“That Made My Stomach Turn”: 18 Delicacies That Defied The Bravest Tastebuds

The world is full of diverse and unique cuisines, each a testament to the culture it originates from. However, not all foods are loved equally. Here are some of the foods that people confess they would rather avoid, even if they were available for free.


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Some people have a genetic trait that makes cilantro taste like soap. No cost savings could make this herb palatable for these individuals.

“Cilantro tastes like soap to me. No matter how fresh or well-prepared, it’s a hard pass.”

“Cilantro is a divisive herb. Some people love and hate it – I’m firmly in the hate camp.”


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Known as the ‘king of fruits,’ durian is revered in Southeast Asia. However, its strong smell has made this food that only some would eat.

“I’ve tried durian before, and its smell is overpowering. It’s not for me.”

“Durian is a mix of gym socks, garlic, and sweet custard. Not my cup of tea.”

Casu Marzu

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Casu Marzu is a traditional Sardinian sheep milk cheese that contains live insect larvae. Understandably, this has made it a food that many would avoid.

“Eating cheese with live maggots in it is simply too much. I wouldn’t touch Casu Marzu, even for free.”

“Casu Marzu is probably a foodie’s delight, but the thought of eating cheese with live insects turns my stomach.”


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Balut, a fertilized duck egg, is a popular street food in the Philippines. However, its unique nature makes it a food many find hard to stomach.

“Balut is one food I wouldn’t eat, no matter the circumstances. The idea of it is too much.”

“The concept of eating a developing duck embryo in balut is simply not for me.”

Rocky Mountain Oysters

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Despite the innocuous name, Rocky Mountain Oysters are actually bull testicles. This peculiar delicacy often leaves many feeling squeamish.

“I can’t get past what Rocky Mountain Oysters are. They’re not something I’d choose to eat.”

“Rocky Mountain Oysters are definitely an acquired taste. I’d rather not acquire it.”

Shark Fin

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Shark fin soup is a traditional dish in Chinese cuisine. Despite its status as a delicacy, the environmental and ethical issues surrounding it have caused many to refuse it.

“Shark fin is something I would never eat. The environmental impact is just too great.”

“I can’t support the practice of shark finning. It’s just not worth it.”

“The ethical concerns surrounding shark fin soup are too significant for me to overlook.”


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Surströmming, a type of fermented herring, is a Swedish specialty known for its highly potent smell. Its intense aroma has placed it firmly on the list of foods people would refuse, regardless of cost.

“I’ve heard that surströmming smells overwhelming. I wouldn’t dare try it.”

“The smell of surströmming alone makes it a food I wouldn’t touch.”

“I’d have to pass on surströmming. The idea of fermented fish is just too much for me.”


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Although liver is a nutritious food, its unique texture and flavor have made it a food that some people wouldn’t consume.

“I can’t get past the texture of liver. It’s not for me.”

“The taste and smell of liver are just too overpowering. It’s a food I wouldn’t eat even if it were free.”

Turtle Soup

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Turtle soup, once a staple in American cuisine, has fallen out of favor for many due to ethical and conservation concerns. As such, many individuals would refuse this dish.

“The conservation issues surrounding turtle soup are too significant.”

“I couldn’t justify eating turtle soup. It’s a hard no for me.”


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Insects are a common food source in many cultures around the world. However, for others, the idea of eating bugs is too much to bear.

“I know bugs are eaten in many cultures, but I just can’t get past the idea.”

“Eating insects might be sustainable, but it’s a hurdle I can’t overcome.”

Pickled Pigs’ Feet

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Pickled pigs’ feet are a food item enjoyed in various cuisines worldwide. However, its gelatinous texture and appearance make it a challenging dish for some to stomach.

“Pickled pigs’ feet? The thought alone is enough to make me squirm.”

“Eating pickled pigs’ feet doesn’t sit well with me. The texture, the appearance—it’s all too much.”


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Although caviar is considered a luxury food, consuming fish eggs is a deal-breaker for some.

“Caviar is supposed to be this fancy, luxurious food, but the idea of eating fish eggs doesn’t appeal to me at all.”

“The salty, fishy taste of caviar has always put me off. I wouldn’t go near it.”


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A traditional Scottish dish made from a sheep’s heart, liver, and lungs, haggis can be intimidating for those unfamiliar with it.

“Haggis is one of those foods that’s a hard sell for me. The ingredients alone are enough to make me lose my appetite.”

“Although I respect it as a cultural dish, haggis isn’t something I could see myself eating.”

Black Pudding

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Black pudding is a type of blood sausage, a breakfast staple in the UK. However, its key ingredient – blood – can be a deterrent for many.

“Eating something made primarily from blood makes my stomach turn.”

“Black pudding is something I’ve never been able to stomach. The thought of what’s in it just ruins my appetite.”

Pufferfish (Fugu)

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Although considered a delicacy in Japan, pufferfish or fugu can be deadly if not prepared properly, which makes many hesitate to try it.

“The risk associated with eating pufferfish just isn’t worth it.”

“I wouldn’t dare try fugu. The idea that it could be potentially lethal is enough to keep me away.”


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A traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans, natto is known for its pungent smell, slimy texture, and potent flavor.

“I couldn’t get past the slimy texture and potent smell of natto.”

“Eating fermented soybeans just doesn’t sit right with me.”


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Escargot, or snails, is a delicacy in France, but not everyone can get past the fact that they’re eating a slimy garden pest.

“Eating snails? No, thank you.”

“I can’t help but picture garden snails when I think of escargot.”


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These small, oily fish are often used as a pizza topping or in Caesar salad, but their strong, fishy flavor can be off-putting to many.

“I don’t mind fish, but anchovies are too intense for my palate.”

“Anchovies on pizza? That’s a deal-breaker for me.”

These food aversions show that one person’s trash can indeed be another person’s treasure, especially in global food culture. What’s viewed as “disgusting” to some may be considered a beloved comfort food to others, reminding us that culinary tastes are as diverse as the people who hold them.

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