Upend or Uptrend? Gen Z’s Call to ‘Manage Up’ Ignites Heated Debates in the Corporate World

TikTok influencers are promoting a workplace strategy called “managing up” – and it’s insanely popular among Gen Zers.

What Managing Up Entails

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The approach involves employees effectively managing their relationships with supervisors to maximize job satisfaction and keep their job in line with their expectations. It’s all about creating a better, more efficient work environment – and it’s gone viral among Gen Z workers looking to regain control over their professional lives.


Tailoring Jobs and Managing Expectations

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According to Andy Molinsky, a professor at Brandeis International Business School, managing up aims to optimize interactions with bosses. TikTok videos related to the concept have garnered over 5 million views and influencers on the platform emphasize that mastering the skill can help tailor jobs to the preferences of employees and effectively manage their boss’ expectations. 


Excessive Work Demands

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One TikToker – Amy – shared a video in which she advised viewers to push back against excessive work demands while maintaining a strategic approach. She recommended discussing things with a manager if extra hours are being requested despite the workload being completed before the end of the regular working day.


Amy Had More to Say

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Amy suggested providing evidence of completed work and framing the conversation as a request for advice. Her video highlights the importance of maintaining reason and emotional neutrality to avoid conflicts and, instead, reach a mutually beneficial agreement.


Sacrificing Personal Commitments

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Another popular video by a TikToker known as “cecexie” provided insights into the unspoken rules of entering a corporate job. She stressed that managing up can make work life significantly easier and prevent the need to sacrifice personal commitments due to work obligations.


A Toxic Work Environment

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Not everyone on TikTok agreed with the idea of managing up and some argued that it could be indicative of a toxic work environment. In a video with over 63,000 views, one user highlighted the power imbalance created when employees are expected to manage up. They criticized the idea, stating that it shouldn’t fall to an employee to improve their manager’s performance.


Garnering Support From Superiors

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While managing up might seem burdensome for employees already facing stress, Gen Z workers often prioritize flexibility and work-life balance. Members of the workforce’s newest generation are determined to shape their career trajectories and believe that managing up is an effective strategy for garnering support from their superiors.


Commenters Shared Their Thoughts

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Online commenters shared their thoughts on the trend and, for the most part, they were positive. One person wrote: “Managing up is a seriously important skill as you will, at some point in your work life, have a boss dumber than you and you need to manage that relationship.”


Others Were Confused

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Some commenters didn’t quite understand the concept. “I’m confused. No matter how much I look into this, I don’t get it,” one person wrote. “It’s basically subtly teaching your terrible manager how to be a better manager for you specifically. Managing up is managing people above you in the hierarchy. Managing down is managing people below you in the hierarchy,” another explained.


A Fair Few Disliked the Idea

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A fair few commenters disliked the concept. “If you have to do that, you should probably get out of that workplace as soon as you can,” one person wrote. “I don’t know. It makes sense but you could just find a better job with a better manager. I feel like this might make things better temporarily but not in the long run,” another said.


Making the Best of a Bad Situation

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Some commenters engaged in debate. “This sounds like pretending to be a therapist for my boss. I really don’t wanna do that,” one person wrote. “That’s not what it is at all and nobody wants to do it but we have to if we want to survive at our jobs. It’s making the best of a bad situation,” another hit back.


Boomers Weren’t Pleased

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Older generations were, somewhat predictably, displeased. “I’m so sick of Gen Z whining about absolutely everything. Just go to work and get on with it,” one person wrote. “That is literally what we are doing though,” another hit back. “It’s much easier to go to work when your manager knows how to manage,” another added.

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