Why Do We Do That? 18 Bizarre Social Norms We Never Questioned

We live in a world filled with rules and customs that, for the most part, make sense. But let’s be honest, some of these social norms are downright peculiar. From over-the-top weddings to balloons as a form of gifting, we’ve gathered some of the most bizarre traditions that will make you scratch your head in wonder.

Let’s Talk About Ties

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Ah, the necktie – a staple of the business world that has puzzled many for decades. Seriously, what’s the point of a piece of fabric hanging from your neck? Is it a fashion statement or a leash to remind you that you’re in the corporate world? And why, oh why, are there so many different ways to tie it? The Windsor, the Half Windsor, the Four-in-Hand – it’s like we’ve turned dressing for work into a bizarre art form.

Speakerphone – Broadcasting Conversations to the World

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Whatever happened to the good old private phone call? Remember when you could have a conversation without everyone in a 10-foot radius hearing every word? Now, the speakerphone is all the rage, and it’s like people want the world to be part of their chat. Next thing you know, we’ll be hosting talk shows in the middle of the grocery store.

Weddings – Go Big or Go Home

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Big weddings are a thing, and they’re only getting bigger. We’re in a contest to see who can throw the most extravagant party. Getting married is a special occasion, but does it need to be a Hollywood production? Between the planning, the guest list, and the cost, it’s no wonder people elope.

Balloons – The Breath Bag

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What’s the deal with balloons? Who thought taking a plastic sack, filling it with breath, and giving it as a gift was a good idea? And why do we attach them to cars, mailboxes, and street signs? It’s like we’re marking our territory with floating sacks of air. It’s pretty strange how this tradition has caught on in almost every country across the globe.

Birthday Song – The Love-Hate Relationship

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The “Happy Birthday” song – the one song everyone knows but nobody wants to sing or hear. You’d think with all the talented musicians out there, we’d have come up with a better way to celebrate our special day. But no, we still gather around the cake and belt out the same tune year after year, pretending we enjoy it.

Candles – A Germ Fest

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Speaking of birthdays, what’s the deal with blowing out candles on a cake? Who thought having someone spew their germs all over a dessert that everyone’s about to eat was a good idea? Maybe it’s a tradition designed to test our immune systems? Either way, it’s pretty disgusting when you think about it.

Cards – A Short-Lived Gift

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It seems like there’s a card for every occasion – birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, you name it. But let’s be real, who actually keeps them? Most end up in a drawer, forgotten, or in the trash. We’re basically paying for a piece of paper that will be looked at once and then discarded. It’s like we’re throwing money away for the sake of tradition.

Garter Toss – Just Plain Weird

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The garter toss at weddings is one of those traditions that’s been around forever but still makes no sense. Why are we tossing a piece of fabric to a group of single men? Are we trying to remind them that they’re single? Or is it a good luck charm that’s supposed to help them find a partner? Either way, it’s a bit odd.

Working for a Short Retirement

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Work for 65 years, retire, and then hope you have a few good years left. It’s like we’re running a marathon just to collapse at the finish line. Why do we spend the majority of our lives working for a brief leisure period? Maybe it’s time to rethink the work-life balance until it works for everyone.

Tipping Instead of Fair Wages

Tipping is expected for certain jobs, but why not just pay employees a fair wage to begin with? In doing this, we’re putting the responsibility on customers to make up for the employer’s shortcomings. And don’t even get us started on the different tipping rules for various professions.

Asking, “How Are You?” Without Wanting an Answer

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We ask people how they’re doing, but most of the time, we’re not really interested in the answer. It’s become a social courtesy that we do without thinking. But why ask if we don’t want to know? It seems as though we’re programmed to be polite even when it doesn’t make sense. Let’s try for more authenticity in the future.

Breast Coverage Rules

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There’s a weird rule that women can show their entire breasts except for the nipple. Why is this small part of the body considered inappropriate? Somehow, we’ve decided that one specific area is off-limits while everything else is fair game. It’s high time that we #FreeTheNipple, once and for all!

