“The Bible Has Been Misinterpreted”: Does the Bible Really Condemn Homosexuality?

A social media post focusing on a heated discussion between family members has raised some interesting questions popular interpretations of the Bible. The poster – henceforth referred to as “OP” – felt they might have crossed a line in the discussion. As such, they took to the internet to gather opinions from strangers.

A Family Gathering

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OP began the narrative by setting the stage – a family gathering involving their Christian aunt and mother. With OP’s mother temporarily away to fetch some food, the stage was set for a discussion that would soon turn into a heated debate.


Talking About Religion

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OP wrote:  “So I had a family member, [my] aunt, who is Christian come over to my house to spend time with my mother. My mom went out to get us some food and it was me and my aunt. I was on the phone with a friend outside and we [were] talking about religion.”


Religion and Misinterpretations

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OP’s friend, who is gay, shared an unsettling encounter in which a couple had condemned him to Hell for not having children. OP chimed in, expressing their belief that the Bible has been misused over the years, leading to misunderstandings and misinterpretations by different people.


Religion vs. Cult

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OP even went so far as to suggest that some pastors might not grasp the true meaning behind the sacred text. They also said that some religious congregations felt more like cults than welcoming places of worship.


The Lord’s Next Little Angel

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OP wrote: “My friend is gay and we [were] talking about how a couple came up to him and his fiance and said they were going to Hell because ‘you aren’t going to reproduce the Lord’s next little angel.’ I told him that the Bible has been misused over the years and pastors don’t even know the real meaning of the Bible since it was misinterpreted by different people. Plus, it always sounds like instead of a church feeling like a church, it feels like a cult.”


A Clash of Beliefs

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It was at this point that OP’s aunt overheard the conversation and interjected with strong religious convictions. She asserted that OP and their friend were sinners and that God would not forgive them for their beliefs and lifestyles. The atmosphere quickly became tense as the clash of beliefs intensified.


OP’s Defiant Response

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OP, unswayed by their aunt’s judgment, firmly defended their beliefs. They professed their faith in a deity that does not discriminate among the children they create. According to OP, it’s a belief system that values diversity and inclusivity. They implied that the soul of an individual is a reflection of their character and that prejudice can tarnish it.


God Doesn’t Discriminate

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OP wrote: “My aunt heard and told me that we were sinners and God won’t forgive you. I told her the God and/or Goddess that I believed in doesn’t discriminate against the children they create. It shows how ugly a person’s soul could get.”


A Mother’s Neutral Stance

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Upon her return, OP’s mother was informed of the heated exchange. However, she appeared indifferent to the situation, simply shrugging her shoulders and accepting that her child is grown and capable of making their own decisions about faith and belief.


A Social Media Discussion

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OP was left wondering whether they were in the right or in the wrong regarding their opinion about people misinterpreting the Bible. Before long, they took to social media to gather thoughts from strangers – and the responses were very interesting.


The Internet’s Response

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Most commenters defended OP. One such individual said: “The Bible has been misinterpreted and has had parts edited [and] taken out altogether since it was written. Hell, even when they were writing the Bible, they decided what they wanted to include [and] exclude. If that isn’t evidence that the Bible is just another book, I don’t know what is.”


A Translation of a Translation

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Replying to the aforementioned individual, another person said: “Not to mention, it’s a translation of a translation of translation. Did you ever play the game ‘Telephone’ as a kid? And how we all laughed that the message that reached the last kid was nothing like the message said by the first kid? Yeah, that’s the current Bible.”


Many, Many Versions

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Echoing the previously mentioned person, another individual said: “The original Bible has been translated in and out of how many languages? And how many times? Into how many versions? The current version is the King James version, I think. So did King James and crew edit the Bible to their interpretation?”


A Book of Fables 

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Another commenter said: “I think it is a book written by men thousands of years ago. A book of fables, fables meant to rule and govern from afar. Nobody walked on water, nobody parted a sea, nobody turned water into wine, nobody came back from the dead, two bears were not summoned to maul children to death, a dude did not build a wooden boat and save all species from extermination, and on and on and on.”


A Means of Control

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The commenter continued: “It is disheartening to me that people cannot see religion for what it is, a means of control of the population at large, and that people take the obvious fables as literal, good and bad ones alike.”


Weaponizing the Bible

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Even Christians told OP that they did nothing wrong. One individual said: “The Good Book is indeed misinterpreted by different people in different ways. Not just by one group or political party or denomination, but by many people. The message of the Bible is pretty clear but people weaponize it to justify their own selfishness.”


Your True North

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Another person said: “Any book that has been created has been misrepresented and misused in the world. You got to find your true north and I honestly feel some of these people have no place to condemn others.”


Some Criticism for OP

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While most people said OP did nothing wrong, one person did leave some criticism. They said: “You can think whatever you want but you don’t have any kind of accurate theological grasp on biblical interpretation. That’s fine. It is what it is. There’s a way to learn to interpret the Bible accurately. People get degrees in these things. You may not be a believer but let’s not mock those who are.”

“Jesus Was a Socialist”: Christianity in Crisis as Conservatives Finally Realize Jesus Was Woke

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Russell Moore, once a prominent figure within the Southern Baptist Convention, has expressed profound concerns regarding the current trajectory of Christianity within the United States.

“Jesus Was a Socialist”: Christianity in Crisis as Conservatives Finally Realize Jesus Was Woke

Empty Pews, Changing Views: 18 Reasons Why Modern Congregations Are Thinning Out

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Sit tight, friends! Have you noticed that your usual church-going squad is thinning out? Even the little old ladies with their prayer books seem to have made themselves scarce. But what’s causing this great church exodus? Let’s pull back the curtain and examine why some people are swapping the sermon for a Sunday sleep-in with our intriguing list of 18 reasons.

Empty Pews, Changing Views: 18 Reasons Why Modern Congregations Are Thinning Out