“A Big Turn-Off Is Someone With Right-Wing Politics”: Survey Finds Biggest Red Flag Among Young People Is MAGA Republicans

A recent survey conducted by Change Research has unveiled intriguing insights into the preferences and deal-breakers among 18 to 34-year-old men and women in the United States. The survey, involving 1,033 participants, asked about red flags, beige flags, and green flags.

A Major Divide

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When it comes to political beliefs, there is a significant divergence between men and women. For 76% of women surveyed, support for MAGA ideals, championed by former President Donald Trump, was a major turn-off. In contrast, 64% of men found identifying as a communist to be the biggest deal-breaker. Additionally, 59% of men indicated that pro-Trump beliefs were unattractive in a partner.


Mixed Reactions and Gender Identity

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Gender identity also emerged as a contentious topic. In an interesting divide, 54% of women expressed their disinterest in individuals who believe in only two genders, while only 34% of men shared this sentiment.


Pop Culture Preferences

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Notable disparities surfaced regarding entertainment choices. A substantial 55% of women revealed that they would not be interested in a partner who listens to the Joe Rogan podcast, despite its primarily male audience. On the other hand, just over a third of men felt the same way about their potential partners’ podcast choices.


Astrology and Hobbies

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Men and women both considered hobbies to be a crucial aspect of a partner’s appeal. A resounding 66% of women considered having no hobbies a red flag. Meanwhile, 60% of men echoed this sentiment. However, it’s worth noting that astrology was a turn-off for 41% of men, so it’s essential to choose hobbies thoughtfully.


Black Lives Matter and All Lives Matter

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Opinions on social justice differed between genders. Using the phrase “All Lives Matter” was a deal-breaker for 60% of women, while 41% of men shared this view. Meanwhile, uttering “Black Lives Matter” was a turn-off for 33% of men and a green flag for 60% of women.


The Barbie Movie

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Perhaps surprisingly, 53% of women admitted that not having seen Barbie was a turn-off. This quirky preference highlights the variety of obscure factors that can influence attraction and the importance of the movie to many women throughout the world.


Conservative and Liberal Women

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As previously mentioned, the survey revealed that 59% of men were put off by women identifying as MAGA Republicans, while 64% felt the same about communist affiliations. Interestingly, men found conservative women (35%) more appealing than liberal women (29%).


Shared Turn-Ons

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Despite the differences, both genders agreed on some attractive qualities. Ninety-five percent of women found men who read to be attractive and 91% of men shared this sentiment. Additionally, researching for the best deals and rates before making purchases was considered a turn-on, with 88% of women and 85% of men valuing financially savvy partners.


The Complexity of Modern Dating

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The survey provided a fascinating glimpse into the diverse range of preferences and deal-breakers among young adults in the U.S. While some common ground exists, significant disparities in political beliefs, entertainment choices, and social views illustrate the complexity of modern dating dynamics.


The Internet Responded

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News of the survey’s results was shared across the internet and people flocked to comment sections to give their views. In response to the findings about MAGA Republicans, one person wrote: “As a Republican, I don’t even get along with MAGA and I have a lot of MAGA friends and colleagues. They are too extreme for me.”


A Trump Rally Parade

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Another said: “When I first heard a grown woman say she regretted missing a Trump rally parade, I thought she was joking. Attractive woman but I lost any shred of respect for her. Worse than if she had been a chain smoker. That bad.”


The Findings About Reading

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Others discussed the survey’s findings in regard to reading. “It’s nice that reading was such a big turn-on for everyone. That gives me hope for the future and for future generations too,” one individual said. “Great to see reading up there like that!” another echoed.


A Very MAGA Response

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Donald Trump’s fans weren’t particularly pleased about the results. One person said: “Don’t back making America great again? What kind of person would be against that? Obviously a person who hates America.”


Speaking Badly About Previous Partners 

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Discussions about turn-ons and turn-offs aren’t unusual on the internet. One person said their biggest turn-off is “men who speak horribly of their exes [and] friends behind their backs because if they’ll speak so terribly about a person they once ‘loved,’ what are they going to say about me if things don’t work out?”


A Great Listener

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Another said their turn-ons were “a great listener, someone who has ambitions and goals, emotionally and physically supportive, someone who respects you as an individual and is kind to others by default, someone who can stand up for themselves if it’s actually necessary, [and] someone who stands up for others if they get disrespected.”


Dogs, Cats, and Other Animals

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Another individual, discussing their personal turn-offs and turn-offs, said: “Men who love dogs or cats or turtles or any animals are wonderful. I really dislike willful ignorance. People who refuse to admit they’re wrong. People who lack empathy. Spitters and litterers.”


Right-Wing Politics and Romance

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Others discussed balance. One person said: “For me, a big turn-off is someone with right-wing politics – particularly if they’re right-wing when it comes to social issues because that’s just another way to say ‘bigot.’ A bit turn-on for me is someone who’s not overly obsessed with intimacy and is more interested in romance.”


Cologne, Nice Arms, and Nice Teeth

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Some people discussed physical attributes. One individual said: “Cologne is important. What grabs my instant attention is nice arms, confidence, nice teeth, and shoes that weren’t purchased alongside a skateboard and hoodie.”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Image Credit: Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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