Drive Them Mad! 18 ‘Polite’ Passenger Moves That Uber Drivers Absolutely Despise

We’ve all been there—hopping into an Uber, hoping for a smooth ride to our destination. You might think you’re being polite or considerate, but some habits, as well-intentioned as they might be, can actually irk drivers more than you’d expect. So, before you buckle up for your next ride, let’s navigate the often overlooked nuances of Uber etiquette, ensuring every trip is a pleasant one for everyone in the car.

Sharing Your Uber Tales

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You might think sharing your past Uber driving experiences can help you bond with your driver. However, many drivers see it as a subtle way of asserting dominance or undermining their skills. Alternative: Simply share pleasant travel experiences without highlighting your stint as a driver.

Overlooking the Seatbelt

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Skipping the seatbelt might seem to your driver like you’re saying, “I trust you, so I don’t need this!” But in reality, it’s a huge safety risk. Drivers are responsible for every passenger’s safety, and an unbuckled rider makes them anxious. For peace of mind and safety, always click that seatbelt when you hop in.

Unloading Personal Tales

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We all love a good chat now and then. However, treating your Uber ride as a mobile therapy session can be a bit much for drivers. They’re there to drive and ensure your safety, not to provide a counseling session. If you feel like chatting, start a light conversation and see if your driver is interested in engaging.

Driving from the Back

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Your driver has a trusty GPS, and they’re probably familiar with the city’s ins and outs. Trying to guide them at every turn might make you feel helpful, but it can come across as micromanaging. If you have a specific route in mind or a shortcut, mention it upfront. Otherwise, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Tip-to-Tip in Real-Time

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Tipping on the app while you’re still in the car might seem like you’re showing gratitude instantly. But it could also make your driver feel like they’re being watched or judged in real time. A smoother move would be to wait until you’ve completed the ride and have a moment to reflect before tipping.

Making Yourself Too at Home

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It’s one thing to be comfortable in an Uber, but remember, it’s not your personal space. Actions like propping your feet up on the dashboard or taking off your shoes can feel disrespectful to the driver. Maintain a balance between comfort and courtesy. Imagine it’s a friend’s car and act accordingly.

The Drive-Thru Deal

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Buying your driver a soda during a drive-thru detour might seem like a sweet offer. But for many drivers, it can feel like a minimal exchange for their time and effort. If you’re craving that fast-food fix, ask the driver if they’re okay with making a stop, and be ready to compensate them for the extra time or inconvenience.

Prodding About Politics

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Your curiosity about your driver’s political leanings might be genuine. However, politics can be a touchy subject, and discussing it in the confined space of a car can make things tense. Focus on universal, light topics. The weather, local attractions, or even a book you recently enjoyed can make for smoother conversation.

The Waiting Game

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Alerting your driver that your friend is “just five minutes away” might seem considerate. Still, it can mess up their tight schedule, especially during peak hours. Have your party ready to go when you request the ride to ensure a smooth pickup. This way, both you and the driver can stay on track. If you’ll be more than a few minutes late, just cancel the ride.

Opting for the Co-Pilot’s Spot

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Some of us love the front seat—it feels friendlier and more sociable. But not every driver feels the same way, and many people value their personal space. Before jumping in next to the driver, a quick “Is the front seat okay?” can make the ride comfortable for both of you. Don’t just assume that it’s okay to do!

Silent Discomfort Means Problems Under Wraps

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Ever sat in an Uber freezing or sweating because you didn’t want to “bother” the driver by asking for a temperature change? Or maybe you endured their loud rock music when you only wanted a peaceful ride? Instead of enduring in silence, it’s always better to kindly ask for any adjustments. Your driver wants you to have a pleasant experience, too!

Chit-Chat Overload Can Be a Downer

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Sure, sparking a conversation can break the ice. But there’s a fine line between friendly banter and dominating the entire trip with ceaseless chatter. Some drivers might want a quiet environment to concentrate better, especially during peak traffic hours. Watch out for non-verbal cues. If they aren’t chiming in often, it’s a hint they’d appreciate some quiet time.

Gossip Corner Isn’t Always the Best Corner

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Who doesn’t love a juicy story? While gossiping can be entertaining, bombarding your driver with intricate details about someone else’s life is a tad much. They aren’t part of your circle and might find it overwhelming. Instead, opt for light-hearted anecdotes or general topics that don’t delve too deep into personal territory.

Music Choices Shouldn’t Play Musical Chairs

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Playing DJ is fun until you’re constantly switching songs, creating a mix of jarring tunes. It’s not just you in the car; the driver, too, could find the constant swapping annoying. So, the next time you’re handed the aux cord, pick a playlist or station you love and let it ride. This ensures a peaceful journey for everyone involved.

Farewells Needn’t Be Episodes

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We’ve all had those rides where the conversation flowed so smoothly that saying goodbye felt like parting from an old friend. But drawing out your goodbyes can make your driver anxious, especially if they have another pickup waiting. A heartfelt, concise farewell is all you need to wrap up the ride beautifully.

Being Curious Without Being Invasive

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It’s natural to want to connect with your driver through questions. However, diving too deep into personal territories can be off-putting. Maintain the balance by sticking to general topics. Both you and your driver will have a more enjoyable ride when the conversation is easy-going and non-intrusive.

The Overpowering Scent Saga

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We all want to smell good, especially in close quarters like cars. However, dousing yourself in strong fragrances can be a bit much in such an enclosed space. Your signature scent might be someone else’s migraine trigger. For the sake of your driver and subsequent passengers, consider going light on the perfume or cologne. A subtle, fresh scent can be just as pleasant!

Munching and Crunching on the Go

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Snacking can be an irresistible urge, especially during long rides. But munching loudly or leaving crumbs and wrappers behind is not the best etiquette. Not only can it distract your driver with the noise, but cleaning up after messy passengers isn’t on any driver’s wishlist. If you’re hungry, go for less noisy, non-messy snacks, and always ensure you take your trash when leaving.

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