18 Relationship Deal-Breaker Phrases Women Cringe at on First Dates – Watch Out, Gentlemen

On a first date, what you say can create sparks or splash cold water on the flame. Certain phrases can make a lady feel uncomfortable or uninterested. Here are 18 phrases that women wish they could delete from first-date conversations.

I’m Living With My Parents to Save Cash.

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While money-saving can be a wise move, this statement might make a woman question your independence and maturity. It can imply that you’re not ready to fully handle the responsibilities of adult life and that you may be more interested in comfort than progress.

I Have Problems With My Family.

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Dropping your family drama on a first date might be overwhelming. It’s always better to keep things light-hearted and fun on a first date, leaving the more serious topics for later when you know each other better.

What’s Your Religion?

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Religion can be a deeply personal subject, and sharing your religious views on a first date, unless the topic naturally comes up, might come across as intense. Not everyone shares the same beliefs or comfort level discussing them, and it can inadvertently lead to uncomfortable debates or misunderstandings. It’s better to keep the first date conversation lighter, focusing on getting to know each other’s interests, hobbies, and day-to-day lives. 

I’m Taking Time off to Find Myself.

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Though self-discovery is important, mentioning this on a first date could signal that you’re not ready for a serious relationship. It might make her wonder whether you’re more invested in exploring your own psyche than investing time and effort into a potential relationship.

Do You Have Any Drink Specials?

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Bringing up drink specials could indicate you’re more focused on cost-saving than enjoying the date. It might create an impression that you’re hesitant to invest in the date, which could be off-putting. While there’s nothing wrong with being budget-conscious, a first date is a special occasion where creating a positive, generous impression matters. It’s all about creating a memorable and enjoyable atmosphere where both parties feel valued, comfortable, and not overly concerned with how much everything costs.

I’m a Recovering Addict.

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Being honest is essential, but this phrase might be too heavy for a first date. It can introduce unnecessary worry and apprehension about potential challenges that might come along in the future, creating a barrier to emotional connection.

This Bill Is Too Much.

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While financial woes are common, griping about bills on a first date can create a negative impression. It might make her question your financial stability and your ability to handle life’s responsibilities.

I’m Still Upset About My Ex.

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Discussing unresolved feelings for an ex can make her feel like a second choice or rebound. It’s better to resolve these emotions before stepping into the dating scene, ensuring she feels like a priority rather than an afterthought.

I’m Still Friends With My Ex.

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Although it’s great to maintain healthy relationships with ex-partners, sharing this might make her question your emotional availability. It could raise doubts about whether you’re truly ready to move on and invest in a new relationship.

I’ve Been Down in the Dumps Lately.

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First dates should be about positivity and getting to know each other. This phrase might make her worry about your emotional state and question whether she’s signing up for a relationship or a therapy session.

I’m Only Having Some Appetizers.

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This comment might make her self-conscious about her own food choices. It could make her question whether you’re trying to control your meal intake or if you’re not interested in fully participating in the date.

I Used to Be the Captain of the High-School Football Team.

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While it’s not a crime to look back at your glory days, too much emphasis on past achievements, like being the high-school football team captain, can be a turn-off. It can give her the impression that you’re living in the past, and she may wonder if you’re capable of making new memories or whether your best days are behind you. Sharing memories from the past is great, but it’s equally, if not more, important to demonstrate that you have current interests and achievements. 

Should We Split the Bill?

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Don’t get us wrong – equality is always a good thing. However, his question on a first date might give her the impression of a lack of effort or generosity on your part. It could potentially make her feel like she’s not worth the investment. You want to impress your date, not make her question if you even care about her!

I’m the Best At My Job

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Pride in your work is commendable, but excessive boasting might come off as selfish. It could make her feel overshadowed and question whether you’ll show interest in her life and achievements as well.

Tell Me About Your Ex

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Delving into her past relationships might make her uncomfortable. It’s crucial to show interest in who she is now and what her future goals are rather than poking around in her past.

You Know What the Problem With This Country Is?

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Discussing political issues on a first date might create tension. Strong political views can lead to heated debates and may steer the conversation away from getting to know each other.

You’re Bigger Than I Expected.

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This remark can be particularly offensive and hurtful. Body shaming, even when unintentional, can quickly cause her to feel self-conscious, questioning her self-worth and physical attractiveness. It could tarnish her confidence, which should be shining brightly on a first date. This phrase can be an immediate deal-breaker, creating a barrier of discomfort and disrespect between you two. 

I Hate My Job

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Constantly complaining about your job can paint you with a broad brush of negativity, which might lead her to think you’re a generally unhappy or dissatisfied person. Negativity can be contagious, and such a mindset can create a gloomy cloud over the otherwise light and pleasant atmosphere of a first date. Rather than dwelling on things you dislike, it’s more appealing to focus on the positives of your job or discuss your aspirations for future career moves.

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