“Some of Her Outfits Cost More Than That”: Millionaire Megan Fox’s Plea for Fan Donations To Pay Medical Bills Draws Public Ire

Megan Fox is being criticized by people across the internet for asking fans to donate to a GoFundMe for her long-term nail technician’s father.

The Multi-Millionaire Posted on Instagram

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The millionaire movie star posted to Instagram, where she asked fans to crowdfund the money for her nail technician’s father’s medical bills. “My friend’s dad was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. If you guys are able to help, please do,” she captioned the post.

The Gesture Backfired

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Fox probably thought she was doing something good and helping a friend out – but it backfired. The actor was heavily criticized for asking ordinary people to pay rather than paying herself. Fox’s net worth is reported to be $8 million, while the goal of the fundraiser was originally just $30,000. The target has since been raised to $60,000.

Twitter Users Were Appalled

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Twitter users were shocked by the actor’s actions. “Sis better contribute herself and lead the way,” one person wrote. “I am absolutely speechless,” another said. A third individual wrote: “Megan Fox sharing a GoFundMe for $30,000 has got to be a joke. As if she isn’t rich and couldn’t help immediately.”

People Simply Didn’t Understand

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People didn’t understand why someone with Fox’s wealth couldn’t cover medical bills for the father of a close friend. One individual wrote: “If I had as much money as her, I’d cover 100% of a friend’s parent’s medical expenses before I asked strangers to.”

Others Left Advice for Fox to See

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Some people left advice for both the actor and others. One individual wrote: “Practice what you preach. Be someone’s hero and do something wonderful for them and take care of it yourself without asking others to contribute. She can afford to.”

Some Defended Fox

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Some online commenters defended Fox and condemned those criticizing her. “America has become a county of hate and judgment! You flipped a person’s attempt to help someone and left comments of ridicule and unkindness,” one individual wrote.

Some Pointed Out That the Actor Might Be Helping Behind the Scenes

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Some individuals pointed out that Fox might be helping her friend quietly and without posting about it on social media. One person wrote: “Well, I’ll look at it like this – she’s using her fame to help bring attention to someone without making this person feel entirely indebted to her. Perhaps she already donated a large sum.”

Redditors Discussed the Situation Too

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Reddit users were critical of Fox’s actions, with many struggling to understand how she could post something so tone-deaf. One person wrote: “I don’t want to be that person but some of her outfits cost more than that. She can pay for the cancer patient’s care. I get that giving money to a friend can put your friendship in a dicey situation but it’s like a bucket of water out of the ocean for her. Help your friend!”

Others Were More Understanding

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Some Redditors offered possible explanations for Fox’s behavior. One individual wrote: “The more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems. Yes, it seems tasteless to affect this air of wealth and then ask for donations but if you don’t actually have as much money as you present, what else can you do to help? Megan, or any other relatively mid-tier celebrity, is not going to have a lot of cash flow. Don’t get me wrong, she’s more than comfortable and she’ll stay that way, but that doesn’t mean she can afford to cover this much immediately.”

Others Had Similar Opinions

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A fair few people had similar opinions to the aforementioned Redditor. One person wrote: “I’ve got to defend her here. Most of the ‘celebs’ that we think have so much money actually don’t. I know for a fact that those websites that show how much a person makes are usually vastly over-inflated. She’s in the spotlight for dating someone, not for making a recent hit movie. I don’t think she has as much money as perceived.”

Like Twitter Users, Some Redditors Suggested Fox Is Helping Privately

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Like the Twitter user previously mentioned, some Redditors said Fox might be helping behind closed doors. One person wrote: “Did it ever occur to the haters that maybe she gave her money privately? Also, she gave that GoFundMe exposure to a whole bunch of people that wanted to help. What have you done? She didn’t start the GoFundMe. She just shared it.”

Others Felt History Was Repeating Itself

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Some Redditors were reminded of the time Kylie Jenner posted a crowdfunding link to pay her make-up artist’s medical bills. “This is like when Kylie posted that GoFundMe for her make-up artist. You can pay for it. Like, please don’t ask us for money. I still haven’t even gotten Spotify Premium,” one person wrote. “I don’t think Megan has Kylie money so there is a difference. Honestly, she’s trying to bring attention to the fundraiser,” another replied.

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