“They Forget That the Definition of a Cult Is the Dismissal of Facts”: Biden’s Climate Czar Slams Climate Change Deniers in Provocative Speech

John Kerry, the Biden administration’s climate czar, has stirred up controversy and outrage among right-wingers by harshly criticizing climate change deniers. 

Climate Change Deniers and Cults

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In a speech, the climate czar compared climate change deniers with cult members who resist facts and evidence. He said: “Without facts or economics on their side, they flatly deny what is happening to our planet and what we must do to save it. They incite a movement against what they falsely label ‘climate change fanaticism’ as they conveniently forget that the dictionary definition of a cult is the dismissal of facts in devotion to a lie.”

The Danger of Labeling Evidence as “Hysteria”

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Kerry went on to condemn the way climate change deniers lash out at those trying to make them see sense. “While they refuse to accept the facts behind increasingly obvious damages, which the First Minister listed, they lash out at the truth-tellers instead and label indisputable evidence as hysteria,” he said.

A Completely Fictitious Alternative Reality

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Kerry’s speech took a turn as he warned that humanity itself is facing a grave threat due to its collective failure to take decisive action to address climate change. He said: “[Climate change deniers] compound the already difficult challenge of the climate crisis by promising to do more of exactly what created this crisis in the first place. So now, humanity is inexorably threatened by humanity itself, by those seducing people into buying into a completely fictitious alternative reality where we don’t need to act and we don’t even need to care.”

Man-Made Climate Change Is Real

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The idea that man-made climate change doesn’t exist has been extensively debunked by a vast body of scientific research and empirical evidence. Rigorous analyses of temperature records, atmospheric compositions, ice core samples, and oceanic trends consistently make it clear that humans are the cause of the ongoing climate crisis. 

International Organizations Agree

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Moreover, international scientific organizations have repeatedly affirmed the consensus that human actions are significantly altering the Earth’s climate. Deniers often rely on cherry-picked data, misinterpretation of scientific findings, and misinformation campaigns to back up and spread their ideas.

Reactions From Prominent Figures

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Kerry’s speech garnered a variety of reactions, including some criticism from prominent figures who are in no way experts. “It’s not often that the tyrants tell you so clearly [that] your mere existence is a threat to them,” said Sean Davis, co-founder and CEO of The Federalist. “He’s right. But he’s the humanity that’s the threat,” Canadian psychologist and author Dr. Jordan Peterson wrote. 

Deniers Are Brainwashed

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Despite the criticism, people largely agreed with the climate czar. “I’m not a fan of Kerry but he’s not wrong. It is like a cult and I actually feel sympathy for [climate change deniers]. They’ve literally been brainwashed. It doesn’t matter how much evidence you show them. They just don’t care,” one person wrote. 

“Cult” Is a Great Way to Put It

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Plenty of people praised Kerry’s use of the word “cult.” One person wrote: “I think ‘cult’ is a really great way to put it. It’s like they blindly follow what they’ve read on the internet without stopping to think. If time travel was real and we physically showed these people the future they’re creating, they’d still find a way to deny it.”

Mansions, Private Jets, and Hypocrisy

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Some commenters called out potential hypocrisy in Kerry’s words. “John Kerry pollutes the atmosphere with more carbon dioxide in one year than I will in my lifetime,” one person wrote. “This dude and his mansion and his private jets have ‘threatened humanity’ 1,000 times more than any of us have,” another echoed.

The Government Is to Blame

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Others blamed the government for the existence of climate change deniers. One such individual wrote: “The issue is that governments suck, no matter if they’re right-wing or left-wing. Because they suck, people are untrusting. Because they’re untrusting, they don’t believe what they’re told about anything – including things they should believe. As annoying as climate change deniers are, the government is to blame for their existence.”

Do Some Research

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Deniers accused Kerry of treachery. “He’s a traitor. Man-made climate change is a myth and that is proven. I implore anyone who thinks otherwise to do some research,” one person wrote. “I assume that by ‘research’ you mean a quick Google search?” another hit back, accompanying their comment with a laughing emoji.

People Love Conspiracy Theories

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Some people discussed the way conspiracy theories, once a niche interest, are now becoming mainstream. One person wrote: “Conspiratorial thinking is mainstream now. I know so many people who, the moment something becomes accepted as truth, [suddenly believe] it to be a lie. I genuinely know people who pushed hard for people to believe climate change when it wasn’t accepted as fact but the moment it shifted that way, they became [deniers].

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