“The Most Prolific Career Criminal in American History”: Former Allies Turn on Criminal Defendant Donald Trump

For a long time, it seemed that no amount of wrongdoing and embarrassment on criminal defendant Donald Trump’s part would deter his dedicated supporters. Now, with his lingering legal troubles, that might be changing.

Almost 100 Criminal Charges

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Trump is currently facing almost 100 criminal charges and, understandably, some key figures from within his circle are distancing themselves from his actions. Not too long ago, a Mar-a-Lago IT staffer reversed his testimony in the classified documented case.


A Change in Legal Team

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Interestingly, the change in testimony only happened when the individual in question switched from a Trump political action committee-funded attorney to a lawyer from Washington’s federal defender’s office.


The Election in Georgia

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Perhaps even more notably, three individuals facing charges for their involvement in the attempted overturning of the election in Georgia have now said that they acted under former President Trump’s direction.


Mark Meadows’ Defense

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Trump’s former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, has implied that his defense strategy in Georgia will involve placing the blame on Trump. Meadows’ defense has made a point of highlighting the infamous phone call in which the former president told Georgia’s secretary of state to “find” more Republican votes. 


A 24-Hour Job

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“It was a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week kind of job,” Meadows said to the court, describing his role. He said the responsibility was broad. His taking the stand was unexpected; criminal defendants generally don’t testify during pre-trial motions.


A Mob Boss

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Bess Levin, political correspondent for Vanity Fair, said that Trump’s circle distancing themselves and placing the blame on him should not come as a surprise due to his history of demanding loyalty. Former FBI Director James Comey accused the criminal defendant of telling him he “expected loyalty” in 2017. Levin also compared the former president to a “mob boss.”


The Internet’s Response

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News of Trump’s diminishing support from his inner circle was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people felt no sympathy for him. “Happy to hear that his former allies are turning their backs on him. Now the voters need to do the same,” one commenter wrote.


A Career Criminal

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Some people made incredibly bold statements. “The most prolific career criminal in American history,” one individual wrote. “There are very few figures throughout history that are as disgusting and evil as Donald Trump,” another said.


A True Crime Family

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Another commenter wrote: “Anyone who swears allegiance to Trump and all he has done should be charged for their loyalty. I find it so funny that they call Biden’s family a crime family yet Trump’s family is the real deal.”


Hold Them Accountable

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Echoing the previously mentioned commenter, another person said: “Don’t let them sliver away. Get them too. Anyone associated with Trump during those embarrassing four years should be held accountable too. Get their names and haunt them.”


Indoctrination and Cults

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Some people found it hard to believe that anyone would turn their backs on the former president. “I don’t believe it. They are indoctrinated into a cult. They can never turn their backs on their Dear Leader,” one individual said.


Demanding Loyalty Without Returning It

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Others discussed Trump’s history of throwing others under the bus to protect his own interests. One person wrote: “I guess, under current circumstances, they’ve figured out that he will sell them out in a second to save his own bacon. He demands loyalty but doesn’t offer it in return.”


Trump and Loyalty

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Plenty of people echoed the aforementioned commenter. “According to Trump, everyone owes him loyalty but he doesn’t owe anyone anything,” one person said. “Trump says everyone has to be loyal to him but gives nothing back,” another wrote.


Running Like Rates

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Another commenter said: “Allies? All of Trump’s ‘allies’ only hung around because they thought he could help their careers. Now that he has become toxic, they are running like rats abandoning a sinking ship.”


The Voters of America

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Others called for people to ensure they’re registered to vote. One such individual said: “This is good news but it is up to us, the voters of America, to save our country from this guy and his movement. Check your voter registration and make sure everyone you trust is registered!”


Not a Good Leader

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Another commenter wrote: “Well, about time everyone wakes up to who Trump is and discards their delusional opinions. Sometimes people have to hit rock bottom to wake up –  just hope it’s not America that hits rock bottom because of Trump’s illegal and self-centered ways. Not a good leader [or] role model.”


An Act of Self-Preservation

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Others speculated about the intentions of those abandoning their loyalty to Trump. One person wrote: “I think it’s important that we don’t see those turning their backs on him as seeing the error of their ways. That’s not what it is. It’s self-preservation and nothing more. They know Trump’s going down and they don’t want to go down with him.”


Allegations of Fake News

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Despite criticism of Trump taking up the majority of space in comment sections, some of his fans did pop up from time to time. “Fake news as always! Nobody is abandoning President Trump. In fact, he’s becoming more and more popular every day,” one individual said.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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