Teaching Evolution Is “Government Abuse”: New House Speaker Mike Johnson Praises Creationist Museum, Claims It Guides People to ‘The Truth’

Some time ago, newly chosen House Speaker Mike Johnson was associated with an evangelical movement known as “young Earth creationism,” an ideology that advocates for the belief that the Earth is only 6,000 years old. Given his position now, this has left a lot of people concerned.

Truths in the Bible

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Johnson previously worked in a legal capacity for the Ark Encounter creationist theme park. “The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events,” the now-speaker said in 2021, speaking to Ken Ham – Ark Encounter’s founder.


Answers in Genesis

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Ham is the CEO of a Christian group called Answers in Genesis – the entity behind Ark Encounter, which is located in Kentucky. It opened in 2016 and Johnson, as an attorney, helped it to secure millions in state tourism subsidies. Moreover, he defended its “right” to discriminate based on religion while hiring.


Praise of Kentucky Officials

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In an op-ed for The Louisville Courier Journal, Johnson wrote: “Kentucky officials are smart to enthusiastically embrace the Ark Encounter and the millions of tourists the park will welcome to the area from every viewpoint, race, color, religion, and creed.”


The Essence of Free Speech

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The now-speaker continued: “Answers in Genesis aims to encourage critical thought and respectful public debate about the various attractions and ideas that will be presented at its park. That is the beauty and essence of free speech.”


More Than Mere Legal Assistance

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Johnson’s association with Answers in Genesis transcends mere legal assistance. The now-speaker wrote blog posts for the organization and spoke at a conference it hosted. Moreover, he’s set to speak at another of its conferences in 2024. 


Two Dear Friends

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Johnson, historically, hasn’t been shy about praising Ham. He once called him a “dear friend” and thanked him for that friendship. In a 2021 conference, Ham returned the now-speaker’s praise and referred to him as one of the only “godly men” in Congress.


A Believer of Biblical Inerrancy

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Ham is a believer of biblical inerrancy – the idea that every single word of the Bible is fact, which is impossible because it contradicts itself on numerous occasions. He claims that widespread belief in evolution is behind society’s problems. “We can say, 100% absolutely for sure, that people lived with dinosaurs,” he wrote in his book.


Concerns About Johnson

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Some people are concerned that Johnson will try to insert his Christian views into how he governs the House. These individuals often see young Earth creationism as an ideology aiming for a Christian theocracy.


Winning Privileges for Conservative Christianity

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Rachel Laser, the president of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said: “[Johnson’s] policy agenda appears to be in lockstep with that of a shadow network of Christian nationalist groups in our country or working to preserve traditional power structures and win privilege for conservative Christianity.”


Evolution Is Government Abuse, Apparently

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In an interview with a creationist who talked about being forced to learn about evolution in school, Johnson said: “The concern that you’re articulating should be of concern to more than just creationists. All freedom-loving Americans ought to have grave concerns about these government abuses.”


Corrupting Youth With Science

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In a conversation with Johnson, Ham once said the teaching of evolution corrupts youth. He said children need to be taught about creationism so they understand that “the fossil record wasn’t laid down over millions of years. That’s the graveyard of the flood.” He went on to say, “To teach them all these things – that’s what’s been missing from the church.” 


Pointing People to the Truth

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“I think that’s right,” Johnson said in response to Ham’s remark. To conclude their discussion, the now-speaker complimented the Ark Encounter and claimed it was “doing maybe the best work right now, in our generation, of pointing people to the truth.”


The Public Opinion

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As soon as the news about Johnson being the new speaker broke, people flocked to comment sections to give their opinions. In regard to Ark Encounter, one person said: “I truly feel sorry for kids who get taken to these brainwash centers. It’s basically abuse.”


Distorted Views of the World

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The commenter continued: “They tell kids that they have to believe a thing that isn’t backed by science or any evidence and that they will burn in a spooky place if they don’t believe it. Those kids come out of there with distorted views of the world and end up feeling humiliated when they try to share these lies in an actual school.”


Making Insane Takes Sound Logical

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Another person said: “[Johnson] scared me during a lot of the impeachment hearings because he made completely [insane] takes sound logical and was able to speak articulately. He left the shouting and grandstanding to Collins and Jordan.”


An Odd Battle to Fight

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Others struggled to understand why anyone would try to deny so much science: “Evangelicals get hung up on some of the oddest things! With so much science behind the actual age of the universe, the Earth, and mankind, why would they pick this battle to fight? This guy is clearly a strange little fruitcake who now, unfortunately, has power.”


Third in Line

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Another commenter wrote: “I think it’s always hard to say for certain whether or not these people are actually this dumb or just putting on an act but, either way, they shouldn’t be in Congress – let alone third in line to the presidency.”


A Tough Sell

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One person struggled to understand the decision to give Johnson the job: “Wow. How can Republicans think putting someone like this in front of the nation is going to help their cause? More religion in government? That’s going to be a tough sell.”



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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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