“God Is Being Abandoned”: Christian Official Faces Hate Speech Trial for Quoting the Bible

A prominent figure in Finland’s parliament is facing a second trial on charges of hate speech after sharing a Bible quote on social media.

A Grandmother of Seven

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Päivi Räsänen – a member of Finland’s parliament, medical doctor, and grandmother of seven –  has stated that she is “ready to defend her freedom of expression in all necessary courts.” The upcoming proceedings will take place at the Helsinki Court of Appeals. 

Christian Beliefs About Marriage

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This marks the second time Räsänen will appear in court, the first being when the Helsinki District Court previously dismissed hate speech charges against her and Bishop Juhana Pohjola. The charges related to their conservative, Christian beliefs about marriage.

Her Homophobic Concerns

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Räsänen’s case is centered around a social media post from a few years ago in which she raised concerns about her church’s endorsement of an LGBTQ+ Pride event. She included a link to another post featuring a screenshot of Romans 1:24-27.

A Classical Christian View

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In a press release, Räsänen said that her words reflected the traditional Christian perspective on marriage and sexuality. She said: “The content of my writings and my speeches represents the classical Christian view of marriage and sexuality, the same as the churches have generally taught for two millennia. I do not condone insulting, threatening, or slandering anyone and my statements have not included content of such a nature.”

The Bible vs. Mein Kampf

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Räsänen also criticized the 34-page English version of the complaint, which she claimed directly challenges fundamental Christian doctrines. This came after prosecutors likened the Bible to Mein Kampf, a comparison not entirely unfounded given the way the former has been used to justify violence and hatred throughout history.

Inciting Intolerance and Hatred

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Finland’s state prosecutor alleged that Räsänen’s comments aimed to incite intolerance and hatred toward the LGBTQ+ community. During the first trial, prosecutors described unrelated Bible verses as “bad” speech and explained that the use of the term “sin” could be harmful.

Freedom of Religion

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Räsänen expressed concern about the potential consequences of the trial. She said: “If writings based on biblical teachings were to be condemned, that would mean a serious restriction of freedom of religion. It is natural that this would raise concerns among Christians both in Finland and internationally.”

Opinions Were Divided

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The news was shared across the internet and opinions were divided. Some people felt that Räsänen did nothing wrong, while others said religion is no excuse to spread harmful bigotry. “Whether or not you agree with her views, this is backward that she is being prosecuted for a thought crime,” one person wrote.

Religion Is Not an Excuse

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Others disagreed with the aforementioned commenter. One person said: “I’m actually sickened by all the people defending this woman. Your personal beliefs are not an excuse to advocate for restricting the freedoms of other people. If you think it’s a ‘sin’ to be gay, fine. Just don’t push the belief on others.”

The Consequences of Hate

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Plenty of people weren’t worried about freedom in the slightest. “I feel no sympathy for Räsänen,” one person said. “When a religion has enough followers, they try to shove their ideologies down everyone’s throats,” another wrote. “Push your hateful religion onto other people, face the consequences,” a third echoed. 

God Is Coming

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Christians expressed concerns. One such individual wrote: “Things are only going to get worse for Christians around the world as God is being abandoned. Signs of the times.  Rather than worry about it though, I rejoice that it’s pointing to the fact that Jesus’ return is coming soon. I feel for the lost. They have no clue as to what’s coming. I pray that God opens their eyes.”

A Typical Religious Mindset

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Others moved the discussion away from Räsänen and criticized religious attitudes in general. “Typical of religious folks to claim they can say whatever hateful, cruel things [they want]. When held accountable, they play the martyr. Same old bigoted playbook. So much for love,” one person said.

An Attempt to “Save” Souls

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Some Christians tried to justify hatred and bigotry as an attempt to “save” people. One individual said: “We should all be afraid of these groups that hate the truth of God. They want to stop a person’s right to be a Christian. However, Jesus Christ said that the world would hate Christians because it hated him first. You want to save a person’s soul and they hate you for it.”



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