“They Would Probably Deport Jesus Before Making Him Speaker” – Trump’s House Speaker Remark Sparks Heated Debates on Social Media

The hunt for the new Republican House speaker has taken an unexpected turn, with former President Donald Trump’s recent comments fueling the already heated race. He made comments that only Jesus Christ would be able to gain the majority needed to win the position. Additionally, he also commented that he received a call from Tom Emmer, one of his favorite members of the Republican Party.

Trump’s Bold Statement

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During an interview with the media, former President Donald Trump weighed in on the challenging search for a House speaker. “I said there’s only one person who could do it all the way. You know who that is? Jesus Christ,” Trump noted. He added, “If he came down and said I want to be speaker, he could do it, other than that, I haven’t seen anybody that can guarantee it.”


The Need for a New Speaker

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The House has been in turmoil since Kevin McCarthy’s unprecedented departure. With the position vacant for over 20 days, the Republican party has been hunting for a replacement. While nine candidates are in the fray, Trump, an influential figure in the party, hasn’t given his endorsement on any. He commented on the chaos, referring to it as “tumult” on Capitol Hill.


Trump’s New Hampshire Visit

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Trump’s visit to New Hampshire wasn’t just to address the House speaker issue. His main goal was officially registering for the upcoming 2024 Republican presidential primary. As he did so, Trump made history by becoming the first former president to make an in-person appearance for this purpose on the New Hampshire primary ballot.


The Trump-Emmer Phone Call

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The race for the Speaker’s seat brought Majority Whip Tom Emmer and Trump together over a phone call. Emmer, who had previously voted to validate Joe Biden’s 2020 win, reached out to Trump, likely to mend bridges. Confirming the conversation, Trump revealed, “I think he’s my biggest fan now because he called me yesterday. He told me, ‘I’m your biggest fan.'”


Emmer’s Position

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With the Speaker seat up for grabs, Tom Emmer is being viewed by many as the lead contender. His phone call to Trump was likely an attempt to clarify any misunderstandings or past differences. Emphasizing their conversation, Trump stated, “But I’ve spoken to just about all the candidates.”


What Insiders Say

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After Trump’s reveal about the call, insiders quickly confirmed the conversation between Emmer and Trump. However, that wasn’t all – they also labeled it as a ‘productive’ one, although they didn’t reveal what made it this way. Their confirmation gives more weight to Trump’s claims about the ongoing political saga.


Trump’s Overview of Candidates

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Trump didn’t hold back when asked about the ongoing chaos in the House. He praised the current candidates, mentioning that he’s spoken to “just about all the candidates, quite a few of them, and they’re terrific people.” But he was also open, noting the difficulty in achieving the required vote count, stating, “Their four threshold is very tough, it’s a very tough thing.”


Democrats’ Unified Front

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While the Republicans are in a frenzy to find their new House speaker, the Democrats appear to be on the same page. In their collective decision-making, they’ve chosen to rally behind Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. Their unified front contrasts the Republican’s ongoing search and could pose a challenge in the coming days.


Trump’s Current Stance

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With all eyes on him, given his influence in the party, Trump has decided to keep a distance from the House speaker race – for now. Addressing his role in the turmoil, he said, “I’m staying above it, I have to right now.” Trump indicated he’s waiting to see how things play out before making any definitive moves or endorsements.


Support for Jim Jordan

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Initially, Trump had given his full backing to Rep. Jim Jordan for the House speaker role. “Jordan’s a fantastic guy,” Trump said to the reporters during his New Hampshire visit. However, after witnessing Jordan’s three unsuccessful attempts to secure votes on the floor last week, Trump reassessed his stance. Eventually, Jordan’s bowed out of the race.


Trump’s Presidential Race Comments

Trump 2024 presidential election campaign, Make America Great Again
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In New Hampshire, while registering for the 2024 Republican presidential primary, Trump commented on his position in the race. “We’re only 46 points, so we have to be careful,” he said confidently. Critics claimed his comments showed a blend of boastfulness and his classic, playful jab, common in many of his public addresses.


On DeSantis

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Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was brought up during the discussion about Trump’s potential competitors in the presidential race. Not missing a beat, Trump gave an open assessment of his view on DeSantis’s prospects, saying, “I think DeSantis is really going down.” He argued that DeSantis was no longer a significant opponent in the upcoming election battle.


Deporting Jesus?

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One user highlighted the divisive political atmosphere: “If there was a Jesus, he would look just like the people they hate.” They argued that in today’s world, Republicans would see Jesus more as an immigrant and potential deportation target. This user argued they wouldn’t be embraced as a House speaker.


Historical Perspective

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Another user shared the same idea. They provided a historical lens to the conversation by noting, “This dude does realize Jesus was killed by the religious right of his day, right?” They highlighted the irony in Trump’s comment, pointing to the religious and political persecution Jesus faced in his own time.


Quoting Scriptures

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Similarly, one user referred to religious scriptures to highlight perceived political hypocrisy. They referenced the bible, saying, “Mark 7:6-9 ‘Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you hypocrites; as it is written: `These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.'” They used this verse to draw parallels with the current political discourse.


Never-Ending Surprises

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In response to Trump’s unexpected comments, one user criticized Trump’s overall career. “Every time I think Trump has proved himself to be the biggest moron ever, he out morons himself. Every single time.” They expressed both shock and disbelief at the constant unpredictability of Trump’s statements.


The Squad Mention

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Another reaction touched upon Jesus’s likely political affiliations if he lived in the present era. A commenter mused, “A Jewish socialist from the Middle East who was persecuted by the religious right? This guy would be a member of the Squad, and we all know it.” They referred to The Squad, a group of 8 Democrat Representatives, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Rep. Ilhan Omar.


The Citizenship Joke

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However, not all reactions were so critical of Trump. One user highlighted the legality of Jesus running as Speaker, noting, “The Dems should refuse because he’s not a US citizen. Then, nominate John Henry.” They argued that, technically, Jesus would be ineligible to stand as a speaker due to his non-US citizenship.


Drawing Parallels

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Another user took Trump’s words literally, saying, “We could only be so lucky. I’m sure Democrats would just put him on trial and hang him on a cross again.” They argued that Jesus Christ would be treated by Democrats in a similar way to how they have treated Donald Trump. Many Trump supporters see this treatment as being similar to a ‘witch hunt.’

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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