Feeling the Pinch? 18 Items That Inflation Made Us Think Twice About!

Remember when our hard-earned dollars felt like they had superpowers? Able to buy multiple items in a single bound? Yeah, those were good times. Sadly, inflation has been like kryptonite to our purchasing prowess. Here’s a deep dive into the things that inflation has edged out of our regular shopping spree and some savvy alternatives to keep us on budget.

Steak Dinners

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A luscious steak has become the metaphorical golden goose. Rising livestock costs and transportation and packaging expenses have transformed our favorite carnivorous treat into a rare luxury. But who said veggies can’t be the hero? Trying out veggie-centric meals like lentil stews or bean burritos might just open up a new culinary world without emptying the coffers.


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That iconic red label and effervescent pleasure now come with a heavier tag. Rising sugar and production costs and distribution charges play their part. Here’s a thought: why not delve into DIY drinks? Homemade iced teas or fruit-infused waters can be both wallet-friendly and waist-friendly!

Latest Tech Gadgets

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Tech, while dazzling, has its price inflating due to manufacturing, import tariffs, and R&D costs. But there’s an old-school charm in revisiting our once-beloved devices. Plus, refurbished markets offer gems that deliver performance without the sticker shock. You don’t have to buy the latest tech products each year – give your wallet a break!

Designer Shoes

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Those enviable shoes with impeccable design now demand a princely sum, thanks to increased labor costs, material sourcing, and brand mark-ups. But there’s hope in hunting for off-brand treasures or sales, where style meets savings in a happy dance. You can even try the thrift store for some hidden gems.

Fast Food

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The speedy delights from our favorite chains have been slowed down by rising ingredient prices and operational costs. This could be the nudge we needed toward healthier home-cooked alternatives. Think homemade burgers with oven-baked fries – tastier, healthier, and easier on the purse strings!

Big Screen TVs

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Between global supply chain hiccups and the constant race for the latest tech, that dreamy big screen for the game night has become pricier. Consider a projector setup: often cheaper and scalable to your wall’s ambition! You can also take a projector wherever you go, making it even better than a TV.

Concert Tickets

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Between artist demands, venue upkeeps, and the middlemen, live music has turned into a splurge event. But the local music scene, often overlooked, can be rich and wallet-friendly. Plus, there’s always the fun of a DIY karaoke night at home. Just stick on a video of your favorite concert, and you’re good to go!


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Who knew the breakfast bowl would feel the inflation crunch? Rising grain prices and packaging costs are to blame. Homemade granolas or overnight oats offer a tasty, nutritious, and economical start to the day. You could also try off-brand cereals if you’re really craving them.

Name-Brand Snacks

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Speaking of brands, gourmet snacks are pocket-pinchers due to increased packaging, marketing, and exotic ingredient costs. The silver lining? Bulk buying basics and seasoning at home. This brings both customization and cost savings. What’s not to love with that?

Gourmet Coffee

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Those artisanal beans and the artistry of baristas don’t come cheap, especially with global demand and supply games. An initial investment in a quality coffee machine can yield long-term savings and brew café-style magic in the comfort of your home. Much better than a trip to Starbucks.

Frozen Pizza

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Frozen pizzas, once the emergency dinner saviors are impacted by the combined rise in dairy, meat, and grain costs. Though a bit time-consuming, the DIY route brings a fresher and more personalized pizza experience at a fraction of the cost. Plus, you can customize them to suit your fancy.

Video Games

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Beyond development costs, licensing, marketing, and platform fees add layers to the final price of the latest blockbuster game. The gaming world is vast; diving into indie titles or older classics offers hours of entertainment without straining budgets. You can even try getting second-hand games at stores for a lower price.

Gym Memberships

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Modern gym amenities come at a premium due to equipment costs, rent, and maintenance. A blend of outdoor exercises, home workouts, or community sports groups can offer fitness solutions that are both effective and economical. You can also work out in the buff at home!

Movie Tickets

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The cinematic experience, with plush seating and advanced visuals, has its costs. Streaming platforms, while having monthly fees, offer many choices and unlimited viewings from the cozy corner of our living room. And there’s also no expensive popcorn cost either!

Craft Beers

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Unique hops, brewing methods, and sometimes even brand appeal add to the price of craft beers. Local breweries or even venturing into home brewing kits can provide chilled delight without the chill on the bank balance. You should give it a go!


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The fashion industry faces inflating costs due to material sourcing, labor, and environmental considerations. Embracing the thrift culture or capsule wardrobes can lead to unique styles while being economically and environmentally sound.

High-End Headphones

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Premium sound quality, noise-canceling tech, and brand names up the ante on price. Delving into reviews and research can unearth lesser-known brands delivering solid performance at a more digestible price point. AirPods aren’t everything, y’know!

Board Games

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Modern board games, with intricate components and licensing rights, can be surprisingly pricey. Classic games, DIY game nights, or digital versions of favorites can ensure the fun continues without the fiscal frown. Board games also get everyone involved, unlike video games.

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Image Credit: MM_photos / Shutterstock.com

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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