“True American Patriots May Have to Resort to Violence in Order to Save Our Country”: Survey Reports Alarming Rise of Americans in Support of Political Violence

In the wake of a deeply polarized America, where political divisions seem to deepen every passing day, an alarming sentiment emerges from the 14th annual American Values Survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) in collaboration with the Brookings Institution think tank. This survey delves beyond the surface of policies and governance decisions, focusing instead on the core values of Americans and their perspectives on the country’s trajectory.

Divisive Views Unearthed

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The survey paints a stark picture of the current landscape, revealing that nearly a quarter of Americans contemplate the need for violence to “save” the nation. It poses the striking question, “because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country,” with 23% of respondents agreeing, a significant increase from the 15% recorded in 2021.


Political Affiliation and Endorsement of Violence

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Unsurprisingly, political ideology influences these views, with a third of Republicans supporting the notion of resorting to violence, compared to 22% of independents and a mere 13% of Democrats. The survey also highlights the correlation between religious affiliation and support for political violence, notably showcasing that one in three white evangelical Protestants believe in the necessity of political violence to save the nation.


Correlation with Beliefs and Ideologies

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The data showcases a striking alignment between specific beliefs and support for political violence. Individuals who believe in the alleged stolen 2020 election, hold a favorable view of the former president, subscribe to the “replacement theory,” or align with the core tenets of white Christian nationalism, demonstrate a higher propensity to endorse the notion of resorting to violence.


Heightened Concerns for Democracy

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PRRI’s president, Robert P. Jones, underlines the escalating political temperature in America, particularly after the unprecedented events of the 2020 election and subsequent flashes of political violence. He expresses deep concern about the growing number of Americans who are open to the idea of political violence, signaling an alarming trend for the future.


Fragility of American Democracy

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Interestingly, a substantial proportion of Americans, regardless of political affiliations, express apprehension about the future of democracy in the upcoming elections. Democrats, Republicans, and independents all share concerns, highlighting a widespread belief in the precarious state of the nation’s democratic process.


The Influence of Political Figures

Donald Trump
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The survey also sheds light on the impact of political figures in shaping these attitudes. Notably, the former president, Donald Trump, amidst facing numerous legal challenges, has heightened his rhetoric, utilizing increasingly aggressive language. His statements, which have been regarded as violent by some, seem to resonate with a substantial segment of the population.


Normalization of Aggressive Discourse

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Trump’s forceful language, falsely discrediting the election results and inciting aggressive rhetoric, has spurred concerns about the normalization of such discourse. From baseless claims about election fraud to calling for severe actions against migrants, the ex-president’s statements continue to resonate with a significant portion of the American public.


QAnon and Its Ascension

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Additionally, the study tracks the rising adherence to the QAnon conspiracy movement, indicating an increase in believers across party lines and a decline in rejecters. Republicans, in particular, show a higher likelihood of endorsing QAnon beliefs, raising concerns about the entrenchment of conspiracies within political ideologies.


Ominous Prospects for Democracy’s Future

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With the impending 2024 election, the survey reflects the widespread belief that the future of American democracy remains at risk, regardless of political inclinations. This collective concern marks a pivotal moment in American history.


The Sampling and Methodology

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The survey, encompassing 2,525 adults across all states and the District of Columbia, was conducted online from August 25th to 30th, 2023. Its expansive reach renders the findings representative of a broad cross-section of American society.


Implications and Reflections

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These findings highlight the urgency to address the growing acceptance of political violence as a means to an end. The increasing alignment between extremist beliefs and the readiness to resort to violence signifies a concerning trend, necessitating immediate attention.


Threats to Democratic Norms

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The survey underscores the fragility of American democracy, signaling that the erosion of trust in democratic norms poses a significant challenge. The normalization of aggressive political rhetoric further compounds this threat, potentially leading to severe consequences for the nation’s democratic future.


Reconciliation and Unity

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Addressing these concerns requires a concerted effort toward unity and reconciliation. Bridging the vast ideological divides and nurturing a more inclusive discourse is essential to safeguarding the democratic principles that form the bedrock of the nation.


The Role of Leadership

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Leadership, both political and social, holds the key to shaping a more harmonious and unified national narrative. Responsible rhetoric and actions by leaders can significantly influence public sentiment, thereby mitigating the polarization and radicalism festering within American society.


Education and Information Dissemination

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Enhanced civic education and the dissemination of accurate information play a pivotal role in combating misinformation and conspiracy theories. Providing the public with factual knowledge and critical thinking skills is crucial to combat the proliferation of extremist ideologies.


Collective Responsibility

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Ultimately, the responsibility to secure the nation’s democratic future lies not solely with political figures but with every citizen. Active engagement, critical thinking, and a commitment to upholding democratic values are vital in steering the nation away from the brink of violence and towards a more unified and peaceful future.


Vigilance and Advocacy

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Vigilance against the normalization of aggressive political discourse and advocacy for civil dialogue is pivotal. Encouraging respectful debates and mutual understanding can counter the rising acceptance of violence as a legitimate means to address political differences.


Long-Term Strategies for Unity

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Developing long-term strategies that focus on unity and reconciliation should be a priority for policymakers, social leaders, and communities. These strategies can help bridge divides and build a more cohesive society, fostering a climate that rejects violence as a solution to political disputes.


The Imperative for a Unified Future

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The rising acceptance of political violence in America, as revealed by the survey, serves as a stark warning sign for the nation’s future. Addressing this issue demands a collective commitment to unity, moderation, and a profound respect for democratic values, ensuring that violence never becomes a sanctioned path to resolving ideological differences.

The survey outcomes provide a sobering wake-up call, beckoning for immediate action to steer the country back towards a path of unity, understanding, and a collective commitment to the principles that uphold the American democracy.



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