Violence Over Nudity in Movies

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In movies, excessive violence is more acceptable than nudity. Show someone getting shot, and it’s fine. Show a naked body, and suddenly it’s scandalous. For some people, the human body in its purest form is somehow more dangerous than seeing a human body be destroyed. Where’s the logic there? 

Paying a Fortune for Burials

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Burying the deceased is an expensive affair, and it can cost tens of thousands of dollars. For some people, it’s like they are trying to make a statement with their final resting place. But wouldn’t it make more sense to spend that money on the living? This one really doesn’t make any sense at all.

Forced Hugs for Kids

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Encouraging kids to hug family members they don’t know well is considered polite. But shouldn’t children have a say in who they feel comfortable hugging? By forcing kids to hug people they don’t know, we’re teaching them that their feelings don’t matter and that they should do what’s expected of them.

Family Questions About Having Children

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Family members often ask couples if they’re trying for a child as if it’s their business. Why is it okay to pry into people’s personal lives? Many people give themselves permission to be completely nosy when it comes to family. You wouldn’t ask this question to someone at work, for example. Let’s keep our boundaries in place.

Food and Drinks – The Adult Hobby

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Once you become an adult, going out for food and drinks becomes everyone’s favorite pastime. We’re all trying to relive our college days but with fancier drinks and a bigger tab. It’s about time that we start looking for other ways to hang out with our loved ones that don’t end up ruining our bodies.

Family Ties, No Matter What

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There’s an expectation to get along with family members, even if they don’t treat you well. Are we supposed to just ignore bad behavior just because we share DNA? We don’t think so – respect should always be a two-way street, and this is how we teach it in schools. Families shouldn’t get a pass!

10 Unexpected Desires of Men That Will Surely Raise Women’s Eyebrows

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Certain things can make eyebrows rise and curiosity pique. When it comes to men’s desires, there are often hidden gems that may surprise and intrigue women. These desires can range from the unconventional to the unexpected, shedding light on the diverse range of interests that captivate the male psyche.

10 Unexpected Desires of Men That Will Surely Raise Women’s Eyebrows

Twisted Icons: 17 Historical Figures Idolized by Society but Truly Horrible People.

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Throughout history, individuals have attained fame, adoration, and idolization for their achievements or perceived virtues. However, the truth behind their public image often reveals a much darker and more disturbing reality.

Twisted Icons: 17 Historical Figures Idolized by Society but Truly Horrible People.


The 19 Most Overpaid Professions That Offer Little to Society’s Advancement

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In a world where societal progress is paramount, it’s disheartening to discover that certain professions command exorbitant paychecks while contributing little to the advancement of society. As we delve into the complex tapestry of occupations, we spotlight the 19 most overpaid jobs that raise eyebrows and ignite discussions about fairness, value, and the true impact on our collective progress.

The 19 Most Overpaid Professions That Offer Little to Society’s Advancement

Boomers’ Unyielding Attachment to the 60s: 10 Things They Absolutely Refuse to Let Go

Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

Memories of the “good old days” keep us trapped in the past. Baby boomers love to retell tales of how it was “in my day.” At the same time, millennials will tell them to get with the times. Being stuck in a time warp from which they don’t want to snap out of, here are things that baby boomers still think are fantastic.

Boomers’ Unyielding Attachment to the 60s: 10 Things They Absolutely Refuse to Let Go

Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?

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Are there hobbies that send men running for the hills? Is it the avid knitting or the extreme couponing that leaves them perplexed? Or could it be the unusual fascination with insect taxidermy that sends shivers down their spines? While we all have our unique interests and pastimes, there seems to be a list of hobbies that some men find a little… bewildering.

Men Share the 12 Most Unattractive Hobbies Women Enjoy That Make Them Run for the Hills: Fact or Fiction?


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