“DeSantis Is a Much More Dangerous Person Than Trump”: Letter Penned by Trump Before Departure Comes to Light, Raising New Questions

In 2021, a letter from the White House Coronavirus Task Force to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis revealed that former President Donald Trump’s administration had urged the state to reintroduce masking and social distancing measures amid a surge in COVID-19 cases. 

The Task Force’s Recommendations

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The letter from the White House Coronavirus Task Force stressed the importance of “aggressive mitigation” measures as COVID-19 cases began to rise. Their recommendations included the “uniform implementation” of 2-3-ply well-fitting masks and “strict physical distancing” to curb the virus’s spread.


DeSantis’ Prior Actions

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At the time the letter was sent, DeSantis had already lifted all COVID-19 restrictions on businesses and restaurants in Florida. Additionally, he had banned fines for not wearing masks as early as September 2020, several months before receiving the task force’s letter.


Donald Trump’s Criticism

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Trump criticized the Florida governor’s handling of COVID-19 in an interview with Hugh Hewitt, stating that DeSantis “shut down Florida” and had strict vaccination efforts. He went on to talk about how other Republican governors did not implement such stringent measures.


Emphasis on Immunization

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However, the letter sent to Florida from Trump’s task force also stressed the vital importance of not delaying vaccination efforts, especially in regard to those over 65 and vulnerable to severe disease. It advocated for “active and aggressive immunization” while urging the state to maintain public confidence and maximize vaccine acceptance.


DeSantis’ Continued Resistance

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Despite pressure from Trump and his medical adviser, DeSantis did not reimplement COVID-19 measures and even resisted mask mandates in schools. His approach, which focused on individual freedoms and opposing mandates, received praise from right-wingers with individualistic values.


Electoral Victory for DeSantis

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Governor DeSantis’ COVID-19 response ultimately proved successful in terms of his popularity, albeit a huge failure in terms of preserving life. He won a landslide victory in the midterms and Republican candidates across the state also secured wins in their electoral races, further cementing DeSantis’ approach as a politically popular one in Florida.


The Political Fallout

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The revelation of Trump’s letter created significant political fallout. While it may have highlighted differences within the Republican Party regarding pandemic response, it also emphasized the polarization in American politics regarding COVID-19 mitigation strategies. Trump’s criticism of DeSantis raised questions about the former president’s influence on party politics and his ongoing role in shaping the GOP’s direction.


Impact on Future Pandemic Responses

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The letter’s release and the subsequent debate have broader implications for future pandemic responses. It highlights the challenges faced by leaders in balancing public health measures with individual freedoms and economic considerations. The ongoing battle against COVID-19 and potential future pandemics will likely continue to be shaped by the lessons learned from these differing approaches.


Public Opinion and Healthcare

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The controversy surrounding DeSantis’ approach to COVID-19 also brought to the forefront the role of public opinion in healthcare policy. As political leaders grapple with the complexities of managing a public health crisis, understanding and responding to public sentiment will remain a crucial factor in shaping policy decisions.


Desantis Wanted to Make a Name for Himself

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The internet responded and, for the most part, people were critical of both Trump and DeSantis. One person wrote: “It has been estimated that 20,000 people unnecessarily died in Florida because DeSantis lifted COVID restrictions too early just because he wanted to make a name for himself.”


Great Job, Ron

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Others were confused about how DeSantis’ approach was so popular when it led to so many deaths. One individual said: “He received praise and won reelection by a landslide but had one of the higher numbers of deaths per capita. Great job, Ron.”


Time to Move On

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Some people felt it was time to move on from discussions about past handling of COVID, highlighting the many other issues the country is facing. One person wrote: “Who cares anymore? Lessons learned. Can’t we all move on? Much bigger issues in our country and it’s not looking too promising.”


They’re Both Losers

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Plenty of people criticized both Trump and DeSantis. One such individual said: “Both are deplorables. If Americans remember, Trump did not encourage masking or social distancing while president – especially at his rallies. They are both losers.”


The Republican Party

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Others criticized the Republican Party as a whole. “The GOP used to have strong candidates who really cared about this nation and its people. Today, they support small children who have a power need problem and only do things for their best interest. Sad,” one person said.


The Recommendations of Doctors

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Some people were baffled by the way right-wing politicians outright ignored doctors during the pandemic. One person said: “I can’t believe that Trump and DeSantis wouldn’t believe the recommendations of doctors. Both are very headstrong people that will take this nation down if we allow it to happen.”


Trump, DeSantis, and Hitler

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Others made references to Adolf Hitler and it’s unclear whether they were talking about Trump or DeSantis. One individual said: “Little Hitler doesn’t care about saving lives. All he cares about is taking America back 100 years.”


Trump’s a Hypocrite 

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Another person said: “So what I’m hearing is that Trump’s a hypocrite? Tell us something we don’t know! In all seriousness though, I think both Trump and DeSantis should face trial for the deaths of all the people who wouldn’t have died if they’d been more competent.” 


DeSantis Is Worse Than Trump

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Others expressed concern about DeSantis’ extremist views. One person said: “DeSantis is a much more dangerous person than [Trump]. Everyone should hope he does drop out but, if not, he should never be confused as a ‘Trump without all the baggage.’”

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Editorial credit: Sheila Fitzgerald / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.

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Editorial credit: mark reinstein / Shutterstock.

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