Echoes of Partisanship: 18 Quips You’ve Heard Too Many Times from Republicans

We all know certain catchphrases are distinct to various groups of people. And Republicans are no exception! They’ve got some zingers up their sleeves, and we’ve compiled a list just for fun. Let’s dive right into these 18 quirky and quippy things only a Republican would say.

“More Tax? Let’s Take a Step Back!”

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To the Republican ear, the word ‘tax’ often rings alarms. They believe in a capitalist system, where hard work is rewarded, and high taxes could inhibit business growth. This sentiment explains their preference for tax cuts and minimal government intervention in the economy. To them, less tax allows for more economic freedom.


“Being Woke Makes You Broke”

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The term “woke” has come to mean heightened awareness of social injustices. However, some Republicans use it humorously, suggesting that being “woke” is an overreaction or overly progressive. They prefer traditional values and may see the “woke” movement as a departure from those principles.


“Family Over Everything!”

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This phrase resonates deeply with many Republicans. It emphasizes the significance of traditional family structures and values. The belief here is that strong families form the bedrock of a stable society. By arguing family is most important, Republicans highlight their commitment to preserving these traditions.


“Guns Don’t Kill People, People Kill People”

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Second Amendment rights are sacred to many Republicans. This phrase is the perfect example of their belief that responsibility lies with the person, not the weapon. They argue that focusing on responsible ownership is more effective than broad gun restrictions. You’d never catch a Democrat saying this.


“Keep the Game, Drop the Fame!”

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Many Republicans feel that the field, court, or stadium is where athletes shine, not the political arena. They argue that athletes should keep politics out of sport because they think it could tarnish the game’s purity. They believe that audiences turn to sports as an escape from daily politics and prefer it remain that way.


“Quit the Whine, Walk the Line!”

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For many Republicans, adversity is a test of character. The phrase “Stop complaining” underscores their viewpoint that voicing grievances without taking action achieves little. It’s a call to confront challenges directly, implying that a proactive approach is more commendable than a reactive one.


“Your Fate? It’s Not the World’s Weight!”

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In the Republican mindset, life isn’t about waiting for opportunities to come knocking. “The world doesn’t owe you anything” represents their conviction that individuals should take charge of their destinies. It reflects the American Dream — hard work and determination are the tickets to success.


“Bypass the Party, Eye the Smartie!”

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While party loyalty is crucial, some Republicans stress the importance of evaluating individual merit. “I’m an independent: I vote for the person, not the party” showcases their belief that sometimes the right candidate might not align perfectly with party doctrines but still deserves support based on their capabilities.


“Cherish Every Hue, Blue Too!”

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The “Blue Lives Matter” movement arose in response to criticisms against the police. Many Republicans rally behind this phrase, underscoring their staunch backing of law enforcement. They see officers as the frontline defenders of society, emphasizing that their roles, fraught with danger, demand respect.


“Work’s Gone MIA Today!”

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Republicans think that work ethic has worsened and will often cry, “Nobody wants to work anymore.” It’s a statement against what some Republicans view as increasing societal laziness. They believe long-term reliance on welfare systems could diminish individual drive, preferring policies incentivizing employment.


“Express, But Don’t Suppress!”

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Many Republicans are wary of what they perceive as the rising tide of political correctness. “You can’t say anything anymore” exemplifies their anxiety over free speech being eliminated. They argue for an open marketplace of ideas where debates happen without fear of undue backlash.


“Rise High, Don’t Just Sigh!”

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This phrase harkens back to the pioneering spirit many Republicans cherish. “Pull Yourself Up by the Bootstraps” champions the notion that any obstacle can be overcome with sheer willpower and hard work. It’s an ode to personal empowerment and self-made success stories.


“A Spank Won’t Make You Tank!”

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Spanking, once a common disciplinary tactic, is now more controversial. By saying, “I was spanked and turned out okay,” some Republicans underline their belief in older, straightforward parenting strategies, often contrasting them with more modern, nuanced approaches. Or perhaps it’s them trying to deal with their traumatic pasts.


“Cut the Red; Forge Ahead!”

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Republicans see red tape as something that stops growth. By arguing against red tape in business and other fields, Republicans signal their commitment to streamlining processes. They want to foster an environment where businesses and individuals can flourish without excessive regulatory burdens.


“Hold Your Ground, Stay Unbound!”

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This phrase celebrates the cherished Republican ideal of personal freedom. They think individuals should have the right to do what they want instead of being told by the government. To them, individual liberties are more important than government control, ensuring citizens live unshackled by undue restrictions.


“Snowflakes in the Sun, Oh, What Fun!”

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Using “snowflakes” reflects the Republican sentiment about growing sensitivity in society. For them, people used to be made of “sterner stuff.” They believe that individuals faced challenges head-on in previous generations, conversations were candid, and people were less prone to take offense. They see the current generation as too delicate, where political correctness dominates discussions.


“Not Just One, But All Under the Sun!”

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The phrase “All Lives Matter” emerged as a counter to the “Black Lives Matter” movement, which seeks to address systemic racism. Republicans who use “All Lives Matter” tend to focus on the idea that all lives, irrespective of race or background, have equal importance. For them, it’s a call to unity, emphasizing the value of every individual. 


“Country First, Never Reversed!”

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For many Republicans, America isn’t just a country but an ideal. They have profound patriotic feelings, prioritizing the nation above individual or group interests. It signifies their belief in the timeless values that the nation was founded upon — liberty, freedom, and justice. For them, these principles should always guide the nation’s path forward, regardless of contemporary challenges or global pressures. 

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Editorial credit: Matt Smith Photographer / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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