Hotspots Burglars Raid Before You Even Know It – 18 Signs Your Home is a Goldmine for Thieves

We all like a nice, quiet break from our abodes every once in a while. Maybe it’s a relaxing vacation or perhaps a weekend escape. But let’s not broadcast our absence to those pesky burglars. Take a gander at these 18 clues that scream, “Hey, I’m not home!” And, more importantly, here are some quick tricks on how to avoid waving that obvious flag.

Driveway Drama Unfolds

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You know what screams “I’m away!”? An ever-empty driveway or that same car sitting there for days. Burglars have hawk eyes for such stagnant scenes. Rotate cars if you have multiple or ask a friendly neighbor to keep their car in your driveway sometimes, giving the illusion of an occupied house.


Package Parties Aren’t Cool

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When your porch starts resembling a warehouse, burglars want an invite. Overflowing parcels hint that no one’s collecting them, which means that things on the inside are easy pickings. So, pause those orders, redirect them, or have your neighbor swoop in to save those boxes from stacking sky-high.


Lost in the Shadows

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Imagine your home, evening after evening, being swallowed by darkness. It’s a burglar’s dream dance floor. Get some smart bulbs or use good, old timers to mimic a human touch. Put the lights on in the living room at night – maybe the bathroom light flicks on briefly. Illusion? Yes. Effective? Absolutely.


Snow’s Silent Tales

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A winter wonderland untouched on your driveway after a storm is like a neon ‘Vacant’ sign. It’s like nature itself is saying you’re off sledding elsewhere. Prearrange a deal with a neighborhood kid or a service to give your driveway and sidewalks a quick sweep when the snow flies.


Jungle Vibes in the Yard

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When your lawn starts resembling a mini Amazon rainforest, you’re telling thieves you’re busy being Tarzan elsewhere. That’s definitely not what you want to do! Keep that grass trimmed, as a maintained yard is a subtle sign of home life. Plus, it will also make your lawn look a whole lot nicer, too!


Mailbox Mayhem Amplified

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Overflowing mail is more than just an eyesore; it’s an open invitation for burglars. Those weekly coupon packs and monthly magazines are like breadcrumbs that lead to an empty home. The USPS, our beloved postal service, has a hold-mail service that’s perfect for vacations. Alternatively, you could ask your neighbor to fetch your mail.


Deeper Dive into The Haunting Silence

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It’s one thing for a house to be quiet; it’s another for it to be eerily silent for days. This stillness screams, “We’re out!” To combat this, little noises matter. Consider a radio chat show playing in the background or even a lively podcast. The aim? Make it sound like there’s always a discussion happening inside, and mix it up with some techy timers.


Unraveling the Curtain Conundrum

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Constantly closed curtains might as well have a sign saying, “Nope, nobody home.” Change it up every few days. Let a sliver of sunlight break through, or play around with different curtain configurations. If you have a friend who occasionally checks on your place, ask them to mix up the curtain display. It’s all about crafting that lived-in, sun-dappled look.


Decoding the ‘Gram Gab

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Social media is the diary of today, but your vacation story might be an open book to potential intruders. While the world waits for your epic sun-kissed selfies, delay the gratification. Share the adventure once you’re back. It preserves the mystery, keeps your home safe, and honestly, the anticipation will only increase the ‘likes.’


Ghostly Gadgets Get Gossipy

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Modern homes have a chorus of gadgets. When they all go silent? Dead giveaway. Smart plugs are a game changer. These nifty devices can power up your TV, smart speakers, or even a blender at scheduled times. Imagine a burglar hearing Alexa list out cookie recipes. Chances are they won’t want to stick around for cookies.


Deciphering the Garbage Gridlock

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Your trash habits can reveal your house’s occupancy status. Regular trash rituals disrupted? A giant “We’re not home” banner. Ensure the usual garbage routine continues. Request a neighbor to toss a bag in your can or place it curbside. Simple acts, but they paint a picture of normalcy.


Pet Play Plot

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Those furry friends, besides being utterly adorable, have routines that even outsiders notice. Fido’s sunset yard romp or Fluffy’s window sunbathing are routines observed by more than you think. When these go MIA, alarms ring. Schedule regular pet sitters or dog walkers. They don’t just keep the routine; they offer companionship to your pets, too.


Breathless Homes Break Cover

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Every home has its breathing rhythm – windows cracking open for fresh air, the scent of morning toast wafting out. A perpetually ‘sealed’ home feels unnatural. Ensure your home gets its daily dose of fresh air. Automated window openers, available today, offer controlled breezes at your preferred times.


Rise and Shine Riddles

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Dawn activity, like brewing coffee and breakfast prep, is a universal ritual. Use automation to your advantage. Schedule coffee makers, pop on the toaster, or even have the microwave beep occasionally. These mimic the typical hustle of early risers, subtly signaling all’s normal and that burglars should stay away.


Routine Ritual Redux

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Those small weekly markers, like Friday’s pizza delivery or the Sunday paper, are surprisingly telling. Break them, and eyebrows raise. Ensure these rituals go on. Maybe swap pizza for a different delivery or ensure a neighbor picks up your paper. These weekly markers keep the rhythm of routine alive.


Telltale Toy Tracks

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Kids are whirlwinds of activity, and their toys, scattered or organized, tell tales. When toys disappear or stay static, it’s a clue. Occasionally, move them around and leave a ball in the yard or a bike on the drive. It speaks of playful life behind those doors and shows thieves they might have some difficulties breaking in.


Doorbell Dodging

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In today’s tech era, many of us have smart doorbells, which can be both a blessing and a curse. When potential prowlers ring the bell, and no one answers repeatedly, it’s as good as flashing a “Vacant” sign. However, the tech edge can be used to our advantage. Many smart doorbells come with features allowing you to answer remotely, making it seem like you’re inside, even if you’re sunbathing in Bali.


Gone with the Wind Chimes

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Those lovely porch ornaments and wind chimes can be more revealing than one might think. If they’re silent even on breezy days, it could mean they’re kept indoors, indicating potential absence. But if they chime too frequently, it could be a sign of neglect. Before leaving, ensure your wind chimes are placed in a position where they can sing naturally with the wind.

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Image Credit: Canva: Rapideye

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