“Inept, Criminal, Lying, Cheating” – Ted Cruz Condemns Jean-Pierre’s Border Narrative

In a recent press conference, Senator Ted Cruz made some alarming remarks. He shared his feelings about the current situation at the U.S. southern border. He also spoke about Karine Jean-Pierre, the White House representative, and shared his opinions on her. His remarks have stirred up a significant response.

Cruz’s Visit to the Border

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Senator Ted Cruz has been a regular visitor to the southern border for the last ten years, always in the company of his colleague Senator John Cornyn. According to Cruz, this is vital because “seeing the border up close and personal” provides an invaluable perspective. He claimed discussions in Washington often miss this.


Midnight Muster With the Border Patrol

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In an act of solidarity, Senator Cruz, accompanied by five fellow Senators, took part in the midnight muster. This is a routine assembly of the border patrol officers. This event allowed them to personally thank the agents, whom Cruz regards as heroes “who risk their lives keeping our country safe.”


Frustration Among Border Patrol

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The atmosphere among the border patrol ranks is one of clear disappointment, fueled by a recurring cycle of capture and release. As Cruz paraphrased, the agents are thinking, “What’s the point if they’re just going to be let go?” This reflects the demoralizing effect of their efforts being undermined by seeing the same criminals back on the streets.


Biden Administration’s New Guidance

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Senator Cruz pointed to a controversial directive issued by the Biden Administration that effectively hobbles the efforts of the border patrol. “The traffickers know that, under this administration, if they have a car full of illegal immigrants, as long as they drive fast enough, the border patrol is not allowed to pursue them,” Cruz commented.


Border Security Concerns

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Cruz condemned the Biden Administration for what he perceives as a deliberate weakening of border defenses. He claimed, “Their policy is designed to facilitate illegal immigration.” He suggested that the Biden Administration has made intentional moves to increase the number of undocumented migrants.


Midnight Patrol Experience

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On the midnight patrol that followed the muster, Cruz’s group swiftly stumbled upon migrants entering the country illegally. This contrasts with the narrative presented by the White House. “You just saw it,” Cruz insisted. He argued against White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s statements by pointing to the immediate evidence of frequent illegal crossings.


Karine Jean-Pierre’s Statement

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In a direct response to comments from the White House, Senator Cruz accused Karine Jean-Pierre of dishonesty. He claims she has not told the truth about the border situation, saying, “It’s a lie.” He then challenged the White House press secretary, “Come down to the border and see for yourself.”


Encounters with Undocumented Migrants

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Cruz and his colleagues claimed to have encountered a group of 20-25 individuals, many of whom were children. The group believed that “once they’re here, the Biden administration will let them stay.” Cruz presented this as a clear indication of the misunderstandings fueling the migration surge.


The Story of Unaccompanied Minors

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Cruz shared a story involving a lone 13-year-old girl journeying to the U.S. with the hope of finding her uncle. Her story echoed the aspirations of numerous other unaccompanied minors. All of these young people were taking grave risks in the hope of reuniting with family members in the United States.


Concerns Over Family Units

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Cruz brought attention to the disturbing trend of false family claims. He discussed a particularly serious encounter with a young girl and a man claiming to be her father. “She was scared,” Cruz observed, noting the importance of DNA testing, a procedure under the previous administration. Cruz claimed it “revealed some shocking truths about these so-called family units.”


Possible Human Trafficking

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Highlighting a sinister aspect of the crisis, Cruz exposed the horrific possibility that children at the border are being “rented” to appear as family members. This appalling scheme, as Cruz suggests, could lead these children down a grim path of “sex trafficking and forced prostitution.” He argues this is a serious problem that needs fixing.


The Color Wristbands

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Cruz also touched upon the role of color-coded wristbands worn by migrants. He claims they indicate debts to cartels. In a troubling revelation, Cruz recounted asking Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about them. However, he said he was met with “He didn’t know what they were.” To Cruz, this symbolizes a disturbing “system of indentured servitude.”


Final Thoughts from Cruz

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Concluding his observations, Senator Ted Cruz criticized the current administration’s border policies. He passionately argued that the experiences of many children being smuggled into the U.S. are like “modern-day slavery.” This is an issue he claims is worsened by the administration’s lax stance on immigration enforcement.


Agreeing With Cruz

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Some users agreed with Trump about Jean-Pierre, stating, “She lies every day she is at the podium.” They accused her of presenting false narratives not only about the border crisis but also regarding the success of “BIDENOMICS.” Some users argued that the American people are being subjected to constant “LIES and GASLIGHTING” and labeled the administration as the “WORST.”


Tiredness With Biden

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Other users expressed their exasperation with the Biden Administration. One commentator noted, “The third worst candidate for any position in that cabinet.” They argued that, in the Democratic Party, “failing upward” has become the norm. These criticisms suggest a call for a major overhaul in how the party selects its leaders and representatives.


Unsurprising Information

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When Cruz shared his revelations about the situation at the border, some people claimed that this information wasn’t surprising. One user said, “That’s not breaking news. We’ve known that for a while.” For some, the issues at the border have been apparent for some time. They believe the government’s portrayal of the situation is not aligned with what people believe to be true.


Inability to Govern

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Harsh criticism came from one individual who labeled the entire administration as an “inept, criminal, lying, cheating bunch of communist buffoons.” This comment reflects a significant portion of the electorate’s frustration and anger towards the federal leadership. It shows a growing distrust of the government’s capability to effectively govern.


Criticism on Both Sides

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The backlash against politicians on both sides of the aisle is clear, with a cynic pointing out that it’s a case of “Lying Ted is mad at another liar?” This remark questions the current political discourse. It suggests a landscape where the truth is often a casualty of political rivalry. Additionally, it points to the public’s fatigue with political figures.



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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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