18 Common Sayings That Sound Wise But Totally Miss the Mark

We’ve all heard them: those old, dusty sayings that sound wise but don’t hold water when you give them a second look. They seem to come out of nowhere, becoming part of our conversations without us even realizing it. But if you dig deeper, these sayings are about as accurate as a broken watch. Let’s look at 18 overused sayings that simply aren’t true. 

“Sky’s the Limit!”

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Really? Because last time we checked, we’ve already been to the moon, sent rovers to Mars, and have our eyes on visiting even more distant planets. The sky isn’t the limit; it’s just the starting line for the amazing journey of exploration that humanity has embarked on. Let’s strive for more than just the stars!


“The Customer Is Always Right”

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While valuing customer feedback and striving for excellent service is important, this saying oversimplifies things. Not every customer’s opinion is perfect. Businesses should indeed listen to their customers, but they should also use their own judgment and experience to make informed decisions.


“It’s Just One Bad Apple”

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People often use this saying to downplay the influence of one negative individual, but it misses the point. The full saying is, “One bad apple spoils the bunch.” The idea is that a single negative element can have a much larger impact, affecting the entire group. It’s important to address issues before they spread.


“You Can Be Whatever You Want to Be When You Grow Up”

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This is a classic, feel-good saying that parents often tell their kids. While it’s meant to be encouraging, it doesn’t consider factors like natural talent, opportunities, or resources. It’s great to chase dreams, but having a realistic perspective on life is essential. You may not always get it if you want it, especially if you fail to work hard.


“What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger”

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Although challenges can sometimes help us grow, it’s not a universal rule. Some struggles can leave us feeling defeated and worn down. Not every difficulty results in newfound strength. It’s okay to acknowledge that some experiences are just hard and don’t always have a silver lining.


“You Only Use 10% of Your Brain”

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We’ve all heard this one before, but it’s just not accurate. Different parts of the brain have different functions, and we use virtually all our brains for various tasks. The idea that we only use a fraction of our brain is a completely baseless myth, and we’re not sure why anyone believes it in the first place.


“It’s Always Darkest Before the Dawn”

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While this saying is meant to be encouraging during tough times, it’s not always accurate. Sometimes, things get worse before they get better. Other times, they might not get better at all. Life is unpredictable, and it’s okay to admit that it doesn’t always follow a set pattern. And from a scientific perspective, the darkest moment is the middle of the night, not before dawn!


“Sweating Like a Pig”

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This saying describes intense sweating, but here’s a fun fact: pigs don’t sweat! They keep cool by rolling in the mud. So, if someone claims they’re “sweating like a pig,” they might want to reconsider their choice of words. It just means they’re not sweating – try a different animal for a better effect. 


“Everything Happens for a Reason”

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This saying tries to make sense of life’s chaos by attributing meaning to every event. But sometimes, things just happen, and there’s no deeper reason behind them. Accepting that life can be random and that not everything has a preordained purpose is okay. Sometimes the purpose is just to challenge you, and that’s okay.


“Slept Like a Baby”

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When someone says they “slept like a baby,” they usually mean they had a peaceful, restful night. This phrase comes from the belief that babies sleep without a care. But anyone who’s been around babies knows they wake up a lot during the night. So, if you really slept like a baby, it probably wasn’t as peaceful as you thought. 


“Ignore Them, and They’ll Leave You Alone”

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This saying suggests ignoring people will make them disappear, but that’s not always true. Some people simply don’t take a hint. It’s okay to set boundaries and assertively communicate when someone’s presence is not welcome. And, more often than not, ignoring people will just encourage them to annoy you even further.


“If You Can’t Handle My Worst, You Don’t Deserve My Best”

Funny surprised fat man
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While this saying may sound deep, it can be an excuse for bad behavior. Everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their flaws. If you’re going through a tough time, it’s okay to ask for support but not to use it as an excuse for treating others poorly. Seeing someone at their worst isn’t always a good thing.


“You Won’t Have a Calculator in Real Life”

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Remember hearing this in math class? Well, guess what? Thanks to smartphones, we all carry calculators in our pockets now – you’ve even got calculators in smartwatches now! So go ahead and use that calculator; it’s a tool that’s available in real life, and there’s absolutely no shame in using one. 


“Time Heals All Wounds”

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Time can certainly help with the healing process, but it doesn’t automatically fix everything. Some wounds stay with us, and that’s okay. What’s important is how we cope with them and find ways to move forward. You don’t have to forgive or even forget – sometimes, you can move on without doing any of these.


“I Before E, Except After C”

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This supposed spelling rule is riddled with exceptions, like “weird,” “seize,” and “neither.” It’s time to restate this outdated rule and recognize that English spelling is full of exceptions. In fact, there are more exceptions to this so-called rule than there are words that follow it. It’s a really pointless thing to teach!


“Love Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry”

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This saying might sound romantic, but real love is about recognizing when you’ve messed up and being willing to apologize. It’s about humility, kindness, and a willingness to make amends. Your loved one’s feelings matter; you should always respect them, not assume you can steamroll over them.


“Good Things Come to Those Who Wait”

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While patience is a virtue, waiting around isn’t always the best strategy. Sometimes, you must take action, seize opportunities, and make things happen. Waiting too long can mean missing out on great chances, so you just seize the day and do what you want instead of waiting for it to come to you.


“You’re Like a Bull in a China Shop”

monkey scratching his head
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This saying implies clumsiness and recklessness, but it’s unfair to the bulls. MythBusters tested this, and the bulls carefully navigated around the obstacles without knocking anything over. Let’s give bulls the credit they deserve and retire this inaccurate saying. Perhaps “you’re like a Black Friday shopper in a Best Buy?”

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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