Single & Stumbling? 18 Love Blunders Every Woman is Guilty of Making

If you are a single woman looking for a long-term relationship, you may want to look at the top 20 mistakes that prevent you from making a profound connection. The list is compiled from a discussion online when one woman asked where she was going wrong.

Planning too Much

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One man said that women he had experience with were overly confident about their future and have a specific outlook on life and can lose a sense of naturalness. He said, “Their relationships weren’t organic attractions, just a checklist.”

Too Picky

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When women have very specific men in mind they can often be left disappointed when they realize that nobody is perfect. This can often lead to jumping from man to man in search of the impossible.

Too Superficial

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People commented that they knew of women who got along very well with the men they dated but could not get past that those men didn’t look as handsome as they had hoped or did not wear the best clothes. When women are too superficial they either turn long-term partners off or end up ditching the good guys.

Not Being in Love

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When women chase the superficial dream and tick all the boxes, they sometimes fail to realize that they are not in love.

Wanting to Settle Down Too Quickly

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When women are desperate for a long-term relationship, they can sometimes rush too quickly ahead of their partner and pull out the L word too early, which puts many men off.

Being Indecisive

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One man called it the Tarzan effective when he said “Grabbing what’s in reach and never fully letting go of the last one before they’re on to the next.” Is what can let women down.

Too Needy

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It was pointed out that when women become too clingy and needy and do not give their partner space it can be too suffocating to the point the relationship has to end.

Rushing into Relationships Too Quickly

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One woman told of a woman she know who could not “spend a few days single and is constantly getting into relationships with anyone and she wondered why her relationships liquidate after a few months.”

Poor Communication

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A good partnership flows because of good communication, and when that breaks down, so can break down a relationship. Being open and honest about your wants and needs is essential.

Being Present

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One man said, “ I cannot tell you how many women I have passed up on because they didn’t seem to want to give me the time of day, only to find out later that they were interested in a serious relationship.”

Unwilling To Compromise

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Sometimes opposites can attract which means that both partners have to compromise on some activities. If women cannot do this then it can be a big mistake when it comes to holding down a long relationship.

Trying to Change a Man

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While compromise in a relationship is good, it does not mean that people have to change entirely, and when women try to make significant changes in a man’s life, they do not like it.

Treating Men Badly

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One man said that treating people mean to keep them keen is not always a good plan when and he hates seeing women “Treating the guy she views as a serious prospect worse than the guys who were just flings.”

Comparing Men to Their Previous Partners

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One man said a big mistake people make is when they “Assume this guy is going to be like her last guy and preemptively/overly being a jerk about something a new guy does that’s similar to old guy.”


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When women are heartbroken over a relationship breakdown but jump onto the next one quickly it can lead to a very messy situation. It is always best to take some time to work out what went wrong and what you need out of your next relationship so that you don’t rush into anything.

Playing Games on Dating Apps

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Waiting a certain length of time before answering a message, talking to multiple men at once, ghosting people, and being too coy are all games people play when dating online, but it can put some men off.

A Lack of Confidence

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Some men love a woman who is confident enough to ask them out and be happy in her skin. If women are unable to approach a woman, then how is a relationship ever going to take off?

Being Overly Dramatic

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Men like an easy life, and when a woman brings too much drama into it, they can get fed up easily. Whether it is gossiping about her friends, arguing with her family, or having a breakdown at every little thing that you do wrong,

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