“The Devil Is the Head of the Democrats”: President Biden Jokes About Christian School Shooting

Republican Senator Josh Hawley has strongly criticized Joe Biden, calling him a “disgrace” in response to the president’s reaction to a reporter’s question regarding the tragic murder of Christian students in Nashville earlier this year.

Biden’s Inappropriate Response

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A reporter asked President Biden whether he believed the Christian students in Nashville were targeted in a hate crime. Unfortunately, the president’s response seemed to trivialize the gravity of the situation. He reportedly responded with a smirk and a laugh and said: “Well then I doubt that. No, I’m joking. I have no idea.”


The Nashville School Shooting

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The shooting in question was carried out by a 28-year-old man known as Aiden Hale, whose actions resulted in a devastating tragedy. Hale was ultimately killed by Nashville police during his rampage at the Covenant School, a Presbyterian institution with approximately 200 students, spanning from preschool to Sixth Grade. The attack resulted in the heartbreaking loss of three nine-year-olds and three adults.


Hawley’s Call for Investigation

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Senator Hawley swiftly responded to this horrific event by sending a formal letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. In his letter, he emphasized the need for a comprehensive examination of the massacre. He pointed to federal law, which explicitly criminalizes acts of violence based on religious affiliation as hate crimes.


Premeditated and Targeted

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Hawley noted that Nashville law enforcement’s statements suggested that Hale’s attack was premeditated and specifically targeted toward the Christian school, its students, and employees. The police had uncovered evidence, including a manifesto and writings, alluding to Hale’s malicious intent.


Josh Hawley’s Words

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Hawley wrote: “Federal law explicitly criminalizes acts of violence against individuals based on religious affiliation as hate crimes. According to Nashville law enforcement, Hale’s attack was both premeditated and targeted against this Christian school, its students, and employees.”


A Federal Hate Crime

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Hawley continued: “Nashville police chief John Drake announced yesterday that ‘we have a manifesto, we have some writings that we’re going over that pertain to this date, the actual incident. We have a map drawn out of how this was all going to take place.’ I urge you to immediately open an investigation into this shooting as a federal hate crime.”


The President’s Role as Comforter-In-Chief

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In times of national tragedy, the President of the United States traditionally assumes the role of the “Comforter-in-Chief.” However, in this instance, many felt that President Biden chose to prioritize partisanship over fulfilling that role.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Biden’s inappropriate response to the reporter’s question was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. “The entire country is ashamed and constantly embarrassed by him,” one person said.


Gun Violence and Abortions

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Some people discussed the Republican stance on gun control and one individual even compared gun violence and abortion statistics. They wrote: “Guns kill more children in the U.S. than abortions. Fact. Where is the GOP outrage?”


Joe Biden and Morals

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Plenty of people accused President Biden of having no mortals whatsoever. “You need to have morals in order to be ashamed. Joe Biden has none,” one person wrote. “The entire Biden family has absolutely no morals,” another echoed.


Worst President Ever

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Some people said that Biden is the worst president the U.S. has ever seen, even going as far as to claim he’s brought the entire planet closer to World War III. “Worst president ever! The financial situation of the U.S. is on the verge of collapse. The world is closer than ever to a world war,” one individual said.


A Danger to the World

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Others used even stronger language. One person wrote: “In all honesty, Biden is the most despicable president in U.S. history. He is truly a danger to the world. He is the most out-of-touch and corrupt president we’ve ever had.”


Born This Way

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The commenter continued: “I don’t think he is feeble or lame because of his age but rather because he was simply born this way. But he is just a dumb lucky guy who, thanks to Obama, became president, albeit because the Democratic Party couldn’t come up with anyone better.”


No Right to Represent

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Another person wrote: “Two or three times this jerk laughed or joked when commenting about this tragedy. How his wife could have the nerve to represent him at the memorial service beats me. They are both useless, disrespectful people who have no right to represent anything.”


The Devil and the Democrats

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Others brought the Devil into the equation. “As a conservative, I feel sorry for the president because he is a sick man, physically and mentally. I am [angry] at the people who voted him in and even more [angry] at the people who still support him. It is clear the Devil is the head of the Democrats,” one individual said.


More Inappropriate Behavior 

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Some people warned others to expect more insensitive comments from the president. “Biden will continue to be what he is. Therefore, expect more inappropriate behavior, statements, and policies,” one person said.


The Next Election

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Others looked to the future, wishing for a more sensitive and respectful POTUS. One commenter wrote: “What a shameful, disgusting individual. He has no dignity and is a disgrace as our president. I certainly hope we do better in the next election.”


A Different Response 

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One commenter discussed the shooter, who was transgender. Some have speculated that his motivation may have involved getting back at the people he believed had hurt him – conservative Christians. The commenter wrote: “The fact of the matter is that this was not a hate crime as such. The young transgender [man] who committed the assault and mass murder of those innocents most certainly had hate in [his] heart. [He] was angry. [He] was hurt.”


A Hurt Crime

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“[He] took the hate that had been put upon [him] and nurtured it and turned it on those who projected that hate to [him]. But does that make it a hate crime? By that standard, every shooting, every assault, every violent crime should be labeled a hate crime. [His] crime should probably more accurately be considered a hurt crime,” the commenter continued, going on to say that they weren’t defending the horrific act – they were simply trying to understand it.

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