Silver Fox Allure: 18 Reasons Why Younger Ladies Can’t Help But Crave Weathered Salt ‘N’ Pepper Daddies

Have you noticed many younger ladies have a soft spot for those weathered salt ‘n’ pepper daddies?! We wanted to know from the ladies of an online forum what the appeal is.

Guys Their Ages Don’t Want Relationships

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“If the question is “Why do women roughly college age 18-23 seem to prefer men older than that age range” the answer has a lot to do with the fact that college aged guys GENERALLY don’t take relationships as seriously as women do.”

Guys Their Ages Don’t Want Relationships

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“It’s also worth noting that most men, regardless of age, seem to pursue women slightly younger than themselves as well. So it’s a circular situation.”


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“My boyfriend is 12 years older than me, and while I didn’t actively seek out someone older and was admittedly a bit unsure at first of starting a relationship, there have been some advantages.


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My boyfriend is perfectly fine with just hanging out for a couple of hours instead of getting drunk and going nuts. Also, he understands the phrase, “I have to work tomorrow and no, I don’t want to be hung over, and no, I don’t want to be exhausted from only 2 hours of sleep.”

Relationship Experience

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“[His] relationship experience has generally made him a fantastic partner and has helped make me a better one. He’s had several long term relationships and knows what made them fail and how to try and avoid those problems.

Relationship Experience

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He’s learned how important it is to communicate his feelings on things to me and how to try and get me to do the same.”

They’re More Worldly

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“Because older guys have been places and done things. They tell interesting stories, they’ve learned useful skills, they know how to conduct themselves in a wide variety of situations, etc. “

They’re More Worldly

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“They are secure in their identity, confident in their abilities, and remain calm under fire. They have had the time to amass worldly riches, and they have amassed the wisdom to wield it effectively.”

They’re More Worldly

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“Plus, gray hair can look damn good on a guy.”

Daddy Complex

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“When I was in my late teens/early 20s, I would go for much older men. Looking back on it, I had a total daddy complex.” – One female user shared.

Less Mind Games

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“I’m 23 and my boyfriend is 30. All of these are exactly why. He’s just more interesting. Other reasons: men my age always seem to be playing weird games.” Like they’ll ask to “hang out” and won’t make it clear if it’s a date, flirt with me at parties but not make a move, and pay attention to me but also be paying attention to other girls. It always seems like they don’t want to commit to even dating unless there’s no other option.”

They Know What They Want

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“I date older because they know what they want, and after being cheated on one time by someone my age who claimed to want a serious relationship with me, I’m done with people who don’t know what they want.

They Know What They Want

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“To me, an older partner is more secure, more put together, more experienced, and ultimately interested in you and usually quite open about why.”

They Know What They Want

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There aren’t any games or unanswered questions when I’m dating older people, and I strongly prefer that.”

They Can Spell…

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“Older men usually have better grammar and can spell ‘a lot’ correctly.”

They Can Spell…

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A Reddit male agreed: “Putting that space in has really worked wonders for my s** life.”


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“Older men have an air of confidence about them that younger men do not. Older men also say exactly what they want. If they only want s**, they say so. If they want a relationship, they say so.”

More Experience in the Bedroom

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“More relationship experience equals more boudoir experience.”

More Experience in the Bedroom

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A Reddit lady shared simply: “They are better in bed.”


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“I actually learned about this in an Anthropology class. Women choose male mates that are more stable and are able to support a family. This just so happens to usually be older men.”


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“And men on the other hand tend to choose mates that are younger and more attractive because biologically speaking they will have more viable offspring.”


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There’s quite a few more points that could be made, but when it comes down to it, women look for stability (because they can only have one child every nine or so months) and men aren’t quite as picky because they can have lots of children.”


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“Older guys are like: ‘Hey. I really like you. I will call you tomorrow when I get out of work’. Younger guys are like: ‘Sup. I may or may not be into you. You’ll find out in 3 days when I text you. If the date goes well, let’s go back to your place cuz my mom would freak if you slept over.’”

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