“America Should Have This Law”: Brazil Introduces Strict Anti-Homophobia Hate Speech Law

Brazil’s enactment of a new anti-homophobia law has elicited strong reactions both within its borders and abroad. Concerns have been raised among Americans regarding the possibility of similar legislation emerging in the United States.

Homophobic Hate Speech Elevated

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In a landmark 9-1 verdict, Brazil has raised homophobic hate speech to the same legal standing as racist hate speech. This decision has ignited a fierce debate on the boundaries of free speech and the potential consequences for those found guilty. Justice Edson Fachin, the presiding judge behind this ruling, emphasized the necessity of ensuring equal legal protection for LGBTQ+ citizens as a constitutional obligation.


Evolution of Anti-Homophobia Legislation

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Brazil’s journey towards recognizing homophobia as illegal has evolved over time. In 2019, the country had already acknowledged homophobia as a crime on par with racism. However, this earlier decision primarily addressed offenses against the LGBTQ+ community as a collective rather than focusing on specific individuals.


Debate and Criticism

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The introduction of the new law has given rise to heated debates among various segments of Brazilian society. Critics argue that the severity of the punishment, which can exceed sentences for other crimes, appears disproportionate. The law could jail people for up to five years.


A Necessary Law

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The aforementioned critics contend that the law raises questions about freedom of expression. In contrast, proponents of anti-homophobia laws assert that they are essential, especially in cases that lead to severe physical harm and discrimination.


The Conservative Concerns

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Conservative Americans have expressed deep concerns regarding the issue. They view Brazil as a country facing a period of decline and fear that embracing more “woke” policies may exacerbate its problems rather than address them. Some conservative Americans have openly declared their reluctance to visit Brazil and even some Brazilians discourage foreigners from coming due to unresolved social issues.


The Global Impact

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Brazil’s anti-homophobia law has been noticed by countries across the world, not just the United States. LGBTQ+ advocacy groups worldwide have been watching Brazil’s developments while considering their own legal strategies. 


The U.S. Perspective

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There’s a huge difference in societal and legal contexts between the United States and Brazil. As such, some Americans – mostly conservative ones – are cornered about the possibility of similar legislation in their own country.


The Internet’s Response

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News of Brazil’s law change was shared across the internet and people, for the most part, were in support of the move. One person said: “Good. Hate speech is inappropriate anywhere and everywhere. People should not be free from the repercussions of their words.”


Words, Actions, and Consequences

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The commenter continued: “Sure, you can say what you want – but there will be consequences, as there should be. Vile hatred towards people specifically should always be considered unacceptable. It’s the last step before violence, generally. So I’m glad some places are taking it more seriously.”


Rights and Responsibility

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Others echoed the aforementioned individual. One person wrote: “Free speech is all nice and dandy but rights come with responsibilities. You can have a right but [you can’t] use it to demonize, ostracize, and vilify others or spread false information. Of course, the combination of ‘rights’ with ‘responsibility’ is not exactly part of the American mindset.”


Homophobia in the United States

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Some people discussed homophobia in the United States. One individual said: “Good for Brazil. This should go both ways. The antis in the U.S. want a free ride to attack everyone else and so far they have been getting away with it.”


The U.S. First Amendment

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Others proudly asserted that an anti-homophobia law would never make its way to the U.S. One person wrote: “America will never have such a law because the [Supreme Court] has already decided that hate speech is a form of free speech and you cannot be prosecuted for such as it is a violation of your First Amendment right.”


Excuses for Homophobia

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The commenter continued: “The individuals advocating for such a law are merely cowardly authoritarians who would like to hide behind policy instead of coming out as the control-obsessive pathetic jackboots they are.”


Judging the Laws of Other Countries

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Others were angry at people like the aforementioned individual. One person said: “How dare you judge another country’s policies. It’s simple – don’t ever go there. You racist homophobes wouldn’t have ever gone there anyways.”


The International Commenters

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International commenters implied that the opinions of Americans weren’t particularly valuable. One such individual said: “Americans don’t know how many continents there are or who fought in the last World War. I doubt they know about Brazil’s politics.”


How Hate Is Born

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Another person said: “Nice move. Let’s face it, the only people causing violence and threats of violence are the haters. Haters are not naturally dispositioned to hate people – it’s been taught to them. They learn to go out of their way to make others miserable. This type of behavior doesn’t come from people who interact with all sorts of cultures and learn how to adapt.”


America Needs This Law

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Plenty of people felt that the U.S. should bring in a similar law. One person said: “America should have this law. It would simplify a lot of things. First off, the GOP would have to stop endlessly mewling about what’s in everyone else’s drawers and come up with a plan that involves leading the country.”


Potential Double Standards

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Others pointed out potential double standards in the responses of right-wing Americans. One individual said: “Don’t understand why everyone wants to criticize Brazil for this. England and Canada – and I think maybe Australia and New Zealand – have been arresting people for inappropriate speech for years now. Why is it all of a sudden a problem when Brazil does it?”

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