Boomer and GenX Decisions: The Root of Millennial Misfortunes?

Each generation has had its struggles in life. Yet, is the difficulties one faces the fault of previous generations? The older generations go on about “back in my day” as though things were worse then than now. Yet, Millennials say the opposite is true. The blame for the current life challenges is laid squarely in the lap of Boomers, whom Millennials regard as selfish and greedy. Yet did GenXers find life easier than Millennials? Let’s look at all sides of the argument to see if there is any truth that Boomers and GenXers had things sweeter than Millennials.

Evolving Challenges: A Generational Perspective

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“The nature of struggles faced by every generation tends to evolve over time. While one had wars, the other grapples with the digital invasion.”

Evolving Challenges: A Generational Perspective

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“The nature of struggles faced by every generation tends to evolve over time. While one had wars, the other grapples with the digital invasion.”

The Role of Technology: Blessing or Curse?

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“While the older generations grew up without the internet, the younger ones can’t imagine a world without it. Has technology made life more complicated or simplified?”

The Echo of Past Decisions: Are Millennials Bearing the Brunt?


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“The policies and decisions made by earlier generations are impacting the lives of millennials today. But are they all bad, or is there some silver lining?”

Housing Crisis: Then Vs. Now

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“The notion of owning a home has changed drastically over generations. Is the dream of having a roof over one’s head getting distant for millennials?”

It’s Harder to Get Ahead

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“Wages have increased at a rate lower than inflation across the board, while the prices of food, housing, and college have all increased faster than the rate of inflation. Those jobs are still limited, and not everyone is suited for them. Millennials today only have 3% of the nation’s wealth and 16% of the debt. Boomers had 26% of the nation’s wealth at this point in their lives. You can’t honestly believe that almost an entire generation between the ages of ~25-45 just decided to follow the same life path like that to end up in this situation.”

Let’s Move to Somewhere More Affordable

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“I understand, that Inflation went up faster than wages across the board and I give you that the official measurement of Inflation does not show the true picture. Still, I believe that there are many ways to live and make a living that can be achieved without feeling the impact of the general wage inflation disparity. If instead of going to college and moving to a big city, you learn a trade and move to a rural area, you can enjoy the life of a boomer. If you are not suited for this lifestyle, then you can hardly argue that it was easier for Boomers.”

It’s a Lie!

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“Gen X didn’t have all the benefits you think we did. We still had student loans. And you had a hard time making a living wage with just a high school diploma.” Another GenXer concurs: “It still wasn’t magically paid for. I am Gen X. I left school with student loans. My friends who didn’t go to school struggled a bit. Things weren’t glowing rays of sunshine.”

Look at the Gap!

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“I understand that each generation had its own set of struggles and challenges. That’s just the reality of life. I’m speaking mainly about the wealth gap. There are huge disparities for millennials, and that’s factual.”

Is This the Reason for College Being Costly Now?

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“This is literally from college brochures and ads I saw when I was looking for one. They were advertising all kinds of unnecessary clubs, events, and activities. And that pretty much made it clear that college isn’t expensive just cause there’s some big scheme to extract more money but also because people want and will pay for these useless things. And if you can get the state to give you a loan, congratulations, you just made a big brain move.”

It’s Been the Same for All Generations

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“Every generation has had their challenges. No harder or more straightforward than the others, just different. Each generation believes they had things more challenging than the other generations. It is just how things are.”

I Beg to Differ on the Above Opinion

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“You think that life has been equally difficult for all generations? The likelihood of that being true is functionally impossible.”

Crisis After Crisis

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“Ask every generation ever, and they will tell you life is more manageable now, which is also BS. The climate crisis has been on for decades and will still be on when we are all long gone. Every generation has struggled to afford things. The 1920s had the depression. The 1930s and 1940s, we were at war. The 1970s had the gas crisis. Etc. Learn some history. There are newspaper articles from previous generations complaining about the same things we complain about now.”

Damn You, Boomers and GenXers!

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“I would argue millennials have it harder because of boomers/gen x. Their runaway greed has eliminated privacy, stifled scientific progress, and greatly emphasized personal wealth over the good of the people. Their tactics force us to go into crippling debt to get a degree that we are told we need but might not even use. They waged a dubious war on drugs and then privatized prisons just to make more money. They’re getting full benefits from social security, which might not even be around by the time we retire, effectively making us bankroll their golden years while we struggle just to pay rent/buy food.”

Stop Your Whining, Millennials!

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“It’s a necessity now to have a college degree or a technical degree. No, it’s not. You can’t blame an entire generation for your career path. I’m a Millennial no college education. Walked into an industrial job eight years ago with zero training, doing labor. Last year, I made 80K. You’re making us all look bad. Stop competing with other generations already. Baby boomers learned math on an abacus, and you had a computer in your pocket as a teenager. Stop.”

Is Life Harder Or Easier Now?

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As you can see, the view about how hard life is seems relative. Each generation has had life struggles, whether going through a war, an energy crisis, or some other significant event. Millennials say they have been hard done thanks to the selfishness of preceding generations. Yet, some millennials have an opposing viewpoint on this issue. The question that needs to be asked is: Which generation is the more self-centered?

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The 19 Most Overpaid Professions That Offer Little to Society’s Advancement

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Boomers’ Unyielding Attachment to the 60s: 10 Things They Absolutely Refuse to Let Go

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Memories of the “good old days” keep us trapped in the past. Baby boomers love to retell tales of how it was “in my day.” At the same time, millennials will tell them to get with the times. Being stuck in a time warp from which they don’t want to snap out of, here are things that baby boomers still think are fantastic.

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