“You Say Tomato, I Say…What Now?” 18 Words With Different Names Across the USA

America is big—like, really big. With such vastness comes a delightful array of terminologies that seem to shift as you drive from one state to the next. Ready to take a look at the whys and wherefores of America’s linguistic quirks?

The Heel of the Bread

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On the East Coast, it’s the crispy “heel.” Venture Midwest, and it morphs into the “end piece.” Historically, the variation might find its roots in diverse European bread-making traditions. Immigrants from different regions brought unique terminologies, which took root in their new homes and became staples.


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While the folks out West zip through a “roundabout,” East Coasters have to navigate a “rotary,” and somewhere in the middle, there’s the “traffic circle.” Inspired by varied international road designs, early American urban planners adopted and adapted terms, leading to this intriguing diversity.


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Cruising on the West Coast? You’ll top treats with “sprinkles.” Yet, journey to the Northeast, and you’re shaking out “jimmies” on that sundae. The term “jimmies” has historical roots, some suggesting ties to the Jim Crow era, but debates rage on.


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Everyone loves “lollipops,” right? But take a detour to parts of the Midwest, and you’re relishing a “sucker.” While “lollipop” has British origins, “sucker” delightfully captures the action of enjoying this candy, showing that sometimes, names are all about the experience.

Athletic Footwear

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New Englanders are briskly jogging in their “sneakers,” but over in the West, those would be “tennis shoes.” Tracing back, the term “sneaker” stems from the idea of sneaking around quietly, while “tennis shoes” were originally designed for, you guessed it, tennis!

Grocery Carts

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In the chilly North, you’re pushing a “grocery cart.” But in the warm Southern states, it’s a “buggy.” The charming “buggy” might harken back to the days of horse-drawn carriages, signifying a transport means for goods, which is quite a poetic nod to history.

Soft Drinks

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Ah, the age-old debate! It’s “soda” on the coasts. Journey to the Midwest, and it magically becomes a “pop.” And then there’s the South, where everything might just be a “coke.” The “pop” likely stems from the popping sound of opening a bottle, showcasing onomatopoeia in action.


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Nationwide, we’re familiar with “potluck.” Yet, make your way to Indiana, and you might find yourself at a “pitch-in.” A charming term that underscores the communal aspect of the event, it conjures images of every attendee pitching in to create a sumptuous spread.


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Many places are slathering on the “frosting,” but venture South and it’s “icing.” The warm climate could influence this divergence, where light and cool “icing” might seem more appealing than the heavier sound of “frosting.”

Drinking Fountains

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For most of the U.S., it’s a “drinking fountain,” but Wisconsin throws a curveball with “bubbler.” Word on the street is that “bubbler” originated from a specific water fountain brand, showcasing how brand names can morph into common usage.


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Over in Boston, you’re sipping a refreshing “frappe.” Everywhere else? Good ol’ “milkshake.” The term “frappe” has its roots in the French word for ‘beaten,’ which makes sense given how the drink is made.

Elastic Bands

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Across the majority of states, it’s a “rubber band.” Yet, in some regions, it’s “elastics.” The “elastics” term leans into the synthetic production of these stretchy wonders, while “rubber band” gives a nod to the material’s origin.

Remote Controls

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While most of us just grab the “remote,” a chunk of older folks still reference the “clicker.” This old-school term paints a nostalgic picture reminiscent of the early remotes that made a clicking noise.

Sub Sandwiches

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Venture Northeast, and it’s a hearty “hoagie,” a term that might pay homage to Hog Island workers. In New York, you’re biting into a “hero,” its name probably inspired by its impressive size. Yet, in most areas, it’s a “sub,” reflecting the sandwich’s submarine shape.


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Many invite you to sit on their “couch” but travel eastward, and it’s a sophisticated “sofa.” The term “sofa” boasts Arabic roots, tying back to age-old traditions of relaxation and lounging. Either way – it’s somewhere to put your feet up and relax.


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You’re mostly savoring “pancakes,” but in certain parts of the South and Midwest, they’re  “flapjacks” or “hotcakes.” “Flapjack” paints a vivid picture of the flipping action during cooking, while “hotcake” is a delicious reminder of how they’re best served.

Rain Gutters

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It’s mostly the “rain gutter” guarding homes, but head North, and there’s the efficient “eavestrough,” a term that combines ‘eaves’ (roof edge) with ‘trough’ (a channel) to perfectly encapsulate its purpose.


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For the modern man, they’re “eyeglasses.” But take a look at literature or speak with the elderly, and you might hear “specs” or “spectacles,” terms that trace back to Latin origins, reminding us that even everyday items can have grand linguistic roots.

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