out.


Gratitude is Appreciated

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A sincere “thank you” if you pay for the meal shows appreciation and respect. If she acknowledges your gesture, it indicates she values the effort you put into the date and is likely to be respectful and grateful in the relationship. Someone who simply assumes you’ll pay is usually not the kindest person.


Going the Extra Mile

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If she goes above and beyond to care for you, it’s a sign of genuine concern. Suppose you have a sudden headache on a date, and she offers to get you painkillers or drive you home. These acts of kindness show she’s willing to support you in times of need. She seems to be a caring and compassionate partner.


She’s There

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Sometimes, even the simplest things can be a green flag – the bar really is on the floor! Showing up on time indicates respect and commitment. If she arrives punctually for the date, it shows she values your time and is serious about getting to know you better. Of course, if she’s late and apologizes for it, that’s also okay.


Calm and Collected

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If you find that being around her makes you feel calm and at ease, it’s a strong indicator of a supportive and understanding partner. Perhaps you’re feeling anxious before a work presentation, and after talking to her, you feel more relaxed and focused. It shows a strong connection and the potential for a stable and loving relationship.


Prioritizing the Date

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If she rejects a call during your date, it shows she’s dedicated to spending time with you. It could be a friend calling to check on her or an excuse to leave the date early if it’s not going well. She’s signaling that she’s invested in the date by choosing to stay and prioritize your time together. Score! 

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