“Americans Are Sick and Tired of Trump’s Lies”: Donald Trump Lashes Out at Fox News and Calls Television “Rigged”

It’s not uncommon for criminal defendant Donald Trump to take to social media to express his frustrations. This time, he went on a tirade against Fox News and Ron DeSantis.

Trump on DeSantis

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Discussing DeSantis, Trump wrote: “Not only is DeSanctimonious looking to destroy your Social Security, including moving the minimum age to 70, and your Medicare, but today he had a killer story in the Washington Post talking about his really bad spending habits.”


America First Trump 

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Going on to criticize Fox News, the criminal defendant continued: “He’s gone, yet Fox has him all over the place, even on Hannity last night. They’ve actually picked another candidate, they just don’t know who it is yet. I’m America First, so it will never be me!”


Trump in the Polls

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Later, the former president posted to social media yet again, this time discussing his position in the polls. “Best polls ever but rarely shown on television. Leading by 50 and 60 points. Just like they don’t like showing our big rally crowds, they don’t like showing our great poll numbers,” he said.


Rigged Elections and Television

Donald Trump
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Trump concluded his little tirade by making a very bold claim and offering no evidence to back it up. The former president said that U.S. elections are “rigged,” along with television. The rant came amid growing tensions between the potential felon and Fox News.


Biden’s Cognitive Ability

Editorial credit: Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock.

Although Trump’s social media outburst focused on Fox News and DeSantis, the former president hasn’t been holding back in his criticism of Joe Biden either. In an interview with Megyn Kelly, he expressed concerns about Biden’s cognitive ability.


Not an Age Issue

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Trump said: “I have many friends that are in their 80s. I have friends – Bernie Marcus – that are in their 90s and they’re sharp as a tack. I mean, I would say just about what they used to be. [Biden’s] incompetent. He’s not too old. He’s incompetent.”


The Wisdom of the Elderly

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The former president continued: “You look at some of the great world leaders. They were in their 80s. So many people, they were phenomenal in their 80s. There’s great wisdom if you’re not in a position like him. But if you go back 25 years, he wasn’t in the sharpest tack either.”


The Internet’s Response

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News of the former president’s social media tirade was shared across the internet. For the most part, people expressed boredom and frustration with his antics. Despite that, though, a few commenters supported the criminal defendant’s words.


An Intellectual and Moral Deficiency

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One social media user had some very strong words for Trump’s supporters. They wrote: “It’s almost impossible to imagine how much of an intellectual and moral deficiency one would have to have to have ever supported the petty, vindictive, cowardly, lying, treasonous, simpleton Trump.”


Revulsion, Horror, and Disgust

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Still refusing to hold back their anger, the commenter continued: “It’s no wonder that the educated, moral, rational, civilized people of the world look down on the vulgar, primitive, regressive American right-wingers with revulsion, horror, and disgust.”


Donald Trump’s Extremism

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Others attempted to explain Trump’s strong poll position by pointing out that he’s likely pushed a lot of people out of the Republican Party with his extremism. “His numbers are terrible. It only looks good because he has driven everyone else but his cult from the GOP,” one person wrote.


A Theory About Polls

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Some people expressed alternative theories about Republican polls. “Great poll numbers. Sure, among MAGAs and GOPers. I think the polls are rigged and the only people called are those on a list [Trump] gave them,” one commenter wrote.


A Civil War

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Others tried to convey how dangerous Trump could potentially be. One person said: “I wish he would just go away and leave us alone. He’d start a civil war if he had to in order to be in power. The lives of Americans have no value to him, even those of his own supporters.”


Hitler vs. Trump

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Some people compared Trump’s behavior to that of Adolf Hitler. One commenter wrote: “Hitler used to behave just like Trump. He wants to be a dictator with total power. I know I will be out making sure to do my part to get people registered to vote. Have already changed from Republican to independent. If there are only two on the ballot – Trump and Biden – I will vote for Biden. Would never vote for a child to lead the country!”


The Election Wasn’t Rigged

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Others addressed the former president’s very, very tired comments about rigged elections. “Americans are sick and tired of Trump’s lies, threats, and the promotion of violence by his MAGA supporters. The election was not rigged. Trump was voted out of office,” one individual said.


The Orange Fascist

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Another commenter wrote: “Gullibility, ignorance, and stupidity are the traits that the orange fascist thug takes advantage of in order to manipulate people to do his bidding to subvert the American Constitution.”


Holding Trump Accountable

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One commenter directed their words at Trump himself. They said: “Oh, Donald Trump. You have it so wrong. The American people are sick of you, your lies, slander, name-calling, and threats. It is you we are sick of. We are sick of you talking about other people, claiming they are doing exactly what you are charged with. We can’t wait until you are held accountable for the things you have done.”


Donald Trump First

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Others addressed Trump’s comment about being “America first.” One individual said: “Trump is not ‘America first.’ He is all about Trump being first, always, and never sharing anything with anyone else.”