“Entering a Country to Seek Asylum Is Completely Legal”: Why Is Biden Building the Border Wall When He Knows It Won’t Work?

It’s no secret that, in terms of immigration, things haven’t exactly gone well for President Biden. Now, he’s continuing to build the border wall despite knowing full well that it won’t help in the slightest.

President Biden’s Claims

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President Biden claims that he needs to build 20 miles of border wall because money for that purpose must be spent by the end of the year. The decision seems odd, though, given that he could easily leave the money unspent and risk lawsuits.


Walls Don’t Work

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Rep. Raul Grijalva said: “Walls don’t work. They are climbed over, cut through, and even blown over by the wind. They are a cheaply-conceived – yet exorbitantly expensive – political stunt that does nothing to address a deeply complex humanitarian issue.”


Taking a Stand

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According to The Arizona Republic, at least 3.6 migrants and refugees have entered the U.S. under temporary or conditional status since Biden became POTUS. The truth is, Biden is likely continuing to build the wall because he knows people criticize his immigration policies and wants to appear to be taking a stand. 


An Unclear Immigration Strategy

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Places that welcome and want to help refugees, such as New York and Chicago, are now struggling with the numbers. As such, they’ve had to ask Biden for financial assistance. While Biden’s immigration strategy is often criticized, it’s also incredibly unclear. The POTUS initially said the wall wouldn’t be built but then he said it would be.


Trump’s Unethical Restrictions

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Biden once said he’d restore America’s promise of humane immigration policies. Later, he maintained some of Trump’s deeply harsh and unethical restrictions, policies that make it much more difficult for asylum seekers to qualify. 


Vanessa Cárdenas’ Ideas

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Vanessa Cárdenas is part of America’s Voice – an organization aiming to assist migrants in gaining legal status. She has some interesting ideas regarding immigration, including more transparency between the government and the American people in terms of what options it has.


Filling Worker Shortages

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Cárdenas also suggests getting immigrants to fill worker shortages, more initiatives to get them work permits, and fairer judgment of their asylum claims. She also believes that better communication between federal and local agencies is paramount.


Breaking Campaign Promises

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What Biden will do next in regard to immigration remains unclear. However, if one thing’s for sure it’s that he broke a very important campaign promise: “There will not be another foot of wall constructed.”


The Public Opinion

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Biden’s approach to immigration is something that has been discussed and debated, both online and in the real world, for a very long time. While some commenters showcased a complete lack of empathy and called for all refugees to be deported, most people wanted to find a fair solution for everyone.


Biden and the Border Wall

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In regard to the border wall, opinions were very mixed. Plenty of people criticized Biden for continuing to build it. Others understood why he had to and some people even defended it, saying it could legitimately help with immigration.


Undoing Trump’s Damage

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One social media commenter wrote: “My desire is for all administrations to do their best to enforce the border while not being monsters. The Biden administration isn’t doing family detention and, instead of family separation, they are working to reunify families separated under Trump.”


An Act of Congress

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Another individual said: “Americans are so divided on this subject that pretty much any policy pursued by the Biden administration is doomed to be criticized by both the left and the right. While the president has broad power to enforce immigration policy, ultimately it’s going to take an act of Congress to sort it out.”


Already Allocated Border Wall Funds

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Another person wrote: “Biden is just spending money that was already allocated to building a wall in 2019. He can’t use the money for anything else so I guess the logic is, ‘Well, we might as well build a wall and see if it does anything.’ It would be good if they found a way to get that money back for something else but I don’t know if that is legally possible.”


Mr. Open Borders

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Looking for a different reason behind Biden’s apparent change of heart, another person said: “Personally, I think [a border wall is] a waste of time. [Biden] probably did it to cozy up to those on the right who accuse him of being Mr. Open Borders, as if he’s ever going to win them over.”


A Reality of Human Civilization

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Defending the border wall, one commenter wrote: “The issue with Trump was never border security, it was that he abandoned any semblance of human decency to attain it. Borders are a reality of human civilization. It’s fine to enforce the law or to figure out how to humanely and beneficially address the issue of immigration.”


Dumb and Useless

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The commenter continued: “But if you’re putting barbed wire up, separating families, tear-gassing them? The problem is cruelty and absolutism. Does it make sense to have barriers on some parts of the border? Yes! Does it make sense to strive for 100% wall coverage at billions of dollars? No! That’s dumb and useless.”


Illegal Immigrants vs. Asylum Seekers

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Others discussed the law around asylum seekers and refugees. One person said: “Entering a country to seek asylum is completely legal and I’m sick of Republicans pretending it’s not. These people are not ‘illegal immigrants.’ They are legal asylum seekers.”


The International Treaties

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Responding to someone who said asylum laws need to change, another individual wrote: “The asylum laws are based on international treaties that the U.S. is a signatory of, treaties that were created when the horror of the Holocaust became clear. Many Jews and others who fled the Nazis as refugees were denied asylum in countries all over the world, including the U.S. Many ended up deported back to the death camps as a result. It was world guilt that created those treaties, so we won’t be deleting them any time soon.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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“In the Far Future, White People Won’t Exist”: Biden Says White People Will Soon Be a Minority in America

Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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