“This Place Is a Scam!”: Furious Tourist Appalled to Be Charged $575 for Two Cocktails and Two Appetizers

A furious tourist has spoken to The Sun to complain about being charged a shocking $575 for two cocktails and two appetizers. The manager allegedly laughed in her face.

She Was Unaware of the Restaurant’s Reputation

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Amber Pace, who’s 25 years old, has claimed a restaurant in Mykonos is a “rip-off” after she was charged an extortionate bill while on a visit with her friend. Pace, an assistant manager, was island hopping in Greece when she decided to visit a restaurant called DK Oyster. The restaurant has a reputation – but the naive tourists were unaware.

The Friends Had Spent the Day at the Beach

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The friends were exploring the beautiful Platys Gialos beach and wanted to spend the day relaxing in the sun. Before long, they spotted DK Oyster. They were told sun beds were free if they bought a drink, which persuaded them to visit. The restaurant has a reputation for extortionate prices and poor food – but the pair were unaware.

The Tourists Did Check the Food Prices First

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The women ordered themselves two drinks and two appetizers. Speaking to The Sun, Amber said: “I just saw the price ‘£17’ for the fried calamari I got – and my friend got the king crab legs that said ‘£28.’ I told our server three times, ‘Please make sure it is the £27.50 one. I don’t want anything more than that.’ He kept saying he understood.”

The Food Wasn’t Even Good

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Amber continued: “We got our food and it was disgusting, even before we knew the prices. My fried calamari was rubbery and had no flavor and my friend’s crab legs were super salty. Our server gave us a paper receipt that said £85 for fried calamari and £160 for king crab legs. We nearly lost it.”

The Food Was Priced by Weight

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The women also ordered a Pina Colada and a Strawberry Daiquiri – but the waiter didn’t give them a drinks menu so they didn’t actually know the cost. Moreover, they’d misunderstood the food menu; dishes were priced by weight, so the price listed wasn’t the entire cost. With two cocktails, two appetizers, and a 10% fee, the bill came to $575.

They Returned the Next Day

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The tourists returned the next day to speak to the manager – but he insisted it was their fault for not reading the menu properly. Speaking to The Sun, Amber said: “He was downright rude and shrugged it off like he’s [had] these issues before so it [doesn’t] phase him. He basically told us it was our fault for not reading the menu properly.”

The Manager Laughed at the Women

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Amber continued to recall the manager’s shocking behavior: “He laughed in our faces and did not do anything about it. Horrible experience and that place gives Mykonos a bad name. We looked the place up after everything and it has warning flags on all travel websites because they’re known for ripping tourists off horribly. I never want to step foot in Mykonos again because of that experience.”

The Restaurant’s Reputation

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The story acts as an important reminder to travelers: Utilize your technology and look at reviews before you go anywhere; it’s a luxury tourists didn’t have a couple of decades ago. A quick look online would’ve told the women everything they needed to know. One reviewer wrote: “Beware! This establishment will overcharge for food and drink. They will lure you in with the offer of a free day bed and umbrella on the beach for a two-drink minimum. When the bill comes, the drinks cost €116. We were also charged €148 for an order of calamari (small print on the menu says they charge by [weight] – who does that?). Total bill was €288 for two drinks, an order of calamari, and a bottle of water. What a scam! Then, when the credit card charge hit my account, it was €1,616. Now I’m stuck battling with my credit card company to get this corrected. What a scam!”

The Restaurant Responded to Another Review

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While most online reviews don’t appear to have received a response, the restaurant did reply to some. “This place is a scam! Overpriced! No polite people work there! I feel you get robbed here and there’s nothing you can do,” another reviewer wrote. DK Oyster replied: “The feedback from our reviews is very important to us and we try to carefully assess all the information. The use of [the] word ‘scam’ is not supported by [the rest of] your review. Why do you feel that you were scammed? What made you feel that the people working here were not polite? Did they insult you in some way? Please feel free to describe your experience in detail so I [can] respond properly.”

The Internet Discussed the Story

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The story made its way across the internet and everyone was eager to give their opinion. “I think it’s their own fault. They didn’t read the menu properly,” one person wrote. “I don’t know. I’m big on travel and I’ve heard stories about this place before. Apparently, the bit on the menu where it mentions the food being priced by weight is really, really tiny,” another replied.

Some Online Commenters Shared Their Own Stories

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Some online commenters shared their own travel horror stories. One person wrote: “In Rome, a few years ago, I went to an ‘all you can eat’ bar. If you went for seconds, you had to get a fresh plate. When the bill came, I had three charges – one for food, two for clean plates. The clean plates cost more than the food. Apparently, the plate charge was posted at the bar in Italian. Tourists, beware.”

Others Blamed the Women

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A fair few online commenters blamed the women. One person said: “The first rule of travel is to research. If you don’t, you end up in tourist traps and you get scammed. Places like that restaurant shouldn’t exist but this is 100% the fault of the girls. They should’ve researched more.”



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