“Biden Is a Racist”: Bigoted Biden in Hot Water After Calling Black Man “Boy”

During a speech at the Congressional Black Caucus, President Biden made a significant gaffe when referring to rapper LL Cool J. The rapper, whose birth name is James Todd Smith, was being honored with the Phoenix Award for his musical contributions alongside MC Lyte during the 52nd Annual Legislative Conference held in Washington D.C.

The Slip of the Tongue

LL Cool J
Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.

Biden attempted to acknowledge LL Cool J but stumbled over his words. “Two of the great artists of our time representing the groundbreaking legacy of hip hop in America, LL J Cool J, uh,” he said. The crowd couldn’t help but laugh at the president’s blunder.


A Regrettable Term

Editorial credit: YASAMIN JAFARI TEHRANI / Shutterstock.

President Biden continued. “By the way, that boy – that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs,” he said. Although he quickly corrected himself, replacing “boy” with “man,” the initial choice of language was unsettling for many.


Acknowledging MC Lyte

Image Credit: Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.

Without dwelling on the misstep, President Biden swiftly moved on to acknowledge MC Lyte, who was also receiving the Phoenix Award. The audience responded with applause but the controversy surrounding the earlier comment lingered.


Not an Isolated Incident

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The incident, of course, didn’t go unnoticed. Videos of Biden’s questionable words were shared across social media and people pointed out that this was not the first time the president had used “boy” to describe a Black man.


A Troubling Pattern

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Biden has previously used the term when referring to African Americans, a term that has historical racial connotations when directed at Black men. Earlier this year, he used it while discussing Maryland’s first Black governor, Wes Moore. 


A Racist Old Man

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As previously mentioned, videos of Biden’s blunder were shared across social media. Naturally, people flocked to comment sections to give their views – and opinions were divided. “Not the first time he’s done that actually. He’s a racist old man,” one person said.


Political Hack Opportunists

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Another person wrote: “He was obviously just trying to say the equivalent of ‘damn, that boy’s got pipes’ but stopped himself and replaced ‘boy’ with ‘man’ precisely because he knew it could be taken the wrong way by political hack opportunists, which of course it was.”


A Potential Colloquialism

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Echoing the aforementioned commenter, another person said: “I dunno. I was expecting worse. Honestly, him getting the name wrong is more offensive than saying, ‘That boy’s got big arms.’ That feels like a colloquialism and he caught it because he’s aware enough to realize how it could be taken.”


Crooked and Corrupt

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Others weren’t so forgiving. “Racist trash. Crooked and corrupt. The Biden crime family is hated by the public,” one person wrote. “Why would this be surprising? Those of us who were paying attention knew Biden is a racist,” another said.


A POTUS Age Limit

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Some people took the opportunity to discuss Biden’s age and call for office age limits. One individual said: “How, in the deepest pit of despair, did Biden voters think this guy was the answer to their troubles? Need a POTUS age cap limit now.”


A Questionable Defense

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One person used Biden’s age to defend him. They wrote: “Someone from a different era when it was normal to say that and worse things. Age makes a difference when words like that come out. However, he has made tremendous progress in trying to fix how he was brought up. It’s those who intentionally say words like that that we should worry about.”


A Heated Debate

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But others hit back. Replying to the aforementioned individual, another said: “Are you actually trying to defend this? He has made numerous racial statements and everyone just looks the other way. Roll the tape if you don’t believe it. How many more slaps in the face can he give before they finally stop supporting him?”


A Hatefully Racist Orange Overlord

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Some people pointed out the hypocrisy of right-wingers criticizing Biden’s words. One commenter wrote: “I find it interesting that right-wingers suddenly pretend to care about Black people when someone they don’t like says something racist. Yes, this was racist. Undeniably so. But don’t pretend you care while you vote for your hatefully racist Orange Overlord.”


An Actual Left-Wing Option

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Another person said: “All of you arguing about who’s more racist – Democrats or Republicans – are making me laugh. They both are. Both of them. Both parties are corrupt capitalist entities. They both suck and they’re both racist. America needs an actual left-wing option.”


A Complicated World

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Debate dominated comment sections and one particular discussion echoed the aforementioned individual. “As if we needed more proof that Biden is the real racist, not Trump,” one person said. “Is it really that difficult for you to see that they’re both racist old men? You know that the world is more complicated than ‘this person bad, this person good,’ right?” another hit back.


Shameless Elder Abuse

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Some people blamed Biden’s family. One person said: “I mean, what do you expect? The guy is 9,000 years old and his family is still carting him out as a puppet so they can profit off his name. It’s elder abuse. This dude should be in a nursing home but they don’t care. They’re shameless.”


Impeachment and Imprisonment

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Others called for Biden to be impeached. “Yep, [we] need to impeach and imprison the moron Biden. [He] continues to do damage everywhere he goes and with everything he touches. Biden needs medical help,” one commenter wrote.


Both Parties Are Bad

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Some people enjoyed the debate. One person said: “Don’t mind me, a leftist, just sitting in the corner and eating my popcorn while all of you finally realize that the Democrats are neither left-wing nor free from corruption. Yes, that’s right. Both parties are bad. Who knew?”

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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