“Donald Trump Ruins Lives”: The Devastating Consequences of Blind Support for Trump

People often say that Donald Trump ruins lives. What they often don’t do, however, is give examples.

Financial and Legal Issues

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Mike Lindell, CEO of MyPillow, is the chair of Trump’s reelection campaign in Minnesota. Thanks to his blind support of the former president, he’s found himself caught up in a sea of legal and financial issues.


The MyPillow Guy

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Lindell is often referred to as “the MyPillow Guy.” Thanks to his dedication to Trump and his known conspiracy theorist tendencies, he became a financier of the former president’s attempt to overturn the previous presidential election.


Lots of Legal Troubles

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Last year, the businessman’s phone was taken to investigate the events of Jan 6th, leading him to sue the FBI for “unlawful detention.” Later, Lindell was sued by a software expert. The expert in question disproved election fraud, something the businessman had offered millions for – but he failed to pay when it was actually done, hence the suing. 


Lindell Lost Everything

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Thanks to Lindell’s comments about election fraud, MyPillow suffered a loss of over $100 million. Reportedly, the conspiracy theorist has “lost everything” and can’t even pay his lawyers. “We’ve lost everything, every dime. All of it is gone,” he told NBC News.


A Former Hero

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Another individual who seemingly lost everything thanks to Trump is Rudy Giuliani. Giuliani, former mayor of New York City, was hailed a hero for his handling of 9/11 – but everything went downhill when he became Trump’s personal lawyer.


Trial by Combat

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Giuliani boldly, and falsely, asserted that the 2020 election had been rigged in favor of the Democrats and, before the Jan 6th Capitol attack, he called for “trial by combat.” Now, the former mayor has been ordered to pay $89,000 for defamation. Moreover, he’s being sued by his lawyers for failing to pay them.


A Lot of Debt

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Online reports have described Giuliani as “penniless” and, according to the IRS, he owes over $500,000 in income tax. The former mayor is even trying to sell his Manhattan apartment to get hold of some cash. 


Helpful but Not Enough

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A while back, Trump hit the headlines after hosting a fundraising dinner to raise money for Giuliani’s legal fees. Despite the event reportedly raising around $1 million, the former mayor’s son described it as “helpful but not enough.” Trump was criticized for not covering the expenses himself. 


The Cost of Blind Support

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Both Giuliani and Lindell blindly and intensely supported Trump no matter what ridiculous claims he came out with. Now, they’re paying the price and, given the former president’s tendency to throw anyone under the bus to protect himself, their futures are looking bleak.


The Public Opinion

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Plenty of discussions about those most loyal to Trump have occurred across the internet in recent months. One social media commenter said: “Trump is famous for bankruptcy but he really went all out in bankrupting all of his allies. Great job.”


Blatant Ignorance and Lies

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For the most part, people had little sympathy for allies of the former president. One person wrote: “I have zero pity for someone’s blatant ignorance and lying narratives. It was a free choice of theirs that led them to their now accountable positions.”


Impoverished and Humiliated

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Referencing a book by Rick Wilson, another individual wrote: “Anyone who hitches their wagon to Trump ends up impoverished, debased, and humiliated at the end of the day. Everything Trump touches dies.”


Harming America’s Democracy

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In regard to Lindell and Giuliani specifically, another commenter said: “These two deserve everything they are experiencing for supporting Trump after he lost the election. They both did harm to our democracy.”


An Evil Purpose

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Echoing the aforementioned individual, another person wrote: “I don’t like to kick a man when he is down but, in this case, I will make an exception. They said things knowing it was false and tried to scam money for evil purposes.”


Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss

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Others discussed the defamation of Georgia election workers: “Rudy has earned his current state of affairs. He played a huge role in the life-changing events that continue to happen to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss.”


A Despicable Act

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The aforementioned commenter continued: “A despicable act of purposely threatening the lives of these two innocent poll station workers just for doing a job they volunteered for and were happily taking part in.”


Idiots and Losers

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Others, upon reading about the fate of numerous Trump allies, weren’t surprised in the slightest: “Anyone who works or does business with Donny is either in jail or is about to be. Bunch of idiots and losers!”


Trump Ruins Lives

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Another person said: “Donald Trump ruins lives. Everyone knows this and anyone who worked with him should’ve taken one look at his business record and seen that. Trump has never known success. Everything he tries to do fails.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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