“He’s Scared to Death”: Legal Expert Says Trump’s Prison Panic Means He Knows He’s Guilty

Donald Trump recently made headlines after he reportedly asked about what type of prison he might end up in. Glenn Kirschner, a former federal prosecutor, believes that the former president’s apparent panic about his potential incarceration is not only an indicator of his anticipation of conviction but also an admission of guilt.

Trump’s Worries About Prison Conditions

Donald Trump
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Trump reportedly asked his attorneys whether he would be sent to a relatively comfortable “club fed” style prison or a prison with a more challenging environment. Additionally, he wondered if he might serve his sentence under home confinement.


Secret Service Protections

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Moreover, the former president’s inquiries have reportedly even extended to concerns about the potential removal of his lifetime Secret Service protections and what he might have to wear if convicted and sent to prison.


A Legal Analysis

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In response to Trump’s concerns, Glenn Kirschner provided his insights into what the former president’s mindset might be. “What does this tell you about Trump’s mindset?” host Jonathan Capehart asked him.


Scared to Death

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“It tells me he is scared to death. It tells me he has overwhelming consciousness of guilt because he knows what he did wrong and he knows he is about to be held accountable for his crimes. So it is not surprising that he is obsessing,” Kirschner responded.


A Future in Prison

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Kirschner also raised a critical question. “If he was confident that he would be completely exonerated, would he have to obsess about what his future time in prison might look like?” the former federal prosecutor pointed out.


Obstruction of Justice Concerns

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Kirschner didn’t stop there. He pointed out a recent post by Trump in which the former president urged Republicans to defund prosecutions against him. Kirschner viewed this as a potential attempt to obstruct justice.


The Last Refuge for Trump

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The former federal prosecutor said: “I think the last refuge for Donald Trump can be seen in a recent post where he urged the Republicans to defund the prosecutions against him which, to this prosecutor, smells a lot like an attempt to obstruct justice.”


The Internet Responded

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News of Kirschner’s analysis was shared across the internet and, for the most part, people agreed. “He knows he’s doomed because he knows he’s guilty and he also knows who else is guilty. Republicans complicit in his treason should be worried,” one person said.


Strict Prison Confinement

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Others called for strict prison conditions. One individual wrote: “If he is found guilty, he should have some strict confinement somewhere. If not in an actual prison, like in Fulton County, then another place. He shouldn’t get to walk around like a free man.”


No Special Treatment

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The commenter continued: “No one else would get any special treatment. If found guilty of all these crimes he is charged with, he shouldn’t be entitled to any Secret Service. He should lose that perk as well as many other perks he gets.”


Trump Knows He’s Guilty

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Another commenter wrote: “Trump’s prison panic is because he knows he is guilty of inciting an insurrection to overturn the 2020 election by telling the big lie to his followers. Trump has never won the popular vote in this country and never will – but he found that if he sends fake electors to vote in the electoral college vote he will steal the election and that is what he tried to do.”


The Electoral College

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The commenter continued: “Trump also tried to intimidate election officials in several states to overturn their majority votes and their electoral votes to stay in power. This is all because the Republicans refused to amend and get rid of the antiquated electoral college in 2000 when it became antiquated with the Bush vs. Gore election. If the Republicans had gone along with the Democrats and [fixed] this problem, we would never have had the Trump problem in the first place.”


Trump’s Never Been Held Accountable

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Also agreeing with Kirschner, another person said: “Yes, he’s scared to death. He’s never had to be responsible before in his life. He’s always bullied anyone that came up against him. Now, he’s losing donors [and] ‘friends’ – not real ones, just those hangers-on that could benefit from him or his deals. He’s got more problems stacked against him and now another top-of-the-line prosecutor is against him.”


A Violence-Profiteering Dictator

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The commenter continued: “Do not feel sorry for this hater and violence-profiteering dictator.  He’s done more than these crimes during his lifetime and deserves much more than life in prison. He will either flee before he is close to the end or will try to call up his minions to fight again for him. But in the end, yes – he will go to prison and it will be justified.”


A Cell Is a Cell

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The commenter concluded: “I don’t care if he gets a cushy prison cell as long as it’s a cell and he cannot get out – nor can he have his phone or social media available. He won’t need his security detail in prison since he should be the only one in his wing. No one to talk to, no one to listen to his constant tirade of foul language and hate speech. Maybe it would be good to give him a Bible to read.”


Incarcerating Corrupt Politicians

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Others called for anyone who tried to protect Trump to also be charged and convicted. One individual said: “Not only should Donald go to prison, but every politician that tried to prevent the justice department from doing its job should join him.”


Trump Ruined Lives

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Some commenters weren’t so certain about Trump’s future incarceration. Nonetheless, they expressed hope. “I hope his panic is justified. He has ruined so many lives. It’s time he faces the consequences,” one person wrote.


An Alternative Reality

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A few commenters said that Trump isn’t panicking because his mindset doesn’t allow for such emotions. One person said: “Trump lives in his own alternative reality. In Trump’s world, there is only Trump and Trump will never send Trump to prison. He’s not panicking. He’s too crazy to panic.”

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