“We Need a Maximum Age Limit for Presidents”: Trump Ridicules Biden for Using “Children’s Stairs” to Board Air Force One

Criminal defendant Donald Trump has made fun of President Biden for using the “children’s stairs” on Air Force One. 

Using the Children’s Stairs

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

Trump brought attention to the fact that Biden used a shorter staircase than usual to board Air Force One. “Crooked Joe can’t even walk up the children’s stairs,” Trump said, his audience laughing in response. The remark came shortly after the former president visited  the New Hampshire statehouse in Concord to finally register his name on the Republican ballot for 2024. 


A Vital Skill

Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

Trump went on to discuss the multiple times Biden has stumbled on the usual Air Force One stairs. He also claimed that being able to walk up said stairs is a vital skill for the U.S. president to possess.


The Little Stairs

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The criminal defendant said: “This guy goes to the little stairs – we call them the children’s stairs – and now he’s made it a common practice because he can’t quite make it up or down. He has a bigger time making it up. Usually, that’s easier.”


A Controversial Comparison 

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Trump caused controversy earlier in the day by comparing himself to Nelson Mandela. It’s likely that this remark was referring to his four indictments and 91 criminal charges. He also continued to spread the debunked theory that the 2020 election was stolen from him.


Donald Trump’s Hypocrisy

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Trump often criticizes Biden and, recently, he condemned him for going on a beach trip. This was despite the former president’s numerous trips to golf resorts during his time in the White House. “You see this guy walking around and then he sleeps on the beach all day long. We have, potentially, World War III going on,” the criminal defendant said.


Trump’s Incoherent Speech

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During his speech, Trump also pointed to polls indicating that Americans are concerned about Biden’s age. Given the president’s frequent gaffes, stumbles, and falls, there’s no wonder people are worried. What isn’t clear, however, is why people don’t express the same concerns about Trump. The former president is a similar age to Biden and often fails to string sentences together. 


Falling on the Small Stairs

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Despite the decision to start using Air Force One’s shorter set of stairs, Biden still managed to fall during a trip to Philadelphia. Regardless, he managed to catch himself and make it to the top, where he began a speech regarding American hostages in Gaza.


Tennis Shoes and Physical Therapy

Editorial credit: Paul Froggatt / Shutterstock.

In September, it was reported that Biden was attending physical therapy to work on his balance. While this does seem to have helped a bit, it definitely hasn’t entirely fixed the problem. He’s also taken to wearing tennis shoes to help with the issue. 


The Public Opinion

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Biden’s trips, falls, and gaffes have been discussed a lot on the internet in recent months. Some people defend him, pointing out that any elderly individual who can recover from so many falls must be very physically fit. Others criticize him, implying that his lack of balance equates to a lack of leadership ability.


Trips and Falls

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One social media commenter said: “As someone with parents who are the same age as [Biden], I worry when they trip and fall. It’s dangerous and the one thing they watch out for in care homes is trips and falls.”


Being Filmed Constantly

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Others said Biden only seems to trip and fall a lot because he’s always being filmed: “At least part of this is that he’s literally always being filmed. I am in my 30s and I tripped so badly off of a curb last week. You could probably make a pretty alarming video of the different times I’ve fallen down if I had people following me around with cameras the way he does.”


An Upper Age Limit

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Plenty of people called for an upper age limit for the presidency. One such person said: “My grandfather died of old age. He was younger than Joe Biden. The idea of four more years of this is insane. We need age limits on the presidency in both directions.”


Not Everyone Retires

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Seemingly defending Biden, another commenter wrote: “My grandmother died at 95. Until 94, she was still sharp as a tack. One hip break and resultant immobility and it was downhill fast. Any old person can remain competent well into their 90s. Of course, they should retire and enjoy the good life by then but some folks want to keep going and are good at what they do.”


Biden’s Physical Fitness 

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Another person said: “You know, at this point, I’m just becoming more and more impressed by [Biden’s] durability. For someone that old to be falling down this often and just get up and be okay… must be as fit as he is clumsy.”


It’s Pretty Impressive

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Plenty of people echoed the aforementioned commenter. “Y’all, when someone’s old and they fall and they don’t get hurt… that’s cool,” one individual wrote. Replying, another person said: “After seeing Biden trip or fall so many times and get up like nothing has happened, I am pretty impressed.”


A Different Perspective

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Responding to individuals criticizing Biden’s fall at the Air Force Academy, one commenter wrote: “Y’all are so fast to judge with absolutely no context. I just got back from this ceremony. It was the Air Force Academy Graduation. That 80-year-old stood there on the stage for over three hours. He personally shook the hand of every single graduate – and this was a really large class of over 950 kids.”


A Special Experience

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The commenter continued: “He shook each of their hands, smiled, and congratulated them. Some he joked with and he gave each grad a moment with the POTUS. That last kid was after three of the most boring, exhausting hours of my life… shaking hands non-stop, talking non-stop. My legs would be complete jello too. At 80 years old, I honestly was impressed by the guy. He really made the day pretty special for the grads there.”


We Can All Agree

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Another person said: “I think a lot of people can agree, no matter if you’re on the left or the right or somewhere in between, that we need a maximum age limit for presidents just like we have a minimum age to be president.”

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